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Dr Aileen Grant's Outputs (59)

A process evaluation study investigating fidelity and dose of intervention delivery and uptake of pelvic floor muscle training delivered in a randomised controlled trial. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DEAN, S., HAY-SMITH, J., BUGGE, C., MCCLURG, D., GRANT, A., TAYLOR, A., ANDREIS, F., ELDERS, A. and HAGEN, S. 2019. A process evaluation study investigating fidelity and dose of intervention delivery and uptake of pelvic floor muscle training delivered in a randomised controlled trial. Presented at the 49th International Continence Society conference 2019 (ICS 2019), 3-6 September 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. Bristol: ICS [online], abstract 471. Available from:

To investigate fidelity to intervention delivery, dose and uptake in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) comparing EMG biofeedback (BF) assisted pelvic floor muscle training (BF-PFMT) versus PFMT alone (PFMT), both comprising six appointments with a... Read More about A process evaluation study investigating fidelity and dose of intervention delivery and uptake of pelvic floor muscle training delivered in a randomised controlled trial..

A 24 month longitudinal qualitative study of women's experience of electromyography biofeedback pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) and PFMT alone for urinary incontinence: adherence, outcome and context. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BUGGE, C., HAY-SMITH, J., GRANT, A., TAYLOR, A., HAGEN, S., MCCLURG, D. and DEAN, S. 2019. A 24 month longitudinal qualitative study of women’s experience of electromyography biofeedback pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) and PFMT alone for urinary incontinence: adherence, outcome and context. Presented at the 49th International Continence Society conference 2019 (ICS 2019), 3-6 September 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. Bristol: ICS [online], abstract 473. Available from:

Aims of study: To investigate women’s experiences of electromyography (EMG) biofeedback pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) and PFMT alone for stress or mixed urinary incontinence (UI) to explain the contextual factors that influence intervention ad... Read More about A 24 month longitudinal qualitative study of women's experience of electromyography biofeedback pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) and PFMT alone for urinary incontinence: adherence, outcome and context..

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness randomised controlled trial of basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for female stress or mixed urinary incontinence: protocol for the OPAL (optimising pelvic floor exercises to achieve long-term benefits) trial mixed methods longitudinal qualitative case study and process evaluation. (2019)
Journal Article
GRANT, A., DEAN, S., HAY-SMITH, J., HAGEN, S., MCCLURG, D., TAYLOR, A., KOVANDZIC, M. and BUGGE, C. 2019. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness randomised controlled trial of basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for female stress or mixed urinary incontinence: protocol for the OPAL (optimising pelvic floor exercises to achieve long-term benefits) trial mixed methods longitudinal qualitative case study and process evaluation. BMJ open [online], 9(2), article ID e024152. Available from:

Introduction: Female urinary incontinence (UI) is common affecting up to 45% of women. Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) is the first-line treatment but there is uncertainty whether intensive PFMT is better than basic PFMT for long-term symptomatic... Read More about Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness randomised controlled trial of basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for female stress or mixed urinary incontinence: protocol for the OPAL (optimising pelvic floor exercises to achieve long-term benefits) trial mixed methods longitudinal qualitative case study and process evaluation..

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for female stress or mixed urinary incontinence: protocol for the OPAL randomised trial. (2019)
Journal Article
HAGEN, S., MCCLURG, D., BUGGE, C., HAY-SMITH, J., DEAN, S.G., ELDERS, A., GLAZENER, C., ABDEL-FATTAH, M., AGUR, W.I., BOOTH, J., GUERRERO, K., NORRIE, J., KILONZO, M., MCPHERSON, G., MCDONALD, A., STRATTON, S., SERGENSON, N., GRANT, A. and WILSON, L. 2019. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for female stress or mixed urinary incontinence: protocol for the OPAL randomised trial. BMJ open [online], 9(2), article ID e024153. Available from:

Introduction: Accidental urine leakage is a distressing problem that affects around one in three women. The main types of urinary incontinence (UI) are stress, urgency and mixed, with stress being most common. Current UK guidelines recommend that wom... Read More about Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of basic versus biofeedback-mediated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for female stress or mixed urinary incontinence: protocol for the OPAL randomised trial..

Process evaluation of the Data-driven Quality Improvement in Primary Care (DQIP) trial: quantitative examination of variation between practices in recruitment, implementation and effectiveness. (2018)
Journal Article
DREISCHULTE, T., GRANT, A., HAPCA, A. and GUTHRIE, B. 2018. Process evaluation of the Data-driven Quality Improvement in Primary Care (DQIP) trial: quantitative examination of variation between practices in recruitment, implementation and effectiveness. BMJ open [online], 8(1), article ID e017133. Available from:

The cluster randomised trial of the Data-driven Quality Improvement in Primary Care (DQIP) intervention showed that education, informatics and financial incentives for general medical practices to review patients with ongoing high-risk prescribing of... Read More about Process evaluation of the Data-driven Quality Improvement in Primary Care (DQIP) trial: quantitative examination of variation between practices in recruitment, implementation and effectiveness..

Process evaluation of the data-driven quality improvement in primary care (DQIP) trial: case study evaluation of adoption and maintenance of a complex intervention to reduce high-risk primary care prescribing. (2017)
Journal Article
GRANT, A., DREISCHULTE, T. and GUTHRIE, B. 2017. Process evaluation of the data-driven quality improvement in primary care (DQIP) trial: case study evaluation of adoption and maintenance of a complex intervention to reduce high-risk primary care prescribing. BMJ open [online], 7(3), article number e015281. Available from:

Objective: - To explore how different practices responded to the Data-driven Quality Improvement in Primary Care (DQIP) intervention in terms of their adoption of the work, reorganisation to deliver the intended change in care to patients, and whethe... Read More about Process evaluation of the data-driven quality improvement in primary care (DQIP) trial: case study evaluation of adoption and maintenance of a complex intervention to reduce high-risk primary care prescribing..

Process evaluation of the data-driven quality improvement in primary care (DQIP) trial: active and less active ingredients of a multi-component complex intervention to reduce high-risk primary care prescribing. (2017)
Journal Article
GRANT, A., DREISCHULTE, T. and GUTHRIE, B. 2017. Process evaluation of the data-driven quality improvement in primary care (DQIP) trial: active and less active ingredients of a multi-component complex intervention to reduce high-risk primary care prescribing. Implementation science [online], 12, article number 4. Available from

Background: - Two to 4% of emergency hospital admissions are caused by preventable adverse drug events. The estimated costs of such avoidable admissions in England were {pound}530 million in 2015. The data-driven quality improvement in primary care (... Read More about Process evaluation of the data-driven quality improvement in primary care (DQIP) trial: active and less active ingredients of a multi-component complex intervention to reduce high-risk primary care prescribing..

Why is so much clinical research ignored and what can we do about it? (2016)
Journal Article
GRANT, A., TREWEEK, S. and WELLS, M. 2016. Why is so much clinical research ignored and what can we do about it? British journal of hospital medicine [online], 77(Supp. 10), pages 554-555. Available from:

The key points of this article are 1) Research evidence from clinical trials is not being translated into clinical practice in a timely manner and this represents an enormous waste of resources and missed opportunities. 2) Trials do not publish infor... Read More about Why is so much clinical research ignored and what can we do about it?.

Safer prescribing: a trial of education, informatics, and financial incentives. (2016)
Journal Article
DREISCHULTE, T., DONNAN, P., GRANT, A., HAPCA, A., MCCOWAN, C. and GUTHRIE, B. 2016. Safer prescribing: a trial of education, informatics, and financial incentives. New England journal of medicine [online], 374(11), pages 1053-1064. Available from:

High-risk prescribing and preventable, drug-related complications are common in primary care. We evaluated whether the rates of high-risk prescribing by primary care clinicians and the related clinical outcomes would be reduced through a complex inte... Read More about Safer prescribing: a trial of education, informatics, and financial incentives..

Developing a complex intervention to improve prescribing safety in primary care: mixed methods feasibility and optimisation pilot study. (2014)
Journal Article
GRANT, A.M., GUTHRIE, B. and DREISCHULTE, T. 2014. Developing a complex intervention to improve prescribing safety in primary care: mixed methods feasibility and optimisation pilot study. BMJ open [online], 4(1), article number 004153. Available from:

Objectives: (A) To measure the extent to which different candidate outcome measures identified highrisk prescribing that is potentially changeable by the data-driven quality improvement in primary care (DQIP) intervention.(B) To explore the value of... Read More about Developing a complex intervention to improve prescribing safety in primary care: mixed methods feasibility and optimisation pilot study..

Parallel process evaluation using a proposed framework for the design and reporting of process evaluations for cluster-randomised trials of complex interventions. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GRANT, A., DREISCHULTE, T. and GUTHRIE, B. 2013. Parallel process evaluation using a proposed framework for the design and reporting of process evaluations for cluster-randomised trials of complex interventions. Trials [online], 14(Supplement 1): oral and poster presentations from the 2nd Clinical trials methodology conference 2013: methodology matters, 18-19 November 2013, Edinburgh, UK, Article O88. Available from:

Process evaluations are recommended to open the 'black box' of complex interventions evaluated in trials, but there is limited guidance to help with design, with most guidance focused on the use of qualitative methods rather than processes to evaluat... Read More about Parallel process evaluation using a proposed framework for the design and reporting of process evaluations for cluster-randomised trials of complex interventions..

Pro's and con's of the stepped wedge design in cluster randomised trials of quality improvement interventions: two current examples. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DREISCHULTE, T., GRANT, A., DONNAN, P. and GUTHRIE, B. 2013. Pro's and con's of the stepped wedge design in cluster randomised trials of quality improvement interventions: two current examples. Trials [online], 14(Supplement 1): oral and poster presentations of the 2nd Clinical trials methodology conference 2013: methodology matters, 18-19 November 2013, Edinburgh, UK, abstract O87. Available from:

The stepped wedge design, under which all trial participants receive the intervention but the order in which the intervention is received is randomised, is potentially useful to rigorously evaluate organisational interventions to improve quality and... Read More about Pro's and con's of the stepped wedge design in cluster randomised trials of quality improvement interventions: two current examples..

Acceptability and perceived barriers and facilitators to creating a national research register to enable 'direct to patient' enrolment into research: the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE). (2013)
Journal Article
GRANT, A., URE, J., NICOLSON, D.J., HANLEY, J., SHEIKH, A., MCKINSTRY, B. and SULLIVAN, F. 2013. Acceptability and perceived barriers and facilitators to creating a national research register to enable 'direct to patient' enrolment into research: the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE). BMC health services research [online], 13, article number 422. Available from:

Background: Difficulties with recruitment pose a major, increasingly recognised challenge to the viability of research. We sought to explore whether a register of volunteers interested in research participation, with data linkage to electronic health... Read More about Acceptability and perceived barriers and facilitators to creating a national research register to enable 'direct to patient' enrolment into research: the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE)..

An ethnographic exploration of influences on prescribing in general practice: why is there variation in prescribing practices? (2013)
Journal Article
GRANT, A., SULLIVAN, F. and DOWELL, J. 2013. An ethnographic exploration of influences on prescribing in general practice: why is there variation in prescribing practices? Implementation science [online], 8, article 72. Available from:

Prescribing is a core activity for general practitioners, yet significant variation in the quality of prescribing has been reported. This suggests there may be room for improvement in the application of the current best research evidence. There has b... Read More about An ethnographic exploration of influences on prescribing in general practice: why is there variation in prescribing practices?.

Process evaluations for cluster-randomised trials of complex interventions: a proposed framework for design and reporting. (2013)
Journal Article
GRANT, A., TREWEEK, S., DREISCHULTE, T., FOY, R. and GUTHRIE, B. 2013. Process evaluations for cluster-randomised trials of complex interventions: a proposed framework for design and reporting. Trials [online], 14, article number 15. Available from:

Background: Process evaluations are recommended to open the 'black box' of complex interventions evaluated in trials, but there is limited guidance to help researchers design process evaluations. Much current literature on process evaluations of comp... Read More about Process evaluations for cluster-randomised trials of complex interventions: a proposed framework for design and reporting..

Study protocol of a mixed-methods evaluation of a cluster randomized trial to improve the safety of NSAID and antiplatelet prescribing: data-driven quality improvement in primary care. [Protocol] (2012)
GRANT, A., DREISCHULTE, T., TREWEEK, S. and GUTHRIE, B. 2012. Study protocol of a mixed-methods evaluation of a cluster randomized trial to improve the safety of NSAID and antiplatelet prescribing: data-driven quality improvement in primary care. [Protocol]. Trials [online], 13, article number 154. Available from:

Background: Trials of complex interventions are criticized for being 'black box', so the UK Medical Research Council recommends carrying out a process evaluation to explain the trial findings. We believe it is good practice to pre-specify and publish... Read More about Study protocol of a mixed-methods evaluation of a cluster randomized trial to improve the safety of NSAID and antiplatelet prescribing: data-driven quality improvement in primary care. [Protocol].

A cluster randomised stepped wedge trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a multifaceted information technology-based intervention in reducing high-risk prescribing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antiplatelets in primary medical care: the DQIP study protocol. (2012)
DREISCHULTE, T., GRANT, A., DONNAN, P., MCCOWAN, C., DAVEY, P., PETRIE, D., TREWEEK, S. and GUTHRIE, B. 2012. A cluster randomised stepped wedge trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a multifaceted information technology-based intervention in reducing high-risk prescribing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antiplatelets in primary medical care: the DQIP study protocol. [Protocol]. Implementation science [online], 7, article number 24. Available from:

Background: High-risk prescribing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and antiplatelet agents accounts for a significant proportion of hospital admissions due to preventable adverse drug events. The recently completed PINCER trial has d... Read More about A cluster randomised stepped wedge trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a multifaceted information technology-based intervention in reducing high-risk prescribing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antiplatelets in primary medical care: the DQIP study protocol..

Quality and safety of medication use in primary care: consensus validation of a new set of explicit medication assessment criteria and prioritisation of topics for improvement. (2012)
Journal Article
DREISCHULTE, T., GRANT, A.M., MCCOWAN, C., MCANAW, J.J. and GUTHRIE, B. 2012. Quality and safety of medication use in primary care: consensus validation of a new set of explicit medication assessment criteria and prioritisation of topics for improvement. BMC clinical pharmacology [online], 12(1), article number 5. Available from:

Background: Addressing the problem of preventable drug related morbidity (PDRM) in primary care is a challenge for health care systems internationally. The increasing implementation of clinical information systems in the UK and internationally provid... Read More about Quality and safety of medication use in primary care: consensus validation of a new set of explicit medication assessment criteria and prioritisation of topics for improvement..

Improving recruitment to clinical trials with a register of a million patients who agree to the use of their clinical records for research in the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE). (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SULLIVAN, F.M., TREWEEK, S., GRANT, A., DALY, F., NICOLSON, D., MCKINSTRY, B., HANLEY, J., URE, J. and SHEIKH, A. 2011. Improving recruitment to clinical trials with a register of a million patients who agree to the use of their clinical records for research in the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE). Trials [online], 12(Supplement 1): oral and poster presentations from the 2011 Clinical trials methodology conference, 4-5 October 2011, Bristol, UK, abstract A115. Available from:

The UK's technical ability to identify people eligible for medical research is not yet matched by a practical capability to approach them directly to ask them to consider participation in those studies. The consequence is that recruitment to research... Read More about Improving recruitment to clinical trials with a register of a million patients who agree to the use of their clinical records for research in the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE)..