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Post Nominals BA(Hons), MSc, AFHEA, PhD
Research Interests Eleni's research interests lie in the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation and leadership and their relation to various aspects of organisational behaviour. More precisely, she is interested in investigating whether, how and why strategic entrepreneurship and innovation is an imperative for business success, as well as the role of organisational processes when it comes to its practice. She also has an interest in neurodiversity and entrepreneurship and researching the extent to which entrepreneurship maybe a promising career option for neurodivergent individuals. Other areas of interest include, female entrepreneurship and leadership and the investigation of entrepreneurship and innovation in unorthodox contextual settings
Teaching and Learning Eleni is a Lecturer in Entrepreneurship. and Innovation.

Her teaching & research interests lie in the area of Entrepreneurship and Business Creation, Leadership in Entrepreneurial Organisations, Strategic Entrepreneurship & Organisational Behaviour within entrepreneurial contexts.
PhD Supervision Availability Yes