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Appreciative inquiry as an intervention to change nursing practice in in-patient settings: an integrative review. (2016)
Journal Article
WATKINS, S., DEWAR, B. and KENNEDY, C. 2016. Appreciative inquiry as an intervention to change nursing practice in in-patient settings: an integrative review. International journal of nursing studies [online], 60, pages 179-190. Available from:

Background: High profile accounts of failures in patient care reflect an urgent need for transformational development in healthcare. Appreciative Inquiry is promoted as an approach to exploring and bringing about change in social systems. Appreciativ... Read More about Appreciative inquiry as an intervention to change nursing practice in in-patient settings: an integrative review..

The experiences of caregivers of patients with delirium, and their role in its management in palliative care settings: an integrative literature review. (2016)
Journal Article
FINUCANE, A.M., LUGTON, J., KENNEDY, C. and SPILLER, J.A. 2017. The experiences of caregivers of patients with delirium, and their role in its management in palliative care settings: an integrative literature review. Psycho-oncology [online], 26(3), pages 291-300. Available from:

Objectives - To explore the experiences of caregivers of terminally ill patients with delirium, to determine the potential role of caregivers in the management of delirium at the end of life, to identify the support required to improve caregiver expe... Read More about The experiences of caregivers of patients with delirium, and their role in its management in palliative care settings: an integrative literature review..

The leading thread: video, media, installation: a conversation with Federica Marangoni. (2016)
Journal Article
LEUZZI, L. and SHEMILT, E. 2016. The leading thread: video, media, installation: a conversation with Federica Marangoni. Media-N: journal of the New Media Caucus [online], 12(1): Mestizo technology: art, design and technoscience in Latin America, pages 128-131. Available from:

Federica Marangoni is an important Italian media artist and designer based in Venice. She is a pioneer of video, performance and installation in Italy. Marangoni's exhibition "Il filo conduttore = The leading thread" (2015, held at Ca'Pesaro Internat... Read More about The leading thread: video, media, installation: a conversation with Federica Marangoni..

In defence of research. (2016)
Journal Article
MORRISON, Z. 2016. In defence of research. Network [online], 122, page 33. Available from:

BSA members currently working in the UK as academic researchers are often asked about the impact of their work. In this article, the author writes about her research with the armed forces reserves.

Terminalia ivorensis A. Chev. ethanolic stem bark extract protects against gentamicin-induced renal and hepatic damage in rats. (2016)
Journal Article
ANSAH, C., MOOMIN, A. and BOADU, K.M. 2016. Terminalia ivorensis A. Chev. ethanolic stem bark extract protects against gentamicin-induced renal and hepatic damage in rats. Journal of applied pharmaceutical science [online], 6(4), pages 175-182. Available from:

The aim of present study was to investigate the possible protective effects of an ethanolic stem bark extract of Terminalia ivorensis on gentamicin – induced nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Groups of animals received ei... Read More about Terminalia ivorensis A. Chev. ethanolic stem bark extract protects against gentamicin-induced renal and hepatic damage in rats..

The European Union migration crisis. (2016)
Journal Article
BORG-BARTHET, J. and LYONS, C. 2016. The European Union migration crisis. Edinburgh law review [online], 20(2), pages 230-235. Available from:

On 9 September 2010 the body of a man who had fallen from a British Airways flight to Heathrow was discovered in a wealthy west-London suburb. It is hard to pinpoint any one precise origin of the migration crisis currently unfolding in Europe, but th... Read More about The European Union migration crisis..

The thorny issue of status disclosure to children living with HIV: the case of HIV positive children living in a child and youth care facility in Johannesburg, South Africa. (2016)
Journal Article
DUBE, N. and HARMS SMITH, L. 2016. The thorny issue of status disclosure to children living with HIV: the case of HIV positive children living in a child and youth care facility in Johannesburg, South Africa. Southern African journal of social work and social development [online], 28(1), pages 53-68. Available from:

There is a dilemma regarding HIV/AIDS disclosure to children born and living with HIV/AIDS in residential settings. Since the advent and accessibility of Anti-Retroviral Therapy, most children born HIV positive live longer and have healthier lives. S... Read More about The thorny issue of status disclosure to children living with HIV: the case of HIV positive children living in a child and youth care facility in Johannesburg, South Africa..

Women's rights in Africa: an examination of African human rights systems in the context of CEDAW and the universalism versus cultural relativism debate. (2016)
Journal Article
FATUROTI, B. 2016. Women's rights in Africa: an examination of African human rights systems in the context of CEDAW and the universalism versus cultural relativism debate. Journal of comparative law in Africa [online], 3(1), pages 149-176. Available from:

Many African women suffer discrimination on the grounds of their gender and other factors, such as religion, customs, age and marital status. They continue to be victims of harmful practices whose perpetrators are never held to account because the pr... Read More about Women's rights in Africa: an examination of African human rights systems in the context of CEDAW and the universalism versus cultural relativism debate..

Experiences of high-growth technology firms in Malaysia and New Zealand. (2016)
Journal Article
NG, P.Y. and HAMILTON, R.T. 2016. Experiences of high-growth technology firms in Malaysia and New Zealand. Technology analysis and strategic management [online], 28(8), pages 901-915. Available from:

How do technology firms experience high growth and the support available from governments? This qualitative study explores the experiences of high-growth technology-based firms in Malaysia and New Zealand. Case studies were developed for eight high-g... Read More about Experiences of high-growth technology firms in Malaysia and New Zealand..

Bibliometric analysis as mesaure [sic] of long-term performance in pancreatic cancer research. (2016)
Journal Article
TURRI, G., PICCININI, A., ZANINI, S. and GIOVINAZZO, F. 2016. Bibliometric analysis as mesaure [sic] of long-term performance in pancreatic cancer research. HPB [online], 18(Supplement 1), pages e101. Available from:

Introduction: Research on pancreatic cancer consists in basic, translational and clinical research. Bibliometric indexes as IF and H-Index have been proposed as measures of quality and performance for medical research. Our goal was to analyze the IF... Read More about Bibliometric analysis as mesaure [sic] of long-term performance in pancreatic cancer research..

Exploring behavioural determinants relating to health professional reporting of medication errors: a qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework. (2016)
Journal Article
ALQUBAISI, M., TONNA, A., STRATH, A. and STEWART, D. 2016. Exploring behavioural determinants relating to health professional reporting of medication errors: a qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework. European journal of clinical pharmacology [online], 72(7), pages 887-895. Available from:

Purpose: Effective and efficient medication reporting processes are essential in promoting patient safety. Few qualitative studies have explored reporting of medication errors by health professionals, and none have made reference to behavioural theor... Read More about Exploring behavioural determinants relating to health professional reporting of medication errors: a qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework..

Modelling oil and gas stock returns using multi factor asset pricing model including oil price exposure. (2016)
Journal Article
SANUSI, M.S. and AHMAD, F. 2016. Modelling oil and gas stock returns using multi factor asset pricing model including oil price exposure. Finance research letters [online], 18, pages 89-99. Available from:

Oil and gas is one of the most important sectors in every economy and the valuation of oil and gas companies becomes quite challenging due to the volatility of crude oil price. The paper investigates the determinants of the UK oil and gas stock retur... Read More about Modelling oil and gas stock returns using multi factor asset pricing model including oil price exposure..

A modified Delphi study of structures and processes related to medicines management for elderly hospitalised patients in the United Arab Emirates. (2016)
Journal Article
AL SHEMEILI, S., KLEIN, S., STRATH, A., FARES, S. and STEWART, D. 2016. A modified Delphi study of structures and processes related to medicines management for elderly hospitalised patients in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice [online], 22(5), pages 781-791. Available from:

Rationale and aim: The structures and processes around the management of medicines for elderly, hospitalized patients are ill defined. This study aimed to determine consensus related to strategic and operational approaches in the United Arab Emirates... Read More about A modified Delphi study of structures and processes related to medicines management for elderly hospitalised patients in the United Arab Emirates..

Assessing energy business cases implemented in the North Sea Region and strategy recommendations. (2016)
Journal Article
XU, B., NAYAK, A., GRAY, D. and OUENNICHE, J. 2016. Assessing energy business cases implemented in the North Sea Region and strategy recommendations. Applied energy [online], 172, pages 360-371. Available from:

e-harbours is a unique European project that was set out to identify viable energy business cases on the exploitation of energy flexibility, which optimise their operations to match energy demand and supply while taking account of the additional vola... Read More about Assessing energy business cases implemented in the North Sea Region and strategy recommendations..

Reviewing the literature, how systematic is systematic? (2016)
Journal Article
MACLURE, K., PAUDYAL, V. and STEWART, D. 2016. Reviewing the literature, how systematic is systematic? International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 38(3), pages 685-694. Available from:

Introduction Professor Archibald Cochrane, after whom the Cochrane Collaboration is named, was influential in promoting evidence-based clinical practice. He called for 'relevant, valid research' to underpin all aspects of healthcare. Systematic revie... Read More about Reviewing the literature, how systematic is systematic?.

Efficient wireless multimedia multicast in multi-rate multi-channel mesh networks. (2016)
Journal Article
TU, W. 2016. Efficient wireless multimedia multicast in multi-rate multi-channel mesh networks. IEEE transactions on signal and information processing over networks [online], 2(3), 376-390. Available from:

Devices in wireless mesh networks can operate on multiple channels (MC) and automatically adjust their transmission rates for the occupied channels. This paper shows how to improve performance-guaranteed multicasting transmission coverage for wireles... Read More about Efficient wireless multimedia multicast in multi-rate multi-channel mesh networks..

Finishing the 'unfinished' story: online newspaper discussion threads as journalistic texts. (2016)
Journal Article
MORRISON, J. 2016. Finishing the 'unfinished' story: online newspaper discussion threads as journalistic texts. Digital journalism [online], 5(2), pages 213-232. Available from:

Discussion threads published beneath articles on news websites have only lately become the subject of serious scholarship. While early research preoccupied itself with the hostile nature of comments posted on such forums, and the issue of moderation,... Read More about Finishing the 'unfinished' story: online newspaper discussion threads as journalistic texts..

Clustering and nearest neighbour based classification approach for mobile activity recognition. (2016)
Journal Article
BASHIR, S.A., DOOLAN, D.C. and PETROVSKI, A. 2016. Clustering and nearest neighbour based classification approach for mobile activity recognition. Journal of mobile multimedia [online], 12(1-2), pages 110-124. Available from:

We present a hybridized algorithm based on clustering and nearest neighbour classifier for mobile activity recognition. The algorithm transforms a training dataset into a more compact and reduced representative set that lessens the computational cost... Read More about Clustering and nearest neighbour based classification approach for mobile activity recognition..

A review of air-fuel mixing and alternative methods in scramjets and scramjet-like engines. (2016)
Journal Article
MACLEOD, C. and GERRARD, C.E. 2016. A review of air-fuel mixing and alternative methods in scramjets and scramjet-like engines. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society [online], 69(4), pages 116-126. Available from:

This paper reviews work on two aspects of scramjet and similar ducted hypersonic propulsion. The first of these is air-fuel mixing techniques - the problem of mixing is considered the most intractable in scramjet design. The second aspect is the use... Read More about A review of air-fuel mixing and alternative methods in scramjets and scramjet-like engines..

A dynamic framework for managing the complexities of risks in megaprojects. (2016)
Journal Article
BOATENG, P., CHEN, Z. and OGUNLANA, O.S. 2016. A dynamic framework for managing the complexities of risks in megaprojects. International journal of technology and management research [online], 1(5), pages 1-13. Available from:

The future of mega infrastructure projects is certain - there will be more risks to manage! The challenge is being met through research and innovation combining current approaches with new. This research adopted a dynamic approach through the combina... Read More about A dynamic framework for managing the complexities of risks in megaprojects..