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All Outputs (586)

The dynamic relationship between oil wealth and economic growth: the case of Nigeria. (2017)
MUSA SA'EED, Z. 2017. The dynamic relationship between oil wealth and economic growth: the case of Nigeria. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

The problem of weak economic development in Nigeria despite a substantial inflow of revenues from oil exports especially from the early 1970s and other subsequent periods is an important issue to examine. This outcome presents a number of problems fo... Read More about The dynamic relationship between oil wealth and economic growth: the case of Nigeria..

The difference in how UAE and EW law controls Gharar (risk) and so Riba in a construction contract in the Emirate of Dubai, UAE. (2017)
CRAWLEY, S.E. 2017. The difference in how UAE and EW law controls Gharar (risk) and so Riba in a construction contract in the Emirate of Dubai, UAE. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

This research critically analyses and compares how the United Arab Emirates (UAE)1 Law and English and Welsh (EW) Law regulates obligations in a contract, for a thing that is to come into existence in the future, namely a construction contract. Uncer... Read More about The difference in how UAE and EW law controls Gharar (risk) and so Riba in a construction contract in the Emirate of Dubai, UAE..

Syrian information literacy [online]. (2017)
Digital Artefact
MARTZOUKOU, K. 2017. Syrian information literacy [online]. Available from:

This is the authors official blog website for the Lost in information' project. The aim of the project was to examine information related experiences and information literacy practices of Syrian new Scots (the Syrian refugees in Scotland) during thei... Read More about Syrian information literacy [online]..

Report on the social and cultural importance of remote and peripheral airports. (2017)
BLOICE, L., BAXTER, G. and GRAY, D. 2017. Report on the social and cultural importance of remote and peripheral airports. Aberdeen: SPARA Project, Deliverable 7.1.

This report presents the results of qualitative research conducted as Activity 7.1 within Work Package 7 of the SPARA 2020 project. It specifically explores the social and cultural importance of remote and peripheral airports, the effects of losing a... Read More about Report on the social and cultural importance of remote and peripheral airports..

Support for healthy breastfeeding mothers with healthy term babies. (2017)
Journal Article
MCFADDEN, A., GAVINE, A., RENFREW, M.J., WADE, A., BUCHANAN, P., TAYLOR, J.L., VEITCH, E., RENNIE, A.M., CROWTHER, S.A., NEIMAN, S. and MACGILLIVRAY, S. 2017. Support for healthy breastfeeding mothers with healthy term babies. Cochrane database of systematic reviews [online], Issue 2, article number CD001141. Available from:

Background: There is extensive evidence of important health risks for infants and mothers related to not breastfeeding. In 2003, the World Health Organization recommended that infants be breastfed exclusively until six months of age, with breastfeedi... Read More about Support for healthy breastfeeding mothers with healthy term babies..

Strategic procurement in spot and forward markets considering regulation and capacity constraints. (2017)
Journal Article
OLIVEIRA, F.S. 2017. Strategic procurement in spot and forward markets considering regulation and capacity constraints. European journal of operational research [online], 261(2), pages 540-548. Available from:

With the generalization of business-to-business electronic exchanges, online spot markets have become an important component of suppliers' procurement strategies in their aim to increase flexibility and reduce transaction costs. In this article we an... Read More about Strategic procurement in spot and forward markets considering regulation and capacity constraints..

Care homes: the developing ideology of a homelike place to live. (2017)
Journal Article
FLEMING, A., KYDD, A. and STEWART, S. 2017. Care homes: the developing ideology of a homelike place to live. Maturitas [online], 99, pages 92-97. Available from:

This paper reports on part of a doctoral study which explored stakeholder perceptions of the importance of a homelike environment in a care home and which factors contributed to this. The changes in institutional care for older people have evolved fr... Read More about Care homes: the developing ideology of a homelike place to live..

Hepatotoxic-microcystins in two drinking water reservoirs in the central region of Ghana. (2017)
Journal Article
ADDICO, G.N.D., LAWTON, L. and EDWARDS, C. 2017. Hepatotoxic-microcystins in two drinking water reservoirs in the central region of Ghana. Toxicology and forensic medicine [online], 2(1), pages 1-11. Available from:

Background: Microcystins are cyclic peptides containing seven amino acids with the condensation of two terminal amino acids of the linear peptide to form a cyclic compound. The cyclic nature of microcystins suggests that they are highly stable in wat... Read More about Hepatotoxic-microcystins in two drinking water reservoirs in the central region of Ghana..

Ruthenium based metallopolymer grafted reduced graphene oxide as a new hybrid solar light harvester in polymer solar cells. (2017)
Journal Article
VINOTH, R., GANESH BABU, S., BHARTI, V., GUPTA, V., NAVANEETHAN, M., VENKATAPRASAD BHAT, S., MUTHAMIZHCHELVAN, C., RAMAMURTHY, P.C., SHARMA, C., ASWAL, D.K., HAYAKAWA, Y. and NEPPOLIAN, B. 2017. Ruthenium based metallopolymer grafted reduced graphene oxide as a new hybrid solar light harvester in polymer solar cells. Scientific reports [online], 7, article number 43133. Available from:

A new class of pyridyl benzimdazole-based Ru complex decorated polyaniline assembly (PANI-Ru) was covalently grafted onto reduced graphene oxide sheets (rGO) via a covalent functionalization approach. The covalent attachment of PANI-Ru with rGO was c... Read More about Ruthenium based metallopolymer grafted reduced graphene oxide as a new hybrid solar light harvester in polymer solar cells..

Chronic pain, depression and cardiovascular disease linked through a shared genetic predisposition: analysis of a family-based cohort and twin study. (2017)
Journal Article
VAN HECKE, O., HOCKING, L.J., TORRANCE, N., CAMPBELL, A., PADMANABHAN, S., PORTEOUS, D.J., MCINTOSH, A.M., BURRI, A.V., TANAKA, H., WILLIAMS, F.M.K. and SMITH, B.H. 2017. Chronic pain, depression and cardiovascular disease linked through a shared genetic predisposition: analysis of a family-based cohort and twin study. PLoS ONE [online], 12(2), article ID e0170653. Available from:

Depression and chronic pain are the two most important causes of disability. They occur together more frequently than expected and both conditions have been shown to be co-morbid with cardiovascular disease. Although shared socio-demographic risk fac... Read More about Chronic pain, depression and cardiovascular disease linked through a shared genetic predisposition: analysis of a family-based cohort and twin study..

What's wrong with social security benefits? (2017)
SPICKER, P. 2017. What's wrong with social security benefits? Bristol: Policy Press [online]. Available from:

In this thought-provoking book, Paul Spicker challenges readers to rethink social security benefits in Britain. Putting a case for reform of the system, Spicker argues that most of the criticisms made of social security benefits – that spending is ou... Read More about What's wrong with social security benefits?.

Re-importing the concept of 'authorisation' of copyright infringement to Nigeria from the UK and Australia. (2017)
Journal Article
FATUROTI, B. 2017. Re-importing the concept of 'authorisation' of copyright infringement to Nigeria from the UK and Australia. International review of law, computers and technology [online], 31(1), pages 4-25. Available from:

The concept of 'authorisation' was one of the innovations under the (Imperial) Copyright Act of 1911. The concept, which has found its way into many common law countries jurisprudence, has been very crucial in imposing secondary liability on parties... Read More about Re-importing the concept of 'authorisation' of copyright infringement to Nigeria from the UK and Australia..

Suffragettes and the Scottish press during the First World War. (2017)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2018. Suffragettes and the Scottish press during the First World War. Women's history review [online], 27(4), pages 534-550. Available from:

This article analyses the coverage of the suffrage movement in Scottish newspapers during the First World War. Suspension of militant action and a re-focus on women's war work did not mean the complete disappearance of the suffrage campaign from news... Read More about Suffragettes and the Scottish press during the First World War..

Acoustic emission method to study fracture (Mode-I, II) and residual strength characteristics in composite-to-metal and metal-to-metal adhesively bonded joints. (2017)
Journal Article
DROUBI, M.G., STUART, A., MOWAT, J., NOBLE, C., PRATHURU, A.K. and FAISAL, N.H. 2017. Acoustic emission method to study fracture (Mode-I, II) and residual strength characteristics in composite-to-metal and metal-to-metal adhesively bonded joints. Journal of adhesion [online], 94(5), pages 347-386. Available from:

Failure behaviour of two types of adhesively bonded joints (composite-to-metal, metal-to-metal) has been studied under failure modes (Mode I: double cantilever beam (DCB) and Mode II: three-point end notch flexures (3-ENF)) using acoustic emission (A... Read More about Acoustic emission method to study fracture (Mode-I, II) and residual strength characteristics in composite-to-metal and metal-to-metal adhesively bonded joints..

Socio-economic differences in diet, physical activity and leisure-time screen use among Scottish children in 2006 and 2010: are we closing the gap? (2017)
Journal Article
MCNEILL, G., MASSON, L.F., MACDIARMID, J.I., CRAIG, L.C.A., WILLS, W.J. and BROMLEY, C. 2017. Socio-economic differences in diet, physical activity and leisure-time screen use among Scottish children in 2006 and 2010: are we closing the gap? Public health nutrition [online], 20(6), pages 951-958. Available from:

To investigate socio-economic differences in children's diet, activity and inactivity and changes in these differences over 4 years during which new policies on food in schools were introduced. Two cross-sectional surveys in which diet was assessed b... Read More about Socio-economic differences in diet, physical activity and leisure-time screen use among Scottish children in 2006 and 2010: are we closing the gap?.

Interplay between contract and public law: implications for major construction contracts and transparency. (2017)
Journal Article
MANTE, J. and NDEKUGRI, I. 2017. Interplay between contract and public law: implications for major construction contracts and transparency. Public procurement law review [online], 2, pages 98-114. Available from:

The relationship between infrastructure project owners and their contractors is generally governed by contract law. However, where the project owner is a State, there are often additional requirements from public law to be complied with. The challeng... Read More about Interplay between contract and public law: implications for major construction contracts and transparency..

National Health Service healthcare staff experience and practices regarding complementary and alternative medicine: an online survey. (2017)
Journal Article
JONES, J., RAYNER, S., LOGUE, S., IMRAY, E., STEWART, D. and LESLIE, S.J. 2017. National Health Service healthcare staff experience and practices regarding complementary and alternative medicine: an online survey. International journal of complementary and alternative medicine [online], 5(4), article ID 00159. Available from:

The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is increasing. The most common reported reason for CAM use is dissatisfaction with conventional healthcare. Several studies have reported factors influencing CAM usage and beliefs in the general... Read More about National Health Service healthcare staff experience and practices regarding complementary and alternative medicine: an online survey..

Synthesis of nanoflower-shaped MXene derivative with unexpected catalytic activity for dehydrogenation of sodium alanates. (2017)
Journal Article
ZOU, G., LIU, B., GUO, J., ZHANG, Q., FERNANDEZ, C. and PENG, Q. 2017. Synthesis of nanoflower-shaped MXene derivative with unexpected catalytic activity for dehydrogenation of sodium alanates. ACS applied materials and interfaces [online], 9(8), pages 7611-7618. Available from:

Surface group modification and functionalization of two-dimensional materials in many cases are deemed as effective approaches to achieve some distinctive properties. Herein, we present a new nanoflower-shaped TiO2/C composite which was synthesized b... Read More about Synthesis of nanoflower-shaped MXene derivative with unexpected catalytic activity for dehydrogenation of sodium alanates..

Lexicon generation for emotion detection from text. (2017)
Journal Article
BANDHAKAVI, A., WIRATUNGA, N., MASSIE, S. and PADMANABHAN, D. 2017. Lexicon generation for emotion detection from text. IEEE intelligent systems [online], 32(1), pages 102-108. Available from:

General-purpose emotion lexicons (GPELs) that associate words with emotion categories remain a valuable resource for emotion detection. However, the static and formal nature of their vocabularies make them an inadequate resource for detecting emotion... Read More about Lexicon generation for emotion detection from text..