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Estimation of community-wide exposure to bisphenol A via water fingerprinting. (2019)
Journal Article
LOPARDO, L., PETRIE, B., PROCTOR, K., YOUDAN, J., BARDEN, R. and KASPRZYK-HORDERN, B. 2019. Estimation of community-wide exposure to bisphenol A via water fingerprinting. Environment international [online], 125, pages 1-8. Available from:

Molecular epidemiology in human biomonitoring allows for verification of public exposure to chemical substances. Unfortunately, due to logistical difficulties and high cost, it evaluates only small study groups and as a result does not provide compre... Read More about Estimation of community-wide exposure to bisphenol A via water fingerprinting..

Optimal deployment of components of cloud-hosted application for guaranteeing multitenancy isolation. (2019)
Journal Article
OCHEI, L.C., PETROVSKI, A. and BASS, J.M. 2019. Optimal deployment of components of cloud-hosted application for guaranteeing multitenancy isolation. Journal of cloud computing [online], 8, article 1. Available from:

One of the challenges of deploying multitenant cloud-hosted services that are designed to use (or be integrated with) several components is how to implement the required degree of isolation between the components when there is a change in the workloa... Read More about Optimal deployment of components of cloud-hosted application for guaranteeing multitenancy isolation..

Walking the tightrope: the funding of South African NGOs and the governance of community development. (2019)
Book Chapter
MUELLER-HIRTH, N. 2019. Walking the tightrope: the funding of South African NGOs and the governance of community development. In McCrea, N. and Finnegan, F. (eds.) Funding, power and community development. Bristol: Policy Press [online], chapter 3, pages 39-53.

This chapter examines the role of intermediary NGOs in community development in Post-Apartheid South Africa, specifically exploring how these organisations have been shaped by changing funding modalities. The South African non-profit sector is very l... Read More about Walking the tightrope: the funding of South African NGOs and the governance of community development..

A novel mixed matrix membrane of phenolphthalein hydrazide and polysulfone for the detection of copper ions in environmental water samples. (2019)
Journal Article
SREERAMAREDDYGARI, M., KEMPAHANUMAKKAGARI, S., MAHESH, P., THIPPESWAMY, R., DEVARAMANI, S., MARDI, R.R., CARLOS, F. and GOVINDAPPA, B. 2019. A novel mixed matrix membrane of phenolphthalein hydrazide and polysulfone for the detection of copper ions in environmental water samples. Environmental progress and sustainable energy [online], 38(5), article number 13167. Available from:

The novel membrane test strip of phenolphthalein hydrazide (PH)-polysulfone has been designed and demonstrated for Cu2+ ions detection. Before finding performance of membrane the studies with PH alone has been performed. Aqueous solutions of PH are c... Read More about A novel mixed matrix membrane of phenolphthalein hydrazide and polysulfone for the detection of copper ions in environmental water samples..

Perceived roles and barriers in caring for the people who are homeless: a survey of UK community pharmacists. (2019)
Journal Article
PAUDYAL, V., GIBSON SMITH, K., MACLURE, K., FORBES-MCKAY, K., RADLEY, A. and STEWART, D. 2019. Perceived roles and barriers in caring for the people who are homeless: a survey of UK community pharmacists. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 41(1), pages 215-227. Available from:

Background: Community pharmacists can be an accessible source for advice and support for the people who are homeless, given their utilisation of a variety of currently available services such as dispensing of medicines, drugs and alcohol services. Ob... Read More about Perceived roles and barriers in caring for the people who are homeless: a survey of UK community pharmacists..

The ability of adults of different size to egress through confined space apertures. (2019)
Journal Article
STEWART, A., NEVILL, A. and JOHNSON, C. 2019. The ability of adults of different size to egress through confined space apertures. Human factors [online], 61(6), pages 895-905. Available from:

Objective: To determine minimum egress apertures in healthy adults of different body size. Background: Body space requirements have traditionally been considered from an industrial perspective, facilitating safe confined-space working. However, incre... Read More about The ability of adults of different size to egress through confined space apertures..

Ontology alignment based on word embedding and random forest classification. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
NKISI-ORJI, I., WIRATUNGA, N., MASSIE, S., HUI, K.-Y. and HEAVEN, R. 2019. Ontology alignment based on word embedding and random forest classification. In Berlingerio, M., Bonchi, F., Gärtner, T., Hurley, N. and Ifrim, G. (eds.) Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases: proceedings of the 2018 European conference on machine learning and principles and practice of knowledge discovery in databases (ECML PKDD 2018), 10-14 September 2018, Dublin, Ireland. Lecture notes in computer science, 11051. Cham: Springer [online], part I, pages 557-572. Available from:

Ontology alignment is crucial for integrating heterogeneous data sources and forms an important component for realising the goals of the semantic web. Accordingly, several ontology alignment techniques have been proposed and used for discovering corr... Read More about Ontology alignment based on word embedding and random forest classification..

The effect of strong ambient winds on the efficiency of solar updraft power towers: a numerical case study for Orkney. (2019)
Journal Article
JAFARIFAR, N., BEHZADI, M.M. and YAGHINI, M. 2019. The effect of strong ambient winds on the efficiency of solar updraft power towers: a numerical case study for Orkney. Renewable energy [online], 136, pages 937-944. Available from:

Solar updraft tower (SUT) is a simple power plant in which ventilation of heated air inside a channel drives a turbine. This system is recognised as suitable for areas with abundant solar radiation. As a result, there is no extensive research on the... Read More about The effect of strong ambient winds on the efficiency of solar updraft power towers: a numerical case study for Orkney..

Age at onset of walking in infancy is associated with hip shape in early old age. (2019)
Journal Article
IRELAND, A., SAUNDERS, F.R., MUTHURI, S.G., PAVLOVA, A.V., HARDY, R.J., MARTIN, K.R., BARR, R.J., ADAMS, J.E., KUH, D., ASPDEN, R.M. GREGORY, J.S. and COOPER, R. 2019. Age at onset of walking in infancy is associated with hip shape in early old age. Journal of bone and mineral research [online], 34(3), pages 455-463. Available from:

Bones' shapes and structures adapt to the muscle and reaction forces they experience during everyday movements. Onset of independent walking, at approximately 12 months, represents the first postnatal exposure of the lower limbs to the large forces a... Read More about Age at onset of walking in infancy is associated with hip shape in early old age..

Mindfulness, socioemotional wealth, and environmental strategy of family businesses. (2019)
Journal Article
DAYAN, M., NG, P.Y. and NDUBISI, N.O. 2019. Mindfulness, socioemotional wealth, and environmental strategy of family businesses. Business strategy and the environment [online], 28(3), pages 466-481. Available from:

The study advances knowledge in the field of business strategy and the environment by incorporating mindfulness theory into the research on socioemotional wealth (SEW) and its environmental consequences in family businesses. Using an integrative mode... Read More about Mindfulness, socioemotional wealth, and environmental strategy of family businesses..

Privacy risk assessment in context: a meta-model based on contextual integrity. (2019)
Journal Article
HENRIKSEN-BULMER, J., FAILY, S. and JEARY, S. 2019. Privacy risk assessment in context: a meta-model based on contextual integrity. Computers and security [online], 82, pages 270-283. Available from:

Publishing data in open format is a growing trend, particularly for public bodies who have a legal obligation to make data available as open data. We look at the privacy implications of publishing open data and, in particular, how organisations can m... Read More about Privacy risk assessment in context: a meta-model based on contextual integrity..

Automatic image segmentation with superpixels and image-level labels. (2019)
Journal Article
XIE, X., XIE, G., XU, X., CUI, L. and REN, J. 2019. Automatic image segmentation with superpixels and image-level labels. IEEE access [online], 7, pages 10999-11009. Available from:

Automatically and ideally segmenting the semantic region of each object in an image will greatly improve the precision and efficiency of subsequent image processing. We propose an automatic image segmentation algorithm based on superpixels and image-... Read More about Automatic image segmentation with superpixels and image-level labels..

Searching for global employability: can students capitalize on enabling learning environments? (2019)
Journal Article
ISOMÖTTÖNEN, V., DANIELS, M., CAJANDER, A., PEARS, A. and MCDERMOT, R. 2019. Searching for global employability: can students capitalize on enabling learning environments? ACM transactions on computing education, 19(2), article ID 11. Available from:

Literature on global employability signifies “enabling” learning environments where students encounter ill-formed and open-ended problems and are required to adapt and be creative. Varying forms of “projects,” co-located and distributed, have populat... Read More about Searching for global employability: can students capitalize on enabling learning environments?.

'If your mother says she loves you, check it out': citizens' approaches to evaluating the credibility of information provided online by political actors in Scotland. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BAXTER, G. and MARCELLA, R. 2019. 'If your mother says she loves you, check it out': citizens' approaches to evaluating the credibility of information provided online by political actors in Scotland. Presented at the 2019 Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association annual conference (MeCCSA 2019), 9-11 January 2019, Stirling, UK.

This paper provided an overview of developments in online information credibility evaluation over the previous 25 years, relating these to the results of two studies conducted by the authors in 2017: 1) an online survey of the general public (n = 538... Read More about 'If your mother says she loves you, check it out': citizens' approaches to evaluating the credibility of information provided online by political actors in Scotland..

A comprehensive working state monitoring method for power battery packs considering state of balance and aging correction. (2019)
Journal Article
WANG, S.-L., FERNANDEZ, C., ZOU, C.-Y., YU, C.-M., CHEN, L. and ZHANG, L. 2019. A comprehensive working state monitoring method for power battery packs considering state of balance and aging correction. Energy [online], 171, pages 444-455. Available from:

A comprehensive working state monitoring method is proposed to protect the power lithium-ion battery packs, implying accurate estimation effect but using minimal time demand of self-learning treatment. A novel state of charge estimation model is cond... Read More about A comprehensive working state monitoring method for power battery packs considering state of balance and aging correction..

Preferential pay protection: does UK law provide poorer protection to those discriminated against on grounds of protected characteristics other than gender? (2019)
Journal Article
DOWNIE, M. 2019. Preferential pay protection: does UK law provide poorer protection to those discriminated against on grounds of protected characteristics other than gender? International journal of decrimination and the law [online], 19(1), pages 4-25. Available from:

UK law treats equal pay claims based on gender (brought under the equal pay provisions of Part 5 Chapter 3 of the Equality Act 2010) differently from equal pay claims based on other protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, m... Read More about Preferential pay protection: does UK law provide poorer protection to those discriminated against on grounds of protected characteristics other than gender?.

An investigation into cataloguers' experiences with RDA. (2019)
Journal Article
MACLENNAN, A. and WALICKA, A. 2020. An investigation into cataloguers’ experiences with RDA. Journal of librarianship and information science [online] 52(2), pages 464-475. Available from:

Cataloguing has been undergoing significant transformation for the last several years in order to keep up with the changing world of digital technologies, dramatically increasing the number of resources to be catalogued and data to be managed in such... Read More about An investigation into cataloguers' experiences with RDA..

Multi-label classification via label correlation and first order feature dependance in a data stream. (2019)
Journal Article
NGUYEN, T.T., NGUYEN, T.T.T., LUONG, A.V., NGUYEN, Q.V.H., LIEW, A.W.-C. and STANTIC, B. 2019. Multi-label classification via label correlation and first order feature dependance in a data stream. Pattern recognition [online], 90, pages 35-51. Available from:

Many batch learning algorithms have been introduced for offline multi-label classification (MLC) over the years. However, the increasing data volume in many applications such as social networks, sensor networks, and traffic monitoring has posed many... Read More about Multi-label classification via label correlation and first order feature dependance in a data stream..

Highly enhanced electrochemical performance of novel based electrode materials for supercapacitor applications: an overview. (2019)
Journal Article
RAMACHANDRAN, R., CHEN, T.-W., CHEN, S.-M., RAJA, P., FERNANDEZ, C., RANI, S.D., GAJENDRAN, P., RAJU, G., BASKAR, T. and JEYAPRAGASAM, T. 2019. Highly enhanced electrochemical performance of novel based electrode materials for supercapacitor applications: an overview. International journal of electrochemical science [online], 14(2), pages 1634-1648. Available from:

The research and recent progress of electrochemical energy storage devices applied to various applications during the past two decayed are reviewed. Different electrode materials (carbon-based materials, metal oxides, conducting polymers, metal nanop... Read More about Highly enhanced electrochemical performance of novel based electrode materials for supercapacitor applications: an overview..

Better estimates of LCOE from audited accounts: a new methodology with examples from United Kingdom offshore wind and CCGT. (2019)
Journal Article
ALDERSEY-WILLIAMS, J., BROADBENT, I.D. and STRACHAN, P.A. 2019. Better estimates of LCOE from audited accounts: a new methodology with examples from United Kingdom offshore wind and CCGT. Energy policy [online], 128, pages 25-35. Available from:

Around the world, government policies to support new renewable energy technologies rely on accurate estimates of Levelised Cost of Energy (LCOE). This paper reveals that such estimates are based on 'public domain' data which may be unreliable. A new... Read More about Better estimates of LCOE from audited accounts: a new methodology with examples from United Kingdom offshore wind and CCGT..