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All Outputs (44)

The evolution of genre in Wikipedia. (2009)
Journal Article
CLARK, M., RUTHVEN, I. and HOLT, P.O'B. 2009. The evolution of genre in Wikipedia. Journal for language technology and computational linguistics [online], 24(1), pages 1-22. Available from:

This paper presents an overview of the ways in which genres, or structural forms, develop in a community of practice, in this case, Wikipedia. Firstly, we collected data by performing a small search task in the Wikipedia search engine (powered by Luc... Read More about The evolution of genre in Wikipedia..

Employer liability for death by suicide or stress and overwork in the workplace. (2009)
Journal Article
MIDDLEMISS, S. 2009. Employer liability for death by suicide or stress and overwork in the workplace. Juridical review, 2009(4), pages 245-263.

This article deals with the complex problem of determining the liability of an employer under the law of delict for death by suicide at work (resulting from workplace causes) or death of an employee caused by stress or overwork. It will concentrate o... Read More about Employer liability for death by suicide or stress and overwork in the workplace..

DYNIQX: a novel meta-search engine for the web. (2009)
Journal Article
ZHU, J., SONG, D., EISENSTADT, M., BARLADEANU, C. and RUGER, S. 2009. DYNIQX: a novel meta-search engine for the web. International journal of information studies, 1(1), pages 2-27.

The effect of metadata in collection fusion has not been sufficiently studied. In response to this, we present a novel meta-search engine called Dyniqx for metadata based search. Dyniqx integrates search results from search services of documents, ima... Read More about DYNIQX: a novel meta-search engine for the web..

Using art and literature as educational resources in palliative care. (2009)
Journal Article
LAWTON, S. and MCKIE, A. 2009. Using art and literature as educational resources in palliative care. Medical humanities [online], 35(2), pages 120-122. Available from:

This case study outlines a staff seminar programme that used art and literature as vehicles to explore personal and professional dimensions of palliative care. Participating staff found the learning experience interesting and insightful.

Artificial biochemical networks: a different connectionist paradigm. (2009)
Journal Article
MACLEOD, C. and CAPANNI, N.F. 2010. Artificial biochemical networks: a different connectionist paradigm. Artificial intelligence review [online], 33(1-2), pages 123-134. Available from:

Connectionist models are usually based on artificial neural networks. However, there is another route towards parallel distributed processing. This is by considering the origins of the intelligence displayed by the single celled organisms known as pr... Read More about Artificial biochemical networks: a different connectionist paradigm..

Recent changes in the evidential requirements in indirect sex and race discrimination cases. (2009)
Journal Article
MIDDLEMISS, S. and DOWNIE, M. 2009. Recent changes in the evidential requirements in indirect sex and race discrimination cases. International journal of law and management [online], 51(6), pages 367-373. Available from:

The purpose of this paper is to critically analyse the impact of recent case law on the various evidential requirements in the area of indirect sex and indirect race discrimination in employment. It is intended to distil from the case law a comprehen... Read More about Recent changes in the evidential requirements in indirect sex and race discrimination cases..

The usefulness of accounting information: evidence from the Egyptian market. (2009)
Journal Article
HASSAN, O. and POWER, D.M. 2009. The usefulness of accounting information: evidence from the Egyptian market. Qualitative research in financial markets [online], 1(3), pages 125-141. Available from:

The purpose of this paper is to ascertain financial analysts' views regarding the usefulness of a number of items of accounting information via a postal survey. This usefulness is explored in the context of the Egyptian capital market. In addition, t... Read More about The usefulness of accounting information: evidence from the Egyptian market..

Fraternity, legitimacy and (his)story: the collective presentation of entrepreneur stories as excess. (2009)
Journal Article
WARREN, L. and SMITH, R. 2009. Fraternity, legitimacy and (his)story: the collective presentation of entrepreneur stories as excess. Tamara journal for critical organization inquiry [online], 8(1), pages 48-58. Available from:

This paper is about an entrepreneurial fraternity and its role in reworking and reframing entrepreneurial excess. We achieve this through considering the historical presentation of the entrepreneur as an isolated individual, a maverick, can be mediat... Read More about Fraternity, legitimacy and (his)story: the collective presentation of entrepreneur stories as excess..

Modeling emotions and reason in agent-based systems. (2009)
Journal Article
OLIVEIRA, F.S. 2010. Modeling emotions and reason in agent-based systems. Computational economics [online], 35(2), pages 155-164. Available from:

We analyze how to develop an agent-based system in which agents evolve co-evolutionary endogenous rules of behavior by using best response and emotions. We show that best response is not sufficient to define complete and consistent rules of behavior... Read More about Modeling emotions and reason in agent-based systems..

The nature of a public service. (2009)
Journal Article
SPICKER, P. 2009. The nature of a public service. International journal of public administration [online], 32(11), pages 970-991. Available from:

Public services have been misunderstood. They are not simply services in the public sector, they are not necessarily there because of market failure, and they cannot be analysed by the same criteria as market-based provision. They have four defining... Read More about The nature of a public service..

Like an open book? Accessibility of e-book content for academic study in a diverse student population. (2009)
Journal Article
MUIR, L.J., VEALE, T. and NICHOL, A. 2009. Like an open book? Accessibility of e-book content for academic study in a diverse student population. Library and information research [online], 33(105), pages 90-119. Available from:

This paper reviews previous research on e-books and the information seeking behaviour of scholars. It presents the initial findings from an in-depth study of the behaviour and experiences of seven students (including students with dyslexia and visual... Read More about Like an open book? Accessibility of e-book content for academic study in a diverse student population..

Competence-based approaches to the assessment of professional accountancy training work experience requirements: the ICAS experience. (2009)
Journal Article
GAMMIE, E. and JOYCE, Y. 2009. Competence-based approaches to the assessment of professional accountancy training work experience requirements: the ICAS experience. Accounting education [online], 18(4-5), pages 443-466. Available from :

Most professional accountancy bodies' qualification processes encompass three components: a prescribed programme of professional education, some form of work experience, and a formal final examination to determine professional competence. The Interna... Read More about Competence-based approaches to the assessment of professional accountancy training work experience requirements: the ICAS experience..

Understanding entrepreneurial behaviour in organized criminals. (2009)
Journal Article
SMITH, R. 2009. Understanding entrepreneurial behaviour in organized criminals. Journal of enterprising communities: people and places in the global economy [online], 3(3), pages 256-268. Available from:

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to focus upon organized criminals as an enterprising community and as enterprising people. Organized crime is a global phenomenon that concentrates upon the development of both sustainable personal prosperity and... Read More about Understanding entrepreneurial behaviour in organized criminals..

South African NGOs and the public sphere: between popular movements and partnerships for development. (2009)
Journal Article
MUELLER-HIRTH, N. 2009. South African NGOs and the public sphere: between popular movements and partnerships for development. Social dynamics [online], 35(2), pages 423-435. Available from:

This article examines the widespread notion that post-apartheid democracy can be deepened and civil society strengthened by NGO activities in the sphere of public debate and participation. I focus on a number of interrelated processes which I argue m... Read More about South African NGOs and the public sphere: between popular movements and partnerships for development..

The dark side of flow: a qualitative study of dependence in big wave surfing. (2009)
Journal Article
PARTINGTON, S., PARTINGTON, E. and OLIVIER, S. 2009. The dark side of flow: a qualitative study of dependence in big wave surfing. Sport psychologist [online], 23(2), pages 170-185. Available from:

Flow has been described within sport psychology as an optimal state underpinning peak performance. However, the consequences of experiencing flow may not always be beneficial. One negative consequence might be that of contributing to dependence on th... Read More about The dark side of flow: a qualitative study of dependence in big wave surfing..

Steel-fibre-reinforcement and increasing the load-bearing capacity of concrete pavements. (2009)
Journal Article
JAFARIFAR, N., PILAKOUTAS, K. and NEOCLEOUS, K. 2009. Steel-fibre-reinforcement and increasing the load-bearing capacity of concrete pavements. Intersectii/intersections journal [online], 6(3), pages 53-61. Available from:

Elastic theories form the basic concept used in most of the existing design codes for industrial or transportation plain and conventionally reinforced concrete ground slabs. The post-cracking load bearing capacity of slabs-on-ground is not taken into... Read More about Steel-fibre-reinforcement and increasing the load-bearing capacity of concrete pavements..

The Diva storyline: an alternative social construction of female entrepreneurship. (2009)
Journal Article
SMITH, R. 2009. The Diva storyline: an alternative social construction of female entrepreneurship. International journal of gender and entrepreneurship [online], 1(2), pages 148-163. Available from:

Many Divas, despite possessing destructive character traits, ironically become successful entrepreneurs - thus illustrating an alternative storied social construction of entrepreneurship. This influences how female entrepreneurs are perceived in the... Read More about The Diva storyline: an alternative social construction of female entrepreneurship..

Employers' liability for occupational stress and death from overwork in the United States and the United Kingdom. (2009)
Journal Article
KOBAYASHI, T. and MIDDLEMISS, S. 2009. Employers' liability for occupational stress and death from overwork in the United States and the United Kingdom. Common law world review [online], 38(2), page 137-169. Available from:

The premise of this article is that those persons that excessively overwork can die as a result through stress related illness or suicide. In this article we will undertake a comparative analysis of the legal treatment of stress related illness at wo... Read More about Employers' liability for occupational stress and death from overwork in the United States and the United Kingdom..

Analysing industry profitability: a "complexity as cause" perspective. (2009)
Journal Article
CALDART, A.A. and OLIVEIRA, F. 2010. Analysing industry profitability: a "complexity as cause" perspective. European management journal [online], 28(2), pages 95-107. Available from:

We investigate how the competitive complexity of an industrial sector affects its profitability. For that purpose, we developed a set of simulations representing industries as complex systems where different firms co-evolve linked by multiple competi... Read More about Analysing industry profitability: a "complexity as cause" perspective..

Religion, the Scottish work ethic and the spirit of entreprise. (2009)
Journal Article
SMITH, R. 2009. Religion, the Scottish work ethic and the spirit of entreprise. International journal of entrepreneurship and innovation [online], 10(2), pages 111-124. Available from:

Using a historical approach, this paper revisits Max Webers Protestant ethic, addressing in particular a variant form of it “ the Scottish work ethic. It examines that ethic as both a collective and individuated theological drive that helped shape th... Read More about Religion, the Scottish work ethic and the spirit of entreprise..