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All Outputs (52)

Evaluation of medium-term consequences of implementing commercial computerized physician order entry and clinical decision support prescribing systems in two 'early adopter' hospitals. (2014)
Journal Article
CRESSWELL, K.M., BATES, D.W., WILLIAMS, R., MORRISON, Z., SLEE, A., COLEMAN, J., ROBERTSON, A. and SHEIKH, A. 2014. Evaluation of medium-term consequences of implementing commercial computerized physician order entry and clinical decision support prescribing system in two 'early adopter' hospitals. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association [online], 21(e2), pages e194-e202. Available from:

Objective: To understand the medium-term consequences of implementing commercially procured computerized physician order entry (CPOE) and clinical decision support (CDS) systems in ‘early adopter’ hospitals. Materials and methods: In-depth, qualitati... Read More about Evaluation of medium-term consequences of implementing commercial computerized physician order entry and clinical decision support prescribing systems in two 'early adopter' hospitals..

National evaluation of the benefits and risks of greater structuring and coding of the electronic health record: exploratory qualitative investigation. (2013)
Journal Article
MORRISON, Z., FERNANDO, B., KALRA, D., CRESSWELL, K. and SHEIKH, A. 2014. National evaluation of the benefits and risks of greater structuring and coding of the electronic health record: exploratory qualitative investigation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association [online], 21(3), pages 492-500. Available from:

Objective: We aimed to explore stakeholder views, attitudes, needs, and expectations regarding likely benefits and risks resulting from increased structuring and coding of clinical information within electronic health records (EHRs). Materials and me... Read More about National evaluation of the benefits and risks of greater structuring and coding of the electronic health record: exploratory qualitative investigation..

A toolkit to support the implementation of electronic prescribing systems into UK hospitals: preliminary recommendations. (2013)
Journal Article
CRESSWELL, K., COLEMAN, J., SLEE, A., MORRISON, Z. and SHEIKH, A. 2014. A toolkit to support the implementation of electronic prescribing systems into UK hospitals: preliminary recommendations. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine [online], 107(1), pages 8-13. Available from:

Hospital electronic prescribing (or ePrescribing) systems have the potential to reduce drug-related morbidity and mortality. However, their implementation and adoption has been slow to date, despite the considerable service interest in implementing s... Read More about A toolkit to support the implementation of electronic prescribing systems into UK hospitals: preliminary recommendations..

The next challenge for world wide robotized tele-echography experiment (WORTEX 2012): from engineering success to healthcare delivery. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
VIEYRES, P., NOVALES, C., RIVAS, R., VILCAHUAMAN, L. SANDOVAL, J., CLARK, T., DESTIGTER, K., JOSSERAND, L., MORRISON, Z., ROBERTSON, A., AVGOUSTI, S., MORETTE, N., VOSKARIDES, S., FONTE, A., KASPARIS, T. and LEFEBVRE, E. 2013. The next challenge for world wide robotized tele-echography experiment (WORTEX 2012): from engineering success to healthcare delivery. In Proceedings of the 2013 Peruvian biomedical engineering, bioengineering, biotechnology and medical physics congress (TUMI II 2013), co-located with 24th annual meeting of the Coral 2013, 29-31 May 2013, Lima, Peru. Lima: PUCP [online], pages 205-210. Available from:

Access to good quality healthcare remains difficult for many patients whether they live in developed or developing countries. In developed countries, specialist medical expertise is concentrated in major hospitals in urban settings both to improve cl... Read More about The next challenge for world wide robotized tele-echography experiment (WORTEX 2012): from engineering success to healthcare delivery..

A review of the empirical evidence of the value of structuring and coding of clinical information within electronic health records for direct patient care. (2013)
Journal Article
KALRA, D., FERNANDO, B., MORRISON, Z. and SHEIKH, A. 2013. A review of the empirical evidence of the value of structuring and coding of clinical information within electronic health records for direct patient care. Informatics in primary care [online], 20(3), pages 171-180. Available from:

Background: The case has historically been presented that structured and/or coded electronic
health records (EHRs) benefit direct patient care, but the evidence base for this is not well documented. Methods: We searched for evidence of direct patien... Read More about A review of the empirical evidence of the value of structuring and coding of clinical information within electronic health records for direct patient care..

Correction: “There are too many, but never enough": qualitative case study investigating routine coding of clinical information in depression. (2012)
Journal Article
CRESSWELL, K., MORRISON, Z., KALRA, D. and SHEIKH, A. 2012. Correction: “There are too many, but never enough": qualitative case study investigating routine coding of clinical information in depression. PLoS ONE [online], 7(10). Available from:

This is a correction to the article published in a previous issue of PLoS ONE.

There are too many, but never enough: qualitative case study investigating routine coding of clinical information in depression. (2012)
Journal Article
CRESSWELL, K., MORRISON, Z., SHEIKH, A. and KALRA, D. 2012. There are too many, but never enough: qualitative case study investigating routine coding of clinical information in depression. PLoS ONE [online], 7(8), article ID e43831. Available from:

Background: We sought to understand how clinical information relating to the management of depression is routinely coded in different clinical settings and the perspectives of and implications for different stakeholders with a view to understanding h... Read More about There are too many, but never enough: qualitative case study investigating routine coding of clinical information in depression..

Veterans and their families. (2012)
Preprint / Working Paper
MCKIE, L., MORRISON, Z., THOMSON, F. and ALSTEAD, A. 2012. Veterans and their families. Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR), Briefing 59. Edinburgh: CRFR [online]. Available from:

Every year in the UK around 22,400 people leave the forces to return to civilian life, the majority of whom are army personnel. Resettlement is a process for all the family, be they immediate or extended members. People rather than places represent ‘... Read More about Veterans and their families..

Implementation and adoption of nationwide electronic health records in secondary care in England: final qualitative results from prospective national evaluation in "early adopter" hospitals. (2011)
Journal Article
SHEIKH, A., CORNFORD, T., BARBER, N., et al. 2011. Implementation and adoption of nationwide electronic health records in secondary care in England: final qualitative results from prospective national evaluation in 'early adopter' hospitals. BMJ [online], 343(7829) article d6054. Available from:

Objectives: To evaluate the implementation and adoption of the NHS detailed care records service in 'early adopter' hospitals in England. Design: Theoretically informed, longitudinal qualitative evaluation based on case studies. Setting: 12 'early ad... Read More about Implementation and adoption of nationwide electronic health records in secondary care in England: final qualitative results from prospective national evaluation in "early adopter" hospitals..

Anything but engaged: user involvement in the context of a national electronic health record implementation. (2011)
Journal Article
CRESSWELL, K., MORRISON, Z., CROWE, S., ROBERTSON, A. and SHEIKH, A. 2011. Anything but engaged: user involvement in the context of a national electronic health record implementation. Informatics in primary care [online], 19(4), pages 191-206. Available from:

The absence of meaningful end user engagement has repeatedly been highlighted as a key factor contributing to 'failed' implementations of electronic health records (EHRs), but achieving this is particularly challenging in the context of national scal... Read More about Anything but engaged: user involvement in the context of a national electronic health record implementation..

Understanding contrasting approaches to nationwide implementations of electronic health record systems: England, the USA and Australia. (2011)
Journal Article
MORRISON, Z, ROBERTSON, A., CRESSWELL, K., CROWE, S. and SHEIKH, A. 2011. Understanding contrasting approaches to nationwide implementational of electronic health record systems: England, the USA and Australia. Journal of healthcare engineering [online], 2(1), article ID 203059, pages 25-41. Available from:

As governments commit to national electronic health record (EHR) systems, there is increasing international interest in identifying effective implementation strategies. We draw on Coiera's typology of national programmes - ‘top-down’, ‘bottom-up’ and... Read More about Understanding contrasting approaches to nationwide implementations of electronic health record systems: England, the USA and Australia..

Implementation and adoption of nationwide electronic health records in secondary care in England: qualitative analysis of interim results from a prospective national evaluation. (2010)
Journal Article
ROBERTSON, A., CRESSWELL, K., TAKIAN, A., et al. 2010. Implementation and adoption of nationwide electronic health records in secondary care in England: qualitative analysis of interim results from a prospective national evaluation. BMJ [online], 341(7778), article c4564. Available from:

Objectives: To describe and evaluate the implementation and adoption of detailed electronic health records in secondary care in England and thereby provide early feedback for the on going local and national rollout of the NHS Care Records Service. De... Read More about Implementation and adoption of nationwide electronic health records in secondary care in England: qualitative analysis of interim results from a prospective national evaluation..