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Professor John McCall's Outputs (2)

Solving the Ising spin glass problem using a bivariate EDA based on Markov random fields. (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SHAKYA, S.K., MCCALL, J.A.W. and BROWN, D.F. 2006. Solving the Ising spin glass problem using a bivariate EDA based on Markov random fields. In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC 2006), 16-21 July 2006, Vancouver, Canada. New York: IEEE [online], article number 1688408, pages 908-915. Available from:

Markov Random Field (MRF) modelling techniques have been recently proposed as a novel approach to probabilistic modelling for Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs). An EDA using this technique was called Distribution Estimation using Markov Ra... Read More about Solving the Ising spin glass problem using a bivariate EDA based on Markov random fields..

DEUM: a framework for an estimation of distribution algorithm based on Markov random fields. (2006)
SHAKYA, S.K. 2006. DEUM: a framework for an estimation of distribution algorithm based on Markov random fields. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) belong to the class of population based optimisation algorithms. They are motivated by the idea of discovering and exploiting the interaction between variables in the solution. They estimate a probability... Read More about DEUM: a framework for an estimation of distribution algorithm based on Markov random fields..