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All Outputs (364)

The pedagogy and principles of teaching therapeutic practice with children and young people. (2019)
Journal Article
BOLGER, J. 2019. The pedagogy and principles of teaching therapeutic practice with children and young people. Journal of teaching in social work [online], 39(2), pages 181-188. Available from:

Technical approaches suggesting that systematically produced, generalized, and scientific knowledge are the most solid foundations for practice present significant challenges for the social work profession, in which the decisions faced often are not... Read More about The pedagogy and principles of teaching therapeutic practice with children and young people..

Supporting the district nurse to consolidate advanced clinical skills. (2019)
Journal Article
BAIN, H. and MOGGACH, A. 2019. Supporting the district nurse to consolidate advanced clinical skills. British journal of community nursing [online], 24(4), page 153. Available from:

Despite evidence that district nursing is valued by the population it serves and that the policy agenda supports healthcare at home, it is well recognised that the district nursing service in some areas is in crisis. It is also acknowledged that the... Read More about Supporting the district nurse to consolidate advanced clinical skills..

Trends in crop reference evapotranspiration and climatological variables across Ceará state: Brazil. (2019)
Journal Article
PAULINO, V.E.N., STUDART, T.M.C., CAMPOS, J.N.B., PESTANA, C.J., LUNA, R.M., ALVES, J.M.B. 2019. Trends in crop reference evapotranspiration and climatological variables across Ceará state: Brazil. Revista Brasileira de meteorologia [online], 34(1), pages 79-88. Available from:

Irrigation has a substantial share in total world water demand. At the global level, the withdrawal ratio for agriculture is 69 percent. Irrigation is necessary to compensate evapotranspiration (ET) deficit due to insufficient precipitation. Knowing... Read More about Trends in crop reference evapotranspiration and climatological variables across Ceará state: Brazil..

Using next generation sequencing to determine diversity of horse intestinal worms: identifying the equine 'nemabiome'. (2019)
Journal Article
MITCHELL, C.J., O'SULLIVAN, C.M., PINLOCHE, E., WILKINSON, T., MORPHEW, R.M. and MCEWAN, N.R. 2019. Using next generation sequencing to determine diversity of horse intestinal worms: identifying the equine 'nemabiome'. Journal of equine science [online], 30(1), pages 1-5. Available from:

Next generation sequencing of DNA from nematode eggs has been utilised to give the first account of the equine ‘nemabiome’. In all equine faecal samples investigated, multiple species of Strongylidae were detected; ranging from 7.5 (SEM 0.79) with 99... Read More about Using next generation sequencing to determine diversity of horse intestinal worms: identifying the equine 'nemabiome'..

International practices, beliefs and values in not-for-profit financial reporting. (2019)
Journal Article
CORDERY, C.J., CRAWFORD, L., BREEN, O.B. and MORGAN, G.G. 2019. International practices, beliefs and values in not-for-profit financial reporting. Accounting forum [online], 43(1), pages 16-41. Available from:

Financial reporting is an important aspect of not-for-profit organisations' (NPOs') accountability discharge, particularly for donations and funding. Nevertheless, NPO financial reporting lacks a global approach. Drawing on a multi-national survey at... Read More about International practices, beliefs and values in not-for-profit financial reporting..

Jus quaesitum tertio: a res, not a right? (2019)
Journal Article
BROWN, J. 2019. Jus quaesitum tertio: a res, not a right? Juridical review [online], 1, pages 53-74. Available from:

Until the law was reformed by the Contract (Third Party Rights) (Scotland) Act 2017, the law relating to contractual third party rights, in Scotland, was perceived to be problematic. There were thought to be three main problems: Firstly, such a right... Read More about Jus quaesitum tertio: a res, not a right?.

Patriots and rogues: some Scottish lairds and their libraries. (2019)
Journal Article
REID, P.H. 2019. Patriots and rogues: some Scottish lairds and their libraries. Library and information history [online], 35(1), pages 1-20. Available from:

This article examines some of the lesser known libraries of Scottish lairds and gentry. The research here formed the basis of the keynote paper delivered at the Library and Information History Group’s annual conference 2017 which was held in Dundee,... Read More about Patriots and rogues: some Scottish lairds and their libraries..

A weighted multiple classifier framework based on random projection. (2019)
Journal Article
NGUYEN, T.T., DANG, M.T., LIEW, A. W.-C. and BEZDEK, J.C. 2019. A weighted multiple classifier framework based on random projection. Information science [online], 490, pages 36-58. Available from:

In this paper, we propose a weighted multiple classifier framework based on random projections. Similar to the mechanism of other homogeneous ensemble methods, the base classifiers in our approach are obtained by a learning algorithm on different tra... Read More about A weighted multiple classifier framework based on random projection..

A new type of eye movement model based on recurrent neural networks for simulating the gaze behavior of human reading. (2019)
Journal Article
WANG, X., ZHAO, X. and REN, J. 2019. A new type of eye movement model based on recurrent neural networks for simulating the gaze behavior of human reading. Complexity [online], 2019: complex deep learning and evolutionary computing models in computer vision, article ID 8641074. Available from:

Traditional eye movement models are based on psychological assumptions and empirical data that are not able to simulate eye movement on previously unseen text data. To address this problem, a new type of eye movement model is presented and tested in... Read More about A new type of eye movement model based on recurrent neural networks for simulating the gaze behavior of human reading..

Computational fluid dynamics study of yield power law drilling fluid flow through smooth-walled fractures. (2019)
Journal Article
AHAMMAD, F., MAHMUD, S. and ISLAM, S.Z. 2019. Computational fluid dynamics study of yield power law drilling fluid flow through smooth-walled fractures. Journal of petroleum exploration and production technology [online], 9(4), pages 2717-2727. Available from:

Presence of natural fractures in sub-surface makes an oil well drilling operation very challenging. As one of the major functions of drilling mud is to maintain bottomhole pressure inside a wellbore to avoid any invasion of unwanted high-pressure inf... Read More about Computational fluid dynamics study of yield power law drilling fluid flow through smooth-walled fractures..

EEG-based brain-computer interfaces using motor-imagery: techniques and challenges. (2019)
Journal Article
PADFIELD, N., ZABALZA, J., ZHAO, H., MASERO, V. and REN, J. 2019. EEG-based brain-computer interfaces using motor-imagery: techniques and challenges. Sensors [online], 19(6), article 1423. Available from:

Electroencephalography (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), particularly those using motor-imagery (MI) data, have the potential to become groundbreaking technologies in both clinical and entertainment settings. MI data is generated when a s... Read More about EEG-based brain-computer interfaces using motor-imagery: techniques and challenges..

A review of digital video tampering: from simple editing to full synthesis. (2019)
Journal Article
JOHNSTON, P. and ELYAN, E. 2019. A review of digital video tampering: from simple editing to full synthesis. Digital investigation [online], 29, pages 67-81. Available from:

Video tampering methods have witnessed considerable progress in recent years. This is partly due to the rapid development of advanced deep learning methods, and also due to the large volume of video footage that is now in the public domain. Historica... Read More about A review of digital video tampering: from simple editing to full synthesis..

Acute dietary zinc deficiency in rats exacerbates myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion injury through depletion of glutathione. (2019)
Journal Article
SKENE, K., WALSH, S.K., OKAFOR, O., GODSMAN, N., BARROWS, C., MEIER, P., GORDON, M.J., BEATTIE, J.H. and WAINWRIGHT, C.L. 2019. Acute dietary zinc deficiency in rats exacerbates myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion injury through depletion of glutathione. British journal of nutrition [online], 121(9), pages 961-973. Available from:

Zinc (Zn) plays an important role in maintaining the anti-oxidant status within the heart, and helps to counter the acute redox stress that occurs during myocardial ischaemia and reperfusion. Individuals with low zinc (Zn) levels are at greater risk... Read More about Acute dietary zinc deficiency in rats exacerbates myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion injury through depletion of glutathione..

Autonomous moving target-tracking for a UAV quadcopter based on fuzzy-PI. (2019)
Journal Article
RABAH, M., ROHAN, A., MOHAMED, S.A.S. and KIM, S.-H. 2019. Autonomous moving target-tracking for a UAV quadcopter based on fuzzy-PI. IEEE access [online] 7, pages 38407-38419. Available from:

Moving target-tracking is an attractive application for quadcopters and a very challenging, complicated field of research due to the complex dynamics of a quadcopter and the varying speed of the moving target with time. For this reason, various contr... Read More about Autonomous moving target-tracking for a UAV quadcopter based on fuzzy-PI..

Recognizing food places in egocentric photo-streams using multi-scale atrous convolutional networks and self-attention mechanism. (2019)
Journal Article
SARKER, M.M.K., RASHWAN, H.A., AKRAM, F., TALAVERA, E., BANU, S.F., RADEVA, P. and PUIG, D. 2019. Recognizing food places in egocentric photo-streams using multi-scale atrous convolutional networks and self-attention mechanism. IEEE access [online], 7, pages 39069-39082. Available from:

Wearable sensors (e.g., lifelogging cameras) represent very useful tools to monitor people's daily habits and lifestyle. Wearable cameras are able to continuously capture different moments of the day of their wearers, their environment, and interacti... Read More about Recognizing food places in egocentric photo-streams using multi-scale atrous convolutional networks and self-attention mechanism..

Local block multilayer sparse extreme learning machine for effective feature extraction and classification of hyperspectral images. (2019)
Journal Article
CAO, F., YANG, Z., REN, J., CHEN, W., HAN, G. and SHEN, Y. 2019. Local block multilayer sparse extreme learning machine for effective feature extraction and classification of hyperspectral images. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing [online], 57(8), pages 5580-5594. Available from:

Although extreme learning machines (ELM) have been successfully applied for the classification of hyperspectral images (HSIs), they still suffer from three main drawbacks. These include: 1) ineffective feature extraction (FE) in HSIs due to a single... Read More about Local block multilayer sparse extreme learning machine for effective feature extraction and classification of hyperspectral images..

Addressing medication errors in an adult oncology department in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study. (2019)
Journal Article
ALHARBI, W., CLELAND, J. and MORRISON, Z. 2019. Addressing medication errors in an adult oncology department in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study. Saudi pharmaceutical journal [online], 27(5), pages 650-654. Available from:

There is a wide range of strategies that could help in minimizing medication errors during healthcare delivery. We undertook a qualitative study to identify recommended solutions to minimize medication errors in an adult oncology department in Saudi... Read More about Addressing medication errors in an adult oncology department in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study..

Influence of reduced graphene oxide on epoxy/carbon fibre-reinforced hybrid composite: flexural and shear properties under varying temperature conditions. (2019)
Journal Article
JENKINS, P., SIDDIQUE, S., KHAN, S., USMAN, A., STAROST, K., MACPHERSON, A., BARI, P., MISHRA, S. and NJUGUNA, J. 2019. Influence of reduced graphene oxide on epoxy/carbon fibre-reinforced hybrid composite: flexural and shear properties under varying temperature conditions. Advanced engineering materials [online], 21(6), article ID 1800614. Available from:

This study investigated the effectiveness of reduced graphene oxide as nanofiller in enhancing epoxy/carbon fibre-reinforced composite at varying temperature conditions. The graphene oxide was synthesised using modified Hummer’s method and then chemi... Read More about Influence of reduced graphene oxide on epoxy/carbon fibre-reinforced hybrid composite: flexural and shear properties under varying temperature conditions..

Effect of tungsten doping on the properties of In2O3 films. (2019)
Journal Article
KRISHNAN, R.R., KAVITHA, V.S., CHALANA, S.R., PRABHU, R. and PILLAI, V.P.M. 2019. Effect of tungsten doping on the properties of In2O3 films. JOM: journal of the minerals, metals and materials society [online], 71(5), pages 1885-1896. Available from:

Highly crystalline tungsten oxide (WO3)-doped indium oxide (In2O3) films are synthesized at room temperature by the RF magnetron sputtering technique. The structural and morphological properties of the as-deposited films and the films annealed at a t... Read More about Effect of tungsten doping on the properties of In2O3 films..

Enhanced photoelectrochemical hydrogen production efficiency of MoS2-Si heterojunction. (2019)
Journal Article
ALARAWI, A., RAMALINGAM, V., FU, H.-C., VARADHAN, P., YANG, R. and HE, J.-H. 2019. Enhanced photoelectrochemical hydrogen production efficiency of MoS2-Si heterojunction. Optics express [online], 27(8), pages A352-A363. Available from:

Photoelectrochemical water splitting is one of the viable approaches to produce clean hydrogen energy from water. Herein, we report MoS 2 /Si-heterojunction (HJ) photocathode for PEC H 2 production. The MoS 2 /Si-HJ photocathode exhibits exceptional... Read More about Enhanced photoelectrochemical hydrogen production efficiency of MoS2-Si heterojunction..