A comprehensive case study of climate change impacts on the cooling load in an air-conditioned office building in Malaysia.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
YAU, Y.H. and HASBI, S. 2017. A comprehensive case study of climate change impacts on the cooling load in an air-conditioned office building in Malaysia. Energy procedia [online], 143: proceedings of the 2017 World engineers summit joint conference of applied energy symposium and forum and low carbon urban energies (WES-CUE 2017), 18-21 July 2017, Singapore, pages 295-300. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.687
In an earlier paper [1], the authors had comprehensively reviewed the climate change impacts for commercial buildings and their technical services in the tropics, and it revealed that numerous studies have been conducted to assess the climate change... Read More about A comprehensive case study of climate change impacts on the cooling load in an air-conditioned office building in Malaysia..