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Professor Gary Spolander's Outputs (4)

Defining the role of the fire and rescue service in mental health support for older adults: a qualitative study. (2024)
Journal Article
FISHER, T., CHEW-GRAHAM, C.A., CORP, N., FAROOQ, S., KINGSTON, P., READ, I., SPOLANDER, G., SOUTHAM, J., STEVENS, D., WARREN, C. and KINGSTONE, T. 2024. Defining the role of the fire and rescue service in mental health support for older adults: a qualitative study. Health expectations [online], 27(5), article number e70028. Available from:

Anxiety and depression in older adults (60+ years of age) are under-diagnosed and under-treated. Older adults are less likely to seek help for these problems due to a lack of awareness, difficulty accessing health care due to availability or disabili... Read More about Defining the role of the fire and rescue service in mental health support for older adults: a qualitative study..

A co-constructed and co-produced evaluation of the Anchor Project in Shetland. (2024)
KENNEDY, C., DOUGLAS, F., SPOLANDER, G., PERRING, E. and HALL, L. 2024. A co-constructed and co-produced evaluation of the Anchor Project in Shetland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government [online]. Available from:

This report details the findings of the independent evaluation of Shetland's Anchor Project (2018-2023). This evaluation was funded by the Scottish Government. The Anchor Project sits within an ambitious Scottish Government policy landscape to eradic... Read More about A co-constructed and co-produced evaluation of the Anchor Project in Shetland..

Anchor Project theory of change. (2024)
Digital Artefact
KENNEDY, C., DOUGLAS, F., SPOLANDER, G., PERRING, E. and HALL, L. 2024. Anchor Project theory of change. [Infographic]. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

This infographic represents a theory of change model, which forms a key output from the Scottish Government-funded evaluation of Shetland's Anchor Project. The Anchor Project sits within an ambitious Scottish Government policy landscape to eradicate... Read More about Anchor Project theory of change..

Entrepreneurship in the favela: negotiating precarity and mental health during COVID-19. (2024)
Journal Article
GARCIA, M.L.T., SPOLANDER, G., TOMLINS, R., LEAL, F.X., BORGES, R.E.S. and SUKUMAR, A. 2024. Entrepreneurship in the favela: negotiating precarity and mental health during COVID-19. Social work in public health [online], 39(1), pages 48-61. Available from:

This paper aims to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health and mental health of necessary entrepreneurs in Brasilian favelas, the social problems they experienced and implications for public health social work. The study used struct... Read More about Entrepreneurship in the favela: negotiating precarity and mental health during COVID-19..