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Pressure drop in capsule transporting pipeline carrying spherical capsules. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ASIM, T., MISHRA, R., SAQIB, M. and UBBI, K. 2011. Pressure drop in capsule transporting pipeline carrying spherical capsules. Presented at 38th National conference on fluid mechanics and fluid power 2011 (NCFMFP 2011), 15-17 December 2011, Bhopal, India.

Design parameters of hydraulic pipelines in which capsules flow can be developed if pressure drops (∆P/L)m are known. Designers are in need of a general correlation to calculate pressure drop. Researchers, so far, have used rather simplified empirica... Read More about Pressure drop in capsule transporting pipeline carrying spherical capsules..

Improving recruitment to clinical trials with a register of a million patients who agree to the use of their clinical records for research in the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE). (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SULLIVAN, F.M., TREWEEK, S., GRANT, A., DALY, F., NICOLSON, D., MCKINSTRY, B., HANLEY, J., URE, J. and SHEIKH, A. 2011. Improving recruitment to clinical trials with a register of a million patients who agree to the use of their clinical records for research in the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE). Trials [online], 12(Supplement 1): oral and poster presentations from the 2011 Clinical trials methodology conference, 4-5 October 2011, Bristol, UK, abstract A115. Available from:

The UK's technical ability to identify people eligible for medical research is not yet matched by a practical capability to approach them directly to ask them to consider participation in those studies. The consequence is that recruitment to research... Read More about Improving recruitment to clinical trials with a register of a million patients who agree to the use of their clinical records for research in the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE)..

Multiple arenas, multiple populations: counting organized interests in Scottish public policy. (2011)
Book Chapter
HALPIN, D., BAXTER, G. and MACLEOD, I. 2012. Multiple arenas, multiple populations: counting organized interests in Scottish public policy. In Halpin, D. and Jordan, G. (eds.) The scale of interest organization in democratic politics: data and research methods. London: Palgrave Macmillan [online], pages 118-140. Available from:

The basic premise of this book is that counting populations of organized interests is a worthwhile activity. The opening chapter - not to mention many of the contributions - provides numerous persuasive reasons. In this chapter, all this is taken for... Read More about Multiple arenas, multiple populations: counting organized interests in Scottish public policy..

Do Fit FlopsTM increase muscle activity in the lower extremity whilst walking? (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K.E., BAZAZI, Y., THOMSON, N. and SWINTON, P. 2011. Do Fit FlopsTM increase muscle activity in the lower extremity whilst walking? Journal of sports science [online], 29(supplement 2): abstracts of 2011 BASES (British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences) conference, 5-8 September 2011, Colchester, UK, pages s119-s120. Available from:

Fit FlopTM shoes are widely available commercial products which are advertised with the strap line 'get a work out while you walkTM' (Fit FlopTM, from The basis for this product is the inbuilt Microwobbleboard technologyTM... Read More about Do Fit FlopsTM increase muscle activity in the lower extremity whilst walking?.

Influence of exercise intensity on the tendon mechanical properties of older individuals. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BURGESS, K.E., BREEN, L., STEWART, C.E. and ONAMBELE, G.I. 2011. Influence of exercise intensity on the tendon mechanical properties of older individuals. Journal of sports science [online], 29(supplement 2): abstracts of 2011 BASES (British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences) conference, 5-8 September 2011, Colchester, UK, pages s98-s99. Available from:

Approximately one-third of people aged over 65 fall at least once a year and about half of these do so recurrently. The ability to maintain balance or stability has previously been associated with lower limb tendon structural and mechanical propertie... Read More about Influence of exercise intensity on the tendon mechanical properties of older individuals..

Natural fibers, bio- and nanocomposites. (2011)
Journal Article
KALIA, S., AVÉROUS, L., NJUGUNA, J., DUNFRESNE, A. and CHERIAN, B.M. 2011. Natural fibers, bio- and nanocomposites. International journal of polymer science [online], 2011: natural fibers, bio- and nanocomposites, article 735932. Available from:

This is an editorial article in which the authors discuss natural fibers and nanocomposites and give a brief introduction to the papers in this special issue.

Law across borders: the extraterritorial applicaton of United Kingdom law. (2011)
ARNELL, P. 2012. Law across borders: the extraterritorial applicaton of United Kingdom law. Abingdon: Routledge. Available from:

This book examines the application of UK Criminal and Human Rights Law to people and circumstances outside the United Kingdom. Building upon previous analyses which have focused on a single aspect of extraterritorially, this book examines the fields... Read More about Law across borders: the extraterritorial applicaton of United Kingdom law..

Suburbanomics: creativity and innovation at the edge. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MACDONALD, S. 2011. Suburbanomics: creativity and innovation at the edge. Presented at one of the Future development of suburbs lectures: international approaches, ideas and experiences combined with national knowledge, December 2011, Helsinki, Finland.

The basis of this paper is that we have prioritised the city centre and its planning sometimes to the impoverishment of the suburbs or outlying areas, despite the fact that most of us live there. Away from the headline projects at the citys core with... Read More about Suburbanomics: creativity and innovation at the edge..

Equal pay legislation and its impact on the gender pay gap. (2011)
Journal Article
GOW, L. and MIDDLEMISS, S. 2011. Equal pay legislation and its impact on the gender pay gap. International journal of discrimination and the law [online], 11(4), pages 164-186. Available from:

Equal pay legislation has been in existence for over 40 years in the UK and the legal rules dealing with equal pay have been consolidated and amended recently with the implementation of the Equality Act 2010. However, despite this, problems can still... Read More about Equal pay legislation and its impact on the gender pay gap..

The evolving nature of mobile telecommunications and its impact on mobile phone entrepreneurship in Ghana: 1998-2008. (2011)
OPOKU-WUSU, P. 2011. The evolving nature of mobile telecommunications and its impact on mobile phone entrepreneurship in Ghana: 1998-2008. Robert Gordon University, DBA thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

The aim of this thesis is to examine the evolving nature of the mobile phone industry, and its impact on Ghanaian mobile phone entrepreneurs and their businesses. The rapid evolution of mobile phones has significantly changed the telecom industry and... Read More about The evolving nature of mobile telecommunications and its impact on mobile phone entrepreneurship in Ghana: 1998-2008..

Tick safety not boxes: competency and compliance in the oil and gas industry. (2011)
MARCELLA, R., PIRIE, T. and DOIG, D. 2011. Tick safety not boxes: competency and compliance in the oil and gas industry. Unpublished internal document. Dubai: OPITO International FZ LLC.

This paper details the results of an independent study, conducted by Aberdeen Business School at Robert Gordon University and commissioned by OPITO. It sought to explore the primary goals of organisations in the oil and gas industry in addressing com... Read More about Tick safety not boxes: competency and compliance in the oil and gas industry..

A semi-empirical approach to modelling well deliverability in gas condensate reservoirs. (2011)
UGWU, J.O. 2011. A semi-empirical approach to modelling well deliverability in gas condensate reservoirs. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

A critical issue in the development of gas condensate reservoirs is accurate prediction of well deliverability. In this investigation a procedure has been developed for accurate prediction of well production rates using semi-empirical approach. The u... Read More about A semi-empirical approach to modelling well deliverability in gas condensate reservoirs..

Kinematic and kinetic analysis of maximal velocity deadlifts performed with and without the inclusion of chain resistance. (2011)
Journal Article
SWINTON, P.A., STEWART, A.D., KEOGH, J.W.L., AGOURIS, I. and LLOYD, R. 2011. Kinematic and kinetic analysis of maximal velocity deadlifts performed with and without the inclusion of chain resistance. Journal of strength and conditioning research [online], 25(11), pages 3163-3174. Available from:

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the deadlift could be effectively incorporated with explosive resistance training (ERT) and to investigate whether the inclusion of chains enhanced the suitability of the deadlift for ERT. Twenty-t... Read More about Kinematic and kinetic analysis of maximal velocity deadlifts performed with and without the inclusion of chain resistance..

Can regulatory focus help explain why we shop differently online? (2011)
Journal Article
ATOROUGH, P. and DONALDSON, B. 2011. Can regulatory focus help explain why we shop differently online? A proposed model and research agenda. Contemporary management research [online], 7(3), pages 231-242. Available from:

As an important behavioral trait in consumer psychology, regulatory focus (RF) has been proven to describe and predict human behavior in numerous situations as it demonstrates that individuals can be distinguished according to two independent structu... Read More about Can regulatory focus help explain why we shop differently online?.

Systemic barriers to a future transformation of the building industry from a buyer controlled to a seller driven industry: an analysis of key systemic variables in the building industry, such as 'procurement model', 'buyer perception', 'production mode', (2011)
KRISTENSEN, E.K. 2011. Systemic barriers to a future transformation of the building industry from a buyer controlled to a seller driven industry: an analysis of key systemic variables in the building industry, such as 'procurement model', 'buyer perception', 'production mode', and 'leadership and management', principally in a Danish development context and seen from the perspective of the architect. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

It has always been a mystery, why the Danish building industry stagnated after the industrial breakthrough, and never was able to adapt the industrial production, business culture, buyer perception, and leadership and management, used in nearly all o... Read More about Systemic barriers to a future transformation of the building industry from a buyer controlled to a seller driven industry: an analysis of key systemic variables in the building industry, such as 'procurement model', 'buyer perception', 'production mode',.

Scale effects in testing of a monopile support structure submerged in tidal currents. (2011)
OKORIE, O.P. 2011. Scale effects in testing of a monopile support structure submerged in tidal currents. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Climate change and energy security are key issues motivating the development of Tidal Current Energy (TCE) technology. Small scale model testing of TCE devices is a major challenge facing the technology due to turbulent flow in tidal currents environ... Read More about Scale effects in testing of a monopile support structure submerged in tidal currents..

Development of novel nutrapharmaceuticals combining the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of n-3 fatty acids with a nitric oxide donor: a potential new preventative strategy for heart disease. (2011)
ROWELL, O. 2011. Development of novel nutrapharmaceuticals combining the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of n-3 fatty acids with a nitric oxide donor: a potential new preventative strategy for heart disease. Robert Gordon University, MRes thesis.

Atherosclerosis is a cardiovascular disease which forms plaques which narrow the arteries, restricting blood flow and thus increasing blood pressure. As this can lead to more serious conditions, such as myocardial infarction, it is important that ath... Read More about Development of novel nutrapharmaceuticals combining the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of n-3 fatty acids with a nitric oxide donor: a potential new preventative strategy for heart disease..

Energy capacity and economic viability assessment of the renewable hydrogen energy storage as a balancing mechanism in addressing the electric system integration issues inherent with variable renewable energy resources. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ALI, D.M. 2011. Energy capacity and economic viability assessment of the renewable hydrogen energy storage as a balancing mechanism in addressing the electric system integration issues inherent with variable renewable energy resources. In Proceedings of 2011 IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) Reliability of transmission and distribution networks (RTDN 2011): reliability of transmission distribution and networks conference, 22-24 November 2011, London, UK. London: IET, article 5a1. Available from:

Energy requirements continue increasing as the industrialisation spreads and the standards of living rise. Most of the world's power consumption is still generated from fossil fuels combustion which despite of its advanced development has only a maxi... Read More about Energy capacity and economic viability assessment of the renewable hydrogen energy storage as a balancing mechanism in addressing the electric system integration issues inherent with variable renewable energy resources..

Creating sustainable digital community heritage resources using linked data. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
WALLACE, C., TAIT, E., MACLEOD, M., MELLISH, C. and HUNTER, C. 2011. Creating sustainable digital community heritage resources using linked data. Presented at the 2nd Supporting digital humanities (SDH 2011): answering the unaskable, 17-18 November 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark.

The CURIOS project investigates how digital archives can support interest in local heritage and, in doing so, can contribute to community regeneration and strengthened community cohesion. Software tools that utilise semantic web/ linked data technolo... Read More about Creating sustainable digital community heritage resources using linked data..

An examination of Canadian information professionals' involvement in the provision of business information synthesis and analysis services. (2011)
Journal Article
PATTERSON, L. and MARTZOUKOU, K. 2012. An examination of Canadian information professionals' involvement in the provision of business information synthesis and analysis services. Journal of librarianship and information science [online], 44(1), pages 47-64. Available at:

The present study investigated the processes information professionals, working in a business environment, follow to meet business clients information needs and particularly their involvement in information synthesis and analysis practices. A combina... Read More about An examination of Canadian information professionals' involvement in the provision of business information synthesis and analysis services..