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Dr Poh Yen Ng's Outputs (5)

Examining the influence of customers, suppliers and regulators on environmental practices of SMEs: evidence from the United Arab Emirates. (2024)
Journal Article
SAWANG, S., NG, P.Y., KIVITS, R.A., DSILVA, J. and LOCKE, J. 2024. Examining the influence of customers, suppliers and regulators on environmental practices of SMEs: evidence from the United Arab Emirates. Business strategy and the environment [online], 33(7), pages 6533-6546. Available from:

This study explores which stakeholders have more substantial influence than others and which combinations of stakeholders will have the greatest impact on small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises' environmental practices. A quantitative survey of 150 mana... Read More about Examining the influence of customers, suppliers and regulators on environmental practices of SMEs: evidence from the United Arab Emirates..

Lebanon: fig holding and SDG#1 no poverty. (2024)
Book Chapter
NG, P.Y., BASTIAN, B.L. and WOOD, B. 2025. Lebanon: fig holding and SDG#1 no poverty. In Birththistle, N. (eds.) Attaining the 2030 sustainable development goal of no poverty. Leeds: Emerald [online], pages 55-68. Available from:

Poverty reduction is pivotal for sustainable development and has been identified as the first sustainability goal (SDG#1) by the United Nations. Poverty has remained a key challenge for countries in the Arab world, which is characterised by persistin... Read More about Lebanon: fig holding and SDG#1 no poverty..

Nurturing entrepreneurs: designing child-friendly workshops for refugee women. (2024)
Book Chapter
STREET, C.P. and NG, P.Y. 2024. Nurturing entrepreneurs: designing child-friendly workshops for refugee women. In Ranabahu, N., de Vries, H.P. and Hamilton, R.T. (eds.) Refugee entrepreneurship: a research companion. London: Routledge [online], pages 269-286. Available from:

This chapter proposes a rethinking of how entrepreneurship workshops for marginalised women are designed and actualised, focusing on the process of a two-day entrepreneurship workshop for refugee women. Four refugee women with established businesses... Read More about Nurturing entrepreneurs: designing child-friendly workshops for refugee women..

Business model renewal and firms' performance: the role of preventive vs. promotion mindsets. (2024)
Journal Article
SAWANG, S., SUKUMAR, A, NG, P.Y. and JAFARI-SADEGHI, V. 2024. Business model renewal and firms' performance: the role of preventive vs. promotion mindsets. International journal of entrepreneurship and small business [online], 52(4), pages 548-568. Available from:

This study explores the role of an entrepreneurial mindset in buffering the relationship between the recurrent business model renewal and firms’ performances over time. Using the Comprehensive Australian Study of Entrepreneurial Emergence (CAUSEE), a... Read More about Business model renewal and firms' performance: the role of preventive vs. promotion mindsets..

Dietary supplement use is related to doping intention via doping attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control. (2024)
Journal Article
HURST, P., NG, P.Y., UNDER, L. and FUGGLE, C. 2024. Dietary supplement use is related to doping intention via doping attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control. Performance enhancement and health [online], 12(2), article number 100278. Available from:

The use of dietary supplements (e.g., caffeine, creatine, dietary nitrate) has shown to be related to the intention to dope (e.g., amphetamines, anabolic steroids, erythropoietin). In this study, we integrated elements of the theory of planned behavi... Read More about Dietary supplement use is related to doping intention via doping attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control..