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Copyright law: architect's right of integrity railroaded? (2010)
Journal Article
LAUTERBACH, T. 2010. Copyright law: architect's right of integrity railroaded? TICCIH bulletin [online], 50(4), page 6-7. Available from:

The Stuttgart Region Court in Germany, balancing the right of integrity under copyright attributed to the architect of a work of architecture and the right to property held by the owner of the building, recently found against the grandson of Paul Bon... Read More about Copyright law: architect's right of integrity railroaded?.

The secret lives of assumptions: developing and refining assumption personas for secure system design. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FAILY, S. and FLÉCHAIS, I. 2010. The secret lives of assumptions: developing and refining assumption personas for secure system design. In Bernhaupt, R., Forbrig, P., Gulliksen, J. and Lárusdóttir, M. (eds.) Human-centred software engineering: proceedings of the 3rd International conference on human-centred software engineering (HCSE 2010), 14-15 October 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland. Lecture notes in computer science, 6409. Berlin: Springer [online], pages 111-118. Available from:

Personas are useful for obtaining an empirically grounded understanding of a secure system's user population, its contexts of use, and possible vulnerabilities and threats endangering it. Often, however, personas need to be partly derived from assump... Read More about The secret lives of assumptions: developing and refining assumption personas for secure system design..

STEP-based CAD/CAPP integration for finish machining operations. (2010)
Book Chapter
ARIVAZHAGAN, A., MEHTA, N.K. and JAIN, P.K. 2010. STEP-based CAD/CAPP integration for finish machining operations. In Katalinic, B. (ed.) DAAAM international scientific book 2010. 2010 edition. Vienna, Austria: DAAAM International [online], chapter 37, pages 395-412. Available from:

This chapter presents various CAD/CAPP integration methodologies adopted in Feature Recognition Module (FRM) of a “Finish Machining – Computer Aided Process Planning system” (FM-CAPP). The FRM contains three sub modules to process the inputted STEP A... Read More about STEP-based CAD/CAPP integration for finish machining operations..

Office buildings' daylighting design in hot arid regions: forms, codes and occupants' point of view. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BELAKEHAL, A., BENNADJI, A. and AOUL, K. 2010. Office buildings' daylighting design in hot arid regions: forms, codes and occupants' point of view. In Abdo, A.M.A. and Akash, B.A. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2010 International engineering conference on hot arid regions (IECHAR-2010): challenges, technologies and opportunities, 1-2 March 2010, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. Al-Ahsa: King Faisal University, pages 343-347.

In hot and arid regions, contemporary designers need more daylighting related information in order to achieve an environmental friendly and energy efficient architecture design. This paper presents the results of a Post Occupancy Evaluation research... Read More about Office buildings' daylighting design in hot arid regions: forms, codes and occupants' point of view..

Membership and activity in an online parenting community. (2010)
PEDERSEN, S. and SMITHSON, J. 2010. Membership and activity in an online parenting community. In Taiwo, R. (ed.) Handbook of research on discourse behavior and digital communication: language structures and social interaction. Hershey, PA: IGI Global [online], chapter 5, pages 88-103. Available from:

Recent studies have shown that British women, especially mothers of young children, spend a particularly large amount of time online. Many are logging on to parenting websites. This chapter investigates Mumsnet, a large British parenting site, and ev... Read More about Membership and activity in an online parenting community..

Women bloggers seeking validation and financial recompense in the blogosphere. (2010)
PEDERSEN, S. 2010. Women bloggers seeking validation and financial recompense in the blogosphere. In Dumova, T. and Fiordo, R. (eds.) Handbook of research on social interaction technologies and collaboration software: concepts and trends. Hershey, PA: IGI Global [online], chapter 25, pages 281-291. Available from:

Previous researchers investigating motivations for blogging have suggested mainly intangible benefits: for instance, documenting the authors life, providing commentary and opinions, expressing deeply felt emotions, working out ideas through writing,... Read More about Women bloggers seeking validation and financial recompense in the blogosphere..

Female form in the media: body image and obesity. (2010)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2010. Female form in the media: body image and obesity. In Tsichlia, G. and Johnstone, A. (eds.) Fat matters: from sociology to science. Keswick: M and K Publishing, chapter 1, pages 5-12.

Can we blame the media for the ‘thin ideal’? Many commentators suggest that the media’s influence on body image stems from the 1920s when the illustrations in fashion magazines changed from drawings to photographs. Readers could now see, and aspire t... Read More about Female form in the media: body image and obesity..

Organisational information behaviour in the public consultation process in Scotland. (2010)
Journal Article
BAXTER, G., MARCELLA, R. and ILLINGWORTH, L. 2010. Organisational information behaviour in the public consultation process in Scotland. Information research [online], 15(4), paper 442. Available from:

This study explored the information behaviour of representative groups in responding to Scottish Government consultations. It investigated how organizations find out about relevant consultations, how they go about gathering information in preparation... Read More about Organisational information behaviour in the public consultation process in Scotland..

Removing barriers to BIM adoption: clients and code checking to drive changes. (2010)
HARTY, J. and LAING, R. 2010. Removing barriers to BIM adoption: clients and code checking to drive changes. In Underwood, J. and Isikdag, U. (eds.) Handbook of research on building information modeling and construction informatics: concepts and technologies. Hershey, PA: IGI Global [online], chapter 24, pages 546-560. Available from:

Building information modelling (BIM) is not only an authoring tool for architects and engineers, but also for all stakeholders in the building programme procurement process. Analysis tools like code checking of building regulations and environmental... Read More about Removing barriers to BIM adoption: clients and code checking to drive changes..

Homo Adipatus: a new species: weight management, treatment and prevention. (2010)
Book Chapter
BROOM, I. and ROLLAND, C. 2010. Homo Adipatus: a new species: weight management, treatment and prevention. In Tsichlia, G. and Johnstone, A.M. (eds.) Fat matters: from sociology to science. Keswick: M and K Publishing, chapter 5, pages 51-66.

The current obesity epidemic, indeed pandemic, is a major public health problem affecting not only the developed nations but also developing countries as they become modern industrialised nations. Over the last thirty years the prevalence of obesity... Read More about Homo Adipatus: a new species: weight management, treatment and prevention..

Developing the role of the Police Early Intervention Officer. (2010)
Preprint / Working Paper
SMITH, R., 2010. Developing the role of the Police Early Intervention Officer. SIPR Briefing Paper, 10. Dundee: Scottish Institute for Policing Research, University of Dundee.

This briefing paper discusses the new and innovative role of the police Early Intervention Officer or Early Intervention Worker. This specialist role is the latest in the portfolio of police staff specialisms in Scotland. In this paper the author exa... Read More about Developing the role of the Police Early Intervention Officer..

An investigation of the prevalence and impact of organisational learning in UK police forces. (2010)
RITCHIE, S.H. 2010. An investigation of the prevalence and impact of organisational learning in UK police forces. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

This research aims to inform the relevance of Organisational Learning (OL) to policing management practice by investigating its impact and prevalence in UK policing. In the prescriptive literature, OL is propounded as an important aspect of effective... Read More about An investigation of the prevalence and impact of organisational learning in UK police forces..

A reconsideration of electrostatically accelerated and confined nuclear fusion for space applications. (2010)
Journal Article
MACLEOD, C. and GOW, K.S. 2010. A reconsideration of electrostatically accelerated and confined nuclear fusion for space applications. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society [online], 63(5/6), pages 192-205. Available from:

Most present-day research into Nuclear Fusion concentrates on high-temperature plasmas combined with Inertial or Magnetic Confinement. However, there exists another body of less well-known work based on Electrostatic Acceleration and Confinement. The... Read More about A reconsideration of electrostatically accelerated and confined nuclear fusion for space applications..

An entrepreneurial theorising of the recycling industry. (2010)
GAN, B.C. 2010. An entrepreneurial theorising of the recycling industry. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

The research interest for this study began with a general observation of the lack of theory-practice integration between the academic context of recycling and entrepreneurship set against the growth in the recycling industry. The research thus began... Read More about An entrepreneurial theorising of the recycling industry..

The role of networking in the growth processes of family firms: an international study. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JACK, S., DRAKOPOULOU DODD, S. and ANDERSON, A.R. 2010. The role of networking in the growth processes of family firms: an international study. In Hadjielias, E. and Barton, T. (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Annual world family business research conference (IFERA 2010): long term perspectives on family business: theory, practice, policy, 6-9 July 2010, Lancaster, UK. Lancaster: Lancaster University Management School.

The paper aims to investigate the role of networks in the growth processes of family firms. The study adds to two main stream of literature, drawing together theoretical developments from the family firm realm and networking theory, to investigate th... Read More about The role of networking in the growth processes of family firms: an international study..

Some practical aspects of electromagnetic activation. (2010)
Journal Article
MACLEOD, C., GOW, K.S. and CAPANNI, N. 2009. Some practical aspects of electromagnetic activation. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society [online], 62(9), pages 320-331. Available from:

Electromagnetic Activation (EMA) is an alternative to combustion in Scramjet-like hypersonic engines. The basis of the system was outlined in previous publications. This paper builds on these results and explores some further practical and theoretica... Read More about Some practical aspects of electromagnetic activation..

Commentary: re-establishing the Somali state: for the benefit of the nation or other nations? (2010)
Book Chapter
VERTIGANS, S. 2010. Commentary: re-establishing the Somali state: for the benefit of the nation or other nations? In Hoffmann, E.P. (ed.) Somalia: economic, political and social issues. New York: Nova Science Publishers [online], chapter 13, pages 211-213. Available from:

When examining the recent history of Somalia it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the post colonial approach and, in particular, the role of the nation-state has largely been a failure. The fundamentals associated with the state in the West,... Read More about Commentary: re-establishing the Somali state: for the benefit of the nation or other nations?.

Somalia's insecurity and the normalisation of violence. (2010)
Book Chapter
VERTIGANS, S. 2010. Somalia's insecurity and the normalisation of violence. In Hoffman, E.P. (ed.) Somalia: economic, political and social issues. New York: Nova Science Publishers [online], chapter 2, pages 41-60. Available from:

In this chapter, the transformation of violence in Somalia is explored alongside concomitant shifting levels of insecurity and social constraint. Key historical, regional, national and international factors behind Somalia's structural weaknesses are... Read More about Somalia's insecurity and the normalisation of violence..