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It's a breech! (2013)
Journal Article
TABIB, M. 2013. It's a breech! Midwifery today [online], 108, pages 46-47. Available from:

Over the last decades, caesarean section has become the method of choice for breech presentation. This article is a reflection on my personal experience as a midwife and my thoughts in regard to questioning the justifications for performing routine c... Read More about It's a breech!.

Just fatherlands? From Kristallnacht to Katyn. (2013)
Preprint / Working Paper
LYONS, C. 2013. Just fatherlands? From Kristallnacht to Katyn. In de Búrca, G., Kochenov, D., Williams, A. and Roy, S. (eds.) Debating Europe's justice deficit: the EU, Swabian housewives, rawls and Ryanair. European University Institute working papers, LAW 2013/11. San Domenico di Fiesole: European University Institute [online], page 52. Available from:

This working paper contribution addresses the lack of formal recognition of the Holocaust and institutionalised killing in the European Convention on Human Rights. It focuses on three themes: 1) historical justice and the role of the courts; 2) memor... Read More about Just fatherlands? From Kristallnacht to Katyn..

Continuous integration for web-based software infrastructures: lessons learned on the webinos project. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SU, T., LYLE, J., ATZENI, A., FAILY, S., VIRJI, H., NTANOS, C. and BOTSIKAS, C. 2013. Continuous integration for web-based software infrastructures: lessons learned on the webinos project. In Bertacco, V. and Legay, A. (eds.) Hardware and software: verification and testing: proceedings of the 9th International Haifa verification conference (HVC 2013), 5-7 November 2013, Haifa, Israel. Lecture notes in computer science, 8244. Cham: Springer [online], pages 145-150. Available from:

Testing web-based software infrastructures is challenging. The need to interact with different services running on different devices, with different expectations for security and privacy contributes not only to the complexity of the infrastructure, b... Read More about Continuous integration for web-based software infrastructures: lessons learned on the webinos project..

Personal PKI for the smart device era. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LYLE, J., PAVERD, A., KING-LACROIX, J., ATZENI, A., VIRJI, H., FLÉCHAIS, I. and FAILY, S. 2013. Personal PKI for the smart device era. In De Capitani di Vimercati, S. and Mitchell, C. (eds.) Public key infrastructures, services and applications: revised selected papers from the 9th European workshop on public key infrastructures, services and applications (EuroPKI 2012), 13-14 September 2012, Pisa, Italy. Lecture notes in computer science, 7868. Heidelberg: Springer [online], pages 69-84. Available from:

As people use an increasing number of smart devices for their everyday computing, it is surprising that these powerful, internet-enabled devices are rarely connected together to create personal networks. The webinos project is an attempt to make this... Read More about Personal PKI for the smart device era..

Anti-pancreatic cancer potential of secalonic acid derivatives from endophytic fungi isolated from Ocimum basilicum. (2013)
Journal Article
SHOEB, M., HOQUE, M.E., KONG THOO LIN, P. and NAHAR, N. 2013. Anti-pancreatic cancer potential of secalonic acid derivatives from endophytic fungi isolated from Ocimum basilicum. Dhaka University journal of pharmaceutical sciences [online], 12(2), pages 91-95. Available from:

The word endophyte means "in the plant" and refers to all microorganisms that live in the intercellular spaces of stems, petioles, roots and leaves of plants causing no apparent symptoms of disease. Seven endophytic fungi were isolated from the medic... Read More about Anti-pancreatic cancer potential of secalonic acid derivatives from endophytic fungi isolated from Ocimum basilicum..

Testing an integrated behavioural and biomedical model of disability in N-of-1 studies with chronic pain. (2013)
Journal Article
QUINN, F., JOHNSTON, M. and JOHNSTON, D. W., 2013. Testing an integrated behavioural and biomedical model of disability in N-of-1 studies with chronic pain. Psychology and health [online], 28(12), pages 1391-1406. Available from:

Background. Previous research has supported an integrated biomedical and behavioural model explaining activity limitations. However, further tests of this model are required at the within-person level, because while it proposes that the constructs ar... Read More about Testing an integrated behavioural and biomedical model of disability in N-of-1 studies with chronic pain..

Signs of crisis and recovery: geographical imaginaries in press coverage of the financial crisis in the UK and German press 2008-2009. (2013)
Journal Article
HALSALL, R., 2013. Signs of crisis and recovery: geographical imaginaries in press coverage of the financial crisis in the UK and German press 2008-2009. Culture and organization [online], 19(5), pages 377-395. Available from:

This article examines the role of models of capitalism in the media coverage surrounding the economic crisis in the period 2008“2009 in the UK and German press, during the outbreak of the crisis and the beginning of the recovery from it. Models of ca... Read More about Signs of crisis and recovery: geographical imaginaries in press coverage of the financial crisis in the UK and German press 2008-2009..

Migrating software products to the cloud: an adaptive STS perspective. (2013)
Journal Article
WERFS, M., BAXTER, G., ALLISON, I. K. and SOMMERVILLE, I. 2013. Migrating software products to the cloud: an adaptive STS perspective. Journal of international technology and information management [online], 22(3), pp. 37-54. Available from:

Cloud computing, as a disruptive innovation, has the potential to adversely affect companies. The effects can be particularly extreme for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Subsequently, considerations of organisational resilience should be m... Read More about Migrating software products to the cloud: an adaptive STS perspective..

Content based video retrieval via spatial-temporal information discovery. (2013)
WANG, L. 2013. Content based video retrieval via spatial-temporal information discovery. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Content based video retrieval (CBVR) has been strongly motivated by a variety of realworld applications. Most state-of-the-art CBVR systems are built based on Bag-of-visual- Words (BovW) framework for visual resources representation and access. The f... Read More about Content based video retrieval via spatial-temporal information discovery..

Den Nicht-Ort gibt es nicht: Handke and the spirit of place in 'Versuch über den Stillen Ort'. (2013)
Book Chapter
HALSALL, R. 2013. Den Nicht-Ort gibt es nicht: Handke and the spirit of place in 'Versuch über den Stillen Ort'. In Lützeler, P.M., McGlothlin, E. and Kapczynski, J. (eds.) Gegenwartsliteratur: ein germanistischen Jahrbuch: a German studies yearbook, 12/2013. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, pages 139-164.

Handkes concern with place has been seen as a search for a utopia, characteristic of a writer who has allegedly become increasingly weltfremd. This essay examines Handkes most recent work, Versuch Über den Stillen Ort, in the light of this critique.... Read More about Den Nicht-Ort gibt es nicht: Handke and the spirit of place in 'Versuch über den Stillen Ort'..

Impact of school libraries on learning: critical review of published evidence to inform the Scottish education community [online]. (2013)
WILLIAMS, D., WAVELL, C. and MORRISON, K. 2013. Impact of school libraries on learning: critical review of published evidence to inform the Scottish education community [online]. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University, Institute for Management, Governance & Society(IMaGeS). [online]. Available from:

The aim of the report is to identify and critically evaluate the available evidence of the impact of school libraries on learning, including attainment, skills and attitudes. The report, commissioned by the Scottish Library and Information Council (S... Read More about Impact of school libraries on learning: critical review of published evidence to inform the Scottish education community [online]..

Causation compared: facts, fictions inferences and legal legitimacy. (2013)
Journal Article
ARNELL, S. 2013. Causation compared: facts, fictions inferences and legal legitimacy. Journal of comparative law, 8(1), pages 63-104.

An analysis of how the supreme courts in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom have dealt with evidential difficulties in establishing causation in tort/delict, where there is a gap in scientific knowledge which makes it impossible to say how an... Read More about Causation compared: facts, fictions inferences and legal legitimacy..

Designing engagement: the new edge. (2013)
Book Chapter
MACDONALD, S. 2013. Designing engagement: the new edge. In Jokela, T., Coutts, G., Härkönen, E., and Huhmarniemi, M. (eds.) Cool: applied visual arts in the North. Rovaniemi: University of Lapland. Faculty of Art and Design, pages 54-67.

The participatory principle, though bred in late twentieth century countercultural politics, is an emerging trend in social policy and also the arts where it is associated with audience involvement that goes beyond passive consumption. This parallels... Read More about Designing engagement: the new edge..

CRC general comment 14 on the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consideration. (2013)
Journal Article
ROSS, H. 2013. CRC general comment 14 on the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consideration. Irish journal of family law, 16(4), pages 110-114.

In May 2013, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (“CRC”) published General Comment 14 which had been adopted at its 62nd session. General Comment 14 relates to the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consid... Read More about CRC general comment 14 on the right of the child to have his or her best interests taken as a primary consideration..

CRC general comments on children's health, impact of the business sector and the right to rest, leisure and play. (2013)
Journal Article
WALLACE, R.M.M., MARTIN-ORTEGA, O. and ROSS, H. 2013. CRC general comments on children's health, impact of the business sector and the right to rest, leisure and play. Irish journal of family law, 6(2), pages 35-40.

In April 2013, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) published the three General Comments which had been adopted at its 62nd session. General comments 15, 16 and 17 relate to the right of the child to enjoyment of the highest attainable s... Read More about CRC general comments on children's health, impact of the business sector and the right to rest, leisure and play..

Effective approaches for innovation support for SMEs. (2013)
Journal Article
MALINS, J. and GULARI, M.N. 2013. Effective approaches for innovation support for SMEs. Swedish design research journal [online], 2(13), pages 32-39. Available from:

Providing appropriate innovation support to small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is an on-going challenge. Governments offer a range of initiatives from advice, to research and development grants; however, the underlying methodological frameworks... Read More about Effective approaches for innovation support for SMEs..

The development and implementation of business simulations in higher education in the United Kingdom. (2013)
DOONGA, N. 2013. The development and implementation of business simulations in higher education in the United Kingdom. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

This thesis is a study of the development and implementation of business simulations/games in United Kingdom Higher Education institutions. The research takes an holistic approach and examines the topic from the perspective of developers of business... Read More about The development and implementation of business simulations in higher education in the United Kingdom..

Is an independent Scottish electricity system good for renewable energy and Scotland? (2013)
TOKE, D., STRACHAN, P., COWELL, R., ELLIS, G. and SHERRY-BRENNAN, F. 2013. Is an independent Scottish electricity system good for renewable energy and Scotland? The DREUD Report on implications of the UK Government's decisions on new nuclear power and Electricity Market Reform for the prospects of renewable energy in Scotland. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University. [online]. Available from:

At the beginning of 2013 five academics from different UK universities published a paper on the prospects for renewable energy in the context of the debate about Scottish independence (Toke et al 2013). The conclusion was that it would likely be rath... Read More about Is an independent Scottish electricity system good for renewable energy and Scotland?.

Developing a working typology of rural criminals: from a UK police intelligence perspective. (2013)
Journal Article
SMITH, R. 2013. Developing a working typology of rural criminals: from a UK police intelligence perspective. International journal of rural criminology [online], 2(1), pages 126-145. Available from:

This article develops a working typology of rural criminal types in a UK wide context. It considers strategies used by these diverse ideal-typologies of rural criminals to successfully evade the police intelligence apparatus. It demonstrates hidden l... Read More about Developing a working typology of rural criminals: from a UK police intelligence perspective..

Principles of social welfare: an introduction to thinking about the welfare state. (2013)
SPICKER, P. 2013. Principles of social welfare: an introduction to thinking about the welfare state. [Self-published]

Author's note, 2013 Principles of social welfare was my second book. First published 1988 by Routledge, ISBN 0-415-00630-9 and 0-415-00631-7. The rights to publish have reverted to me,and I am making it freely available on the internet. The book was... Read More about Principles of social welfare: an introduction to thinking about the welfare state..