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Addressing medication errors in an adult oncology department in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study. (2019)
Journal Article
ALHARBI, W., CLELAND, J. and MORRISON, Z. 2019. Addressing medication errors in an adult oncology department in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study. Saudi pharmaceutical journal [online], 27(5), pages 650-654. Available from:

There is a wide range of strategies that could help in minimizing medication errors during healthcare delivery. We undertook a qualitative study to identify recommended solutions to minimize medication errors in an adult oncology department in Saudi... Read More about Addressing medication errors in an adult oncology department in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study..

Exploring healthcare professionals’ perceptions of medication errors in an adult oncology department in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study. (2018)
Journal Article
ALHARBI, W., CLELAND, J. and MORRISON, Z. 2019. Exploring healthcare professionals' perceptions of medication errors in an adult oncology department in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study. Saudi pharmaceutical journal [online], 27(2), pages 176-181. Available from:

Objective: Adverse events which result from medication errors are considered to be one of the most frequently encountered patient safety issues in clinical settings. We undertook a qualitative investigation to identify and explore factors relating to... Read More about Exploring healthcare professionals’ perceptions of medication errors in an adult oncology department in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study..

The acute medical unit model: a characterisation based upon the National Health Service in Scotland. (2018)
Journal Article
REID, L.E.M., PRETSCH, U., JONES, M.C., LONE, N.I., WEIR, C.J. and MORRISON, Z. 2018. The acute medical unit model: a characterisation based upon the National Health Service Scotland. PLoS ONE [online], 13(10), article ID e0204010. Available from:

Acute medical units (AMUs) receive the majority of acute medical patients presenting to hospital as an emergency in the United Kingdom (UK) and in other international settings. They have emerged as a result of local service innovation in the context... Read More about The acute medical unit model: a characterisation based upon the National Health Service in Scotland..

Assessment of patient safety culture in an adult oncology department in Saudi Arabia. (2018)
Journal Article
ALHARBI, W., CLELAND, J. and MORRISON, Z. 2018. Assessment of patient safety culture in an adult oncology department in Saudi Arabia. Oman medical journal [online], 33(3), pages 200-208. Available from:

Objectives: We sought to evaluate patient safety culture across different healthcare professionals from different countries of origin working in an adult oncology department in a medical facility in Saudi Arabia. Methods: This cross-sectional survey... Read More about Assessment of patient safety culture in an adult oncology department in Saudi Arabia..

Implementation of electronic patient clinical records in ambulances in the UK: a national survey. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
WILLIAMS, V., LAFLAMME-WILLIAMS, Y., MCNEE, K., MORGAN, H., MORRISON, Z., POTTS, H.W.W., SHAW, D., SIRIWARDENA, N., SNOOK, H., SPAIGHT, R. and PORTER, A. 2018. Implementation of electronic patient clinical records in ambulances in the UK: a national survey. Presented at the 2018 999 EMS research forum, 26-27 March 2018, Stirling, UK.

Background: The roll-out of electronic Patient Clinical Records (ePCR) across UK ambulance services has been an important aspect of modernisation. Electronic Records in Ambulances (ERA) is a two-year study which aims to describe the opportunities and... Read More about Implementation of electronic patient clinical records in ambulances in the UK: a national survey..

Beliefs and expectations of rural hospital practitioners towards a developing trauma system: a qualitative case study. (2018)
Journal Article
ADAMS, R.D.F., COLE, E., BRUNDAGE, S.I., MORRISON, Z. and JANSEN, J.O. 2018. Beliefs and expectations of rural hospital practitioners towards a developing trauma system: a qualitative case study. Injury [online], 49(6), pages 1070-1078. Available from:

An understanding of stakeholders’ views is key to the successful development and operation of a rural trauma system. Scotland, which has large remote and rural areas, is currently implementing a national trauma system. The aim of this study was to id... Read More about Beliefs and expectations of rural hospital practitioners towards a developing trauma system: a qualitative case study..

An evaluation of patient safety culture in a secondary care setting in Kuwait. (2018)
Journal Article
ALQATTAN, H., CLELAND, J. and MORRISON, Z. 2018. An evaluation of patient safety culture in a secondary care setting in Kuwait. Journal of Taibah University medical sciences [online], 13(3), pages 272-280. Available from:

Objectives: To improve patient safety outcomes, it is considered essential to create a positive culture of patient safety. This study carried out an initial evaluation of the patient safety culture in a secondary care setting in Kuwait. Methods: This... Read More about An evaluation of patient safety culture in a secondary care setting in Kuwait..

The provision of seven-day multidisciplinary staffing in Scottish acute medical units: a cross-sectional study. (2018)
Journal Article
REID, L.E.M., LONE, N.I., MORRISON, Z.J., WEIR, C.J. and JONES, M.C. 2018. The provision of seven-day multidisciplinary staffing in Scottish acute medical units: a cross-sectional study. QJM: an international journal of medicine [online], 111(5), pages 295-301. Available from:

Background: Acute medical units (AMUs) are a central component of the admission pathway for the majority of medical patients presenting to hospital in the United Kingdom and other international settings. Detail on multidisciplinary staffing provision... Read More about The provision of seven-day multidisciplinary staffing in Scottish acute medical units: a cross-sectional study..

How is it best to deliver care in acute medical units? A systematic review. (2017)
Journal Article
REID, L.E.M., CROOKSHANKS, A.J.F., JONES, M.C., MORRISON, Z.J., LONE, N.I. and WEIR, C.J. 2018. How is it best to deliver care in acute medical units? A systematic review. QJM: an international journal of medicine [online], 111(8), pages 515-523. Available from:

The majority of medical patients presenting to hospital in the UK are cared for in acute medical units (AMUs). Such units are also increasingly present internationally. Care delivery varies across units: this review aims to examine the evidence for h... Read More about How is it best to deliver care in acute medical units? A systematic review..

The challenges of implementing packaged hospital electronic prescribing and medicine administration systems in UK hospitals: premature purchase of immature solutions? (2017)
Book Chapter
MOZAFFAR, H., WILLIAMS, R., CRESSWELL, K.M., POLLOCK, N., MORRISON, Z. and SHEIKH, A. 2017. The challenges of implementing packaged hospital electronic prescribing and medicine administration systems in UK hospitals: premature purchase of immature solutions? In Aanestad, M., Grisot, M., Hanseth, O. and Vassilakopoulou, P. (eds.) Information infrastructures within European health care: working with the installed base. Health Informatics. Cham: Springer [online], pages 129-149. Available from:

The UK National Health Service is making major efforts to implement Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicine Administration (HEPMA) to improve patient safety and quality of care. Substantial public investments have attracted a wide range of UK an... Read More about The challenges of implementing packaged hospital electronic prescribing and medicine administration systems in UK hospitals: premature purchase of immature solutions?.

A new ERA? Electronic records in ambulances: a research programme. (2017)
Journal Article
POTTS, H.W.W., JONES, M., WILLIAMS, V., MORRISON, Z. and PORTER, A. 2017. A new ERA? Electronic records in ambulances: a research programme. Ambulance today [online], 14(1), pages 33-35. Available from:

In order to support the continued shift to out of hospital care, ambulance clinicians need to be able to decide which patients will benefit from being left at home, refer to alternative care providers, and ensure that appropriate patient information... Read More about A new ERA? Electronic records in ambulances: a research programme..

The effectiveness and variation of acute medical units: a systematic review. (2016)
Journal Article
REID, L.E.M., DINESEN, L.C., JONES, M.C., MORRISON, Z.J., WEIR, C.J. and LONE, N.I. 2016. The effectiveness and variation of acute medical units: a systematic review. International journal for quality in health care [online], 28(4), pages 433-446. Available from:

Purpose: To evaluate the evidence for the effectiveness of acute medical units (AMUs) compared with other models of care and compare the components of AMU models. Data sources: Six electronic databases and grey literature sources searched between 199... Read More about The effectiveness and variation of acute medical units: a systematic review..

In defence of research. (2016)
Journal Article
MORRISON, Z. 2016. In defence of research. Network [online], 122, page 33. Available from:

BSA members currently working in the UK as academic researchers are often asked about the impact of their work. In this article, the author writes about her research with the armed forces reserves.

The evolution of the market for commercial computerized physician order entry and computerized decision support systems for prescribing. (2015)
Journal Article
MOZAFFAR, H., WILLIAMS, R., CRESSWELL, K., MORRISON, Z., BATES, D.W. and SHEIKH, A. 2016. The evolution of the market for commercial computerized physician order entry and computerized decision support systems for prescribing. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association [online], 23(2), pages 349-355. Available from:

Objective: To understand the evolving market of commercial off-the-shelf Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) and Computerized Decision Support (CDS) applications and its effects on their uptake and implementation in English hospitals. Methods:... Read More about The evolution of the market for commercial computerized physician order entry and computerized decision support systems for prescribing..

Structuring and coding in health care records: a qualitative analysis using diabetes as a case study. (2015)
Journal Article
ROBERTSON, A.R.R., FERNANDO, B., MORRISON, Z., KALRA, D. and SHEIKH, A. 2015. Structuring and coding in health care records: a qualitative analysis using diabetes as a case study. Journal of innovation in health informatics [online], 22(2), pages 275-283. Available from:

Background: Globally, diabetes mellitus presents a substantial burden to individuals and healthcare systems. Structuring and/or coding of medical records underpin attempts to improve information sharing and searching, potentially bringing clinical an... Read More about Structuring and coding in health care records: a qualitative analysis using diabetes as a case study..

Correction: Product diversity and spectrum of choice in hospital eprescribing systems in England. (2014)
Journal Article
MOZAFFAR, H., WILLIAMS, R., CRESSWELL, K., MORISON, Z., SLEE, A. and SHEIKH, A. 2014. Correction: product diversity and spectrum of choice in hospital eprescribing systems in England. PLoS ONE [online], 9(7), article ID e103912. Available from:

There are two errors in the author byline in the XML version of the article. The sixth author’s name is spelled incorrectly. The correct name is: Aziz Sheikh. Jamie Coleman should not be listed as an author. The correct author byline is: Hajar Mozaff... Read More about Correction: Product diversity and spectrum of choice in hospital eprescribing systems in England..

Understanding experiences of participating in a weight loss lifestyle intervention trial: a qualitative evaluation of South Asians at high risk of diabetes. (2014)
Journal Article
MORRISON, Z., DOUGLAS, A., BHOPAL, R. and SHEIKH, A. 2014. Understanding experiences of participating in a weight loss lifestyle intervention trial: a qualitative evaluation of South Asians at high risk of diabetes. BMJ open [online], 4(6), article ID e004736. Available from:

Objective: To explore the reasons for enrolling, experiences of participating and reasons for remaining in a family-based, cluster randomised controlled trial of a dietitian-delivered lifestyle modification intervention aiming to reduce obesity in So... Read More about Understanding experiences of participating in a weight loss lifestyle intervention trial: a qualitative evaluation of South Asians at high risk of diabetes..

The collection and utilisation of patient ethnicity data in general practices and hospitals in the United Kingdom: a qualitative case study. (2014)
Journal Article
MORRISON, Z., FERNANDO, B., KALRA, D., CRESSWELL, K., ROBERTSON, A. and SHEIKH, A. 2014. The collection and utilisation of patient ethnicity data in general practices and hospitals in the United Kingdom: a qualitative case study. Informatics in primary care [online], 21(3), pages 118-131. Available from:

Background: Although the collection of patient ethnicity data is a requirement of publicly funded healthcare providers in the UK, recording of ethnicity is sub-optimal for reasons that remain poorly understood. Aims and objectives: We sought to under... Read More about The collection and utilisation of patient ethnicity data in general practices and hospitals in the United Kingdom: a qualitative case study..

Approaches to recording drug allergies in electronic health records: qualitative study. (2014)
Journal Article
FERNANDO, B., MORRISON, Z., KALRA, D., CRESSWELL, K. and SHEIKH, A. 2014. Approaches to recording drug allergies in electronic health records: qualitative study. PLoS ONE [online], 9(4), article ID e93047. Available from:

Background: Drug allergy represent an important subset of adverse drug reactions that is worthy of attention because many of these reactions are potentially preventable with use of computerised decision support systems. This is however dependent on t... Read More about Approaches to recording drug allergies in electronic health records: qualitative study..

Product diversity and spectrum of choice in hospital eprescribing systems in England. (2014)
Journal Article
MOZAFFAR, H., WILLIAMS, R., CRESSWELL, K., MORISON, Z., SLEE, A. and SHEIKH, A. on behalf of ePrescribing Programme Team. 2014. Product diversity and spectrum of choice in hospital eprescribing systems in England. PLoS ONE [online], 9(4), article ID e92516. Available from:

Background: ePrescribing systems have considerable potential for improving healthcare quality and safety. With growing expectations about the benefits of such systems, there is evidence of widespread plans to implement these systems in hospitals in E... Read More about Product diversity and spectrum of choice in hospital eprescribing systems in England..