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Professor Mamdud Hossain's Outputs (3)

Investigation of sand transport in an undulated pipe using computational fluid dynamics. (2017)
Journal Article
TEBOWEI, R., HOSSAIN, M., ISLAM, S.Z., DROUBI, M.G. and OLUYEMI, G. 2018. Investigation of sand transport in an undulated pipe using computational fluid dynamics. Journal of petroleum science and engineering [online], 162, pages 747-762. Available from:

A CFD model has been implemented to investigate the effects the pipe undulation on sand transport. Of particular interest of the present study is the sand deposition in small angled V-inclined bend relevant to oil and gas subsea flowlines where sand... Read More about Investigation of sand transport in an undulated pipe using computational fluid dynamics..

Computational fluid dynamics modelling of pipeline on-bottom stability. (2017)
IYALLA, I. 2017. Computational fluid dynamics modelling of pipeline on-bottom stability. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Subsea pipelines are subjected to wave and steady current loads which cause pipeline stability problems. Current knowledge and understanding on the pipeline on-bottom stability is based on the research programmes from the 1980s such as the Pipeline S... Read More about Computational fluid dynamics modelling of pipeline on-bottom stability..

Fuel cells as an energy source for desalination applications. (2017)
Book Chapter
FAISAL, N.H., AHMED, R., ISLAM, S.K., HOSSAIN, M., GOOSEN, M.F.A. and KATIKANENI, S.P. 2017. Fuel cells as an energy source for desalination applications. In Mahmoudi, H., Ghaffour, N., Goosen, M.F.A. and Bundschuh, J. (eds.) Renewable energy technologies for water desalination. Boca Raton: CRC Press [online], chapter 7, pages 131-145. Available from:

Nowadays, there is a renewed interest in fuel cell technology from industry and academia, electrochemistry and catalysis scientists. This interest is due to environmental legislations for CO2 and other greenhouse gases emissions (United Nations Envir... Read More about Fuel cells as an energy source for desalination applications..