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Professor Linda Lawton's Recognition (78)

Expert member of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Microcystin Working Group

Invited Lecture British Trout Farming Conference, British Trout Association, Sparsholt, UK

Description Algal taints
6th September 2001

International Symposium organiser for Society for General Microbiology 2000
2000 - 2000

Description Organiser of a very successful international symposium for the Society for General Microbiology held in spring 2000.
Affiliated Organisations Microbiology Society

Invited Lecture Human Research Trust Annual Conference, Bramhall, UK

Description Detection of blue-green algal toxins
April 2000

Invited Lecture IIR Biotechnology Conference, London, UK

Description Successfully using new techniques to speed up natural product discovery
30th June 1999

Member of Society for General Microbiology and elected Environmental Microbiology Group Committee
1998 - 2000

Description Member of the Society for General Microbiology
Affiliated Organisations Microbiology Society

Symposium organiser for Scottish Microbiology Society
1998 - 1998

Invited Lecture Annual Seminar Programme, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK

Description Department of Biological Sciences
14th October 1996
Affiliated Organisations Glasgow Caledonian University

Invited Lecture Techfest Public Access Seminar Programme, Aberdeen, UK

Description The good, the bad and the algae
September 1995

Invited Lecture Association of Port Health Authorities 95th Annual Meeting, Weymouth, UK

Description Cyanobacterial (blue-green algal) blooms and their associated toxins
21st-23rd June 1994

Member Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS)

Affiliated Organisations Scottish Association for Marine Science

Member Freshwater Biological Association

Invited Lecture Society for Applied Bacteriology Autumn Meeting, Leicester, UK

Description The significance of algal toxins in UK water
20th September 1994

Invited Lecture Universiteit Gent, Belgium

Description The occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms and their toxins
25th August 1994
Affiliated Organisations Universiteit Gent (Ghent University)

Member of Department of Environment Standing Committee of Analysts, Organic Impurities Working Group, Toxins Panel
1993 - 1998

Invited Lecture The Royal Society of Health Conference, The Water We Drink, Manchester, UK

Description The public health significance of blue-green algal blooms
2nd July 1991

Invited Lecture Institute of Water and Environmental Management Symposium, New Health Considerations in Water Treatment, Leeds, UK

Description Cyanobacterial toxins and their significance in United Kingdom and European Waters
21st November 1990

Society for General Microbiology - Local Representative

Affiliated Organisations Microbiology Society