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Dr Rachael Ironside's Outputs (8)

Talking about prisons: making sense of difficult heritage at Peterhead Prison Museum. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
IRONSIDE, R. and ROITERSHTEIN, A. 2024. Talking about prisons: making sense of difficult heritage at Peterhead Prison Museum. Presented at the Roots revived conference: memory, legacy, heritage and tourism, 17 October 2024, Edinburgh, UK.

Prison museums have become an increasingly popular tourist attraction. Presenting visitors with stories and exhibits pertaining to countries' penal history, they engage with difficult and often dissonant heritage. Peterhead Prison Museum ceased opera... Read More about Talking about prisons: making sense of difficult heritage at Peterhead Prison Museum..

Telling the story, of telling the story ... of telling the story. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
REID, P., PIRIE, E. and IRONSIDE, R. 2024. Telling the story, of telling the story ... of telling the story. Presented at the "Telling the story, of telling the story ... of telling the story" workshop, 29 May 2024, Aberdeen, UK.

This is a workshop held within RGU by Peter Reid, Elliot Pirie and Rachael Ironside. The presenters discuss their recent publication, "Telling the story of telling the story: capturing intangible heritage storytelling on the origins of malt whisky in... Read More about Telling the story, of telling the story ... of telling the story..

Building community and emphasising learning beyond the classroom. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LEITH, C. and IRONSIDE, R. 2022. Building community and emphasising learning beyond the classroom. Presented at the 2022 RGU annual learning and teaching conference (RGU LTC 2022): enhancing for impact, 21 October 2022, Aberdeen, UK.

Due to the lengthy (and ongoing) disruption caused by COVID-19, the Tourism, Hospitality and Events teaching team recognised the need to rebuild and foster a greater sense of community within the subject area. Furthermore, the blog was seen as a way... Read More about Building community and emphasising learning beyond the classroom..

Dreaming of digital cakes: reflections on transitioning event-based assessment online. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JONES, K. and IRONSIDE, R. 2021. Dreaming of digital cakes: reflections on transitioning event-based assessment online. Presented at the 2021 RGU annual learning and teaching conference (RGU LTC 2021): creativity from crisis: emerging stronger, 8 June 2021, Aberdeen, UK.

This paper examines the impact of a change in delivery - from an assessed live events project to a digital events project - in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of this paper is on two modules delivered to Stage 3 and Stage 4 students on t... Read More about Dreaming of digital cakes: reflections on transitioning event-based assessment online..

'Seeing' ghosts: referential practice and experiencing uncanny events together. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
IRONSIDE, R. 2019. 'Seeing' ghosts: referential practice and experiencing uncanny events together. Presented at the 2019 International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis conference (IIEMCA 19): practices, 2-5 July 2019, Mannheim, Germany.

This paper will explore the role of referential practice in making visible an essentially ‘invisible’ object, a ghost. Drawing upon video data from groups experiencing an ostensibly paranormal event, this paper will examine how interaction between... Read More about 'Seeing' ghosts: referential practice and experiencing uncanny events together..

Streetsport: supporting and facilitating the development of enhanced graduate attributes. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CRADDOCK, C., ANTONIAZZI, F., MORRISON, S. et al. 2019. Streetsport: Supporting and facilitating the development of enhanced graduate attributes. Poster presented at the 2019 Department for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Access (DELTA) Learning and teaching conference (LTC 2019): learning without borders, 02 May 2019, Aberdeen, UK.

Streetsport is a programme that aims to exercise social innovation by reducing instances of youth crime and anti-social behaviour; whilst promoting health and wellbeing through sport, physical activity and creative endeavour. As a vehicle for deliver... Read More about Streetsport: supporting and facilitating the development of enhanced graduate attributes..

Ghost seeing in dark places: the allure of dark tourism. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
IRONSIDE, R. 2018. Ghost seeing in dark places: the allure of ghost tourism. Presented at 2018 Spiritualism and the supernatural symposium, 31 October 2018, Manchester, UK.

A talk given at the Spritualism and the Supernatural Event hosted by the Research in Arts and Humanities Department at Manchester Metropolitan University. This presentation explores the rise of ghost tourism, and the continued allure of the supernatu... Read More about Ghost seeing in dark places: the allure of dark tourism..

Did you feel that? Multimodal interactions and making sense of uncanny events. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
IRONSIDE, R. 2018. Did you feel that? Multimodal interactions and making sense of uncanny events. Presented at the 4th Copenhagen multimodality day, 5 October 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.

This presentation examines the application of video data and conversation analysis in the study of paranormal experiences. Paranormal experiences can be defined as instances "in which a person perceives phenomena that appear to defy scientific explan... Read More about Did you feel that? Multimodal interactions and making sense of uncanny events..