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Professor John McCall's News (2)

Robert Gordon University delivers AI subsea initiative with major energy firms
Jun 27, 2023

Summary Robert Gordon University (RGU) has successfully delivered a new artificial intelligence (AI) data project that is aimed at revolutionising how the inspections of subsea equipment is carried out.

Working alongside the National Subsea Centre (NSC), The Subsea AI Body of Knowledge (SAIBOK) project has been backed by the Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC).
Robert Gordon University (RGU) has successfully delivered a new artificial intelligence (AI) data project that is aimed at revolutionising how the inspections of subsea equipment is carried out.

Working alongside the National Subsea Centre (NSC), The Subsea AI Body of Knowledge (SAIBOK) project has been backed by the Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC).
Linked Funders NZTC Net Zero Technology Centre
People Eyad Elyan
John McCall
Org Units Legacy School of Computing
Legacy National Subsea Centre
Projects Subsea Artificial Intelligence Body Of Knowledge
Themes Environment, Energy & Sustainability
Research Centres/Groups Interactive Machine Vision

Nature-inspired innovation offers one of our best strategies to reach Net Zero
Nov 11, 2021

Summary Writing for The Press and Journal, Professor John McCall, Research Lead at RGU's National Subsea Centre, calls on people to learn from nature to tackle the climate change emergency and move to net zero carbon.

Left to its own devices, nature constructs complex, diverse ecosystems that remain stable, supporting billions of lifeforms over geological timescales.

After only a few short centuries of technical development, humanity has reached the boundaries of sustainability and we are having to radically reassess how our societies are structured and sustained. As we grapple with our needs to move to net zero carbon, it is worth asking what we can learn from the ways in which natural systems maintain themselves.
People John McCall
Org Units Legacy National Subsea Centre
Research Centres/Groups Computational Intelligence (CI)