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Professor Scott Cunningham's Outputs (8)

Competency-based assessment of practice-based experiential learning in undergraduate pharmacy programmes. (2021)
Journal Article
JACOB, S.A., POWER, A., PORTLOCK, J., JEBARA, T., CUNNINGHAM, S. and BOYTER, A.C. 2021. Competency-based assessment of practice-based experiential learning in undergraduate pharmacy programmes. Pharmacy practice [online], 19(4), article 2482. Available from:

Objective: To obtain feedback from experiential leaning (EL) leads about how competency-based assessments could be undertaken by EL facilitators, and to scope existing EL assessment structures in undergraduate Masters in Pharmacy (MPharm) programmes... Read More about Competency-based assessment of practice-based experiential learning in undergraduate pharmacy programmes..

An innovative general practice based pharmacy longitudinal clerkship: using theory to characterise its development, implementation and initial evaluation. (2021)
Journal Article
INNES, C., RUSHWORTH, G., ADDISON, B., WEDEKIND, Y., WATSON, E., RUDD, I., POWER, A. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2022. An innovative general practice based pharmacy longitudinal clerkship: using theory to characterise its development, implementation and initial evaluation. Education for primary care [online], 33(3), pages 173-179. Available from:

Background Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships exist in undergraduate medicine courses. A pilot Pharmacy Longitudinal Clerkship (pPLC) was funded to investigate delivery of this model of clinical education for student pharmacists. Objective(s): To inv... Read More about An innovative general practice based pharmacy longitudinal clerkship: using theory to characterise its development, implementation and initial evaluation..

Student and pre-registration pharmacist performance in a UK prescribing assessment. (2021)
Journal Article
POWER, A., STEWART, D., CRAIG, G., BOYTER, A., REID, F., STEWART, F., CUNNINGHAM, S. and MAXWELL, S. 2022. Student and pre-registration pharmacist performance in a UK prescribing assessment. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 44(1), pages 100-109. Available from:

Student and pre-registration pharmacist performance in a UK Prescribing Assessment': room for improvement and need for curricular change Background Increasingly the global policy direction is for patient-facing pharmacist prescribers. The 'UK Prescri... Read More about Student and pre-registration pharmacist performance in a UK prescribing assessment..

Pharmacy students’ experience of a novel government-funded experiential learning initiative: a mixed-method study (ACTp Study). (2021)
Journal Article
JACOB, S.A., JEBARA, T., WATSON, M., CUNNINGHAM, S., POWER, A. and BOYTER, A.C. 2021. Pharmacy students’ experience of a novel government-funded experiential learning initiative: a mixed-method study (ACTp study). Pharmacy education [online], 21, pages 466-476. Available from:

Background: In 2018, the Scottish Government made the Pharmacy Additional Cost of Teaching (ACTp) funding available to support the development of Experiential Learning (EL) in undergraduate pharmacy education. To inform the further expansion of EL in... Read More about Pharmacy students’ experience of a novel government-funded experiential learning initiative: a mixed-method study (ACTp Study)..

Developing a socioecological framework of understanding to deconstruct the complex personal growth narratives of health and social care students, entering healthcare practice early during the Covid-19 pandemic. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ADAMS, N.N., BUTLER-WARKE, A., TORRANCE, N., GRANT, A., KENNEDY, C., KYDD, A., CUNNINGHAM, S. and DOUGLAS, F. 2021. Developing a socioecological framework of understanding to deconstruct the complex personal growth narratives of health and social care students, entering healthcare practice early during the Covid-19 pandemic. Presented at 2021 British Sociological Association (BSA) annual conference: remaking the future, 13 April 2021, [virtual conference].

During the COVID-19 pandemic and resultant lockdown, UK health and social care students were offered the opportunity to become ‘early entrants’: nursing and midwifery students were asked to enter extended paid placements, while some student pharmacis... Read More about Developing a socioecological framework of understanding to deconstruct the complex personal growth narratives of health and social care students, entering healthcare practice early during the Covid-19 pandemic..

Using the theoretical domains framework to investigate clinicians’ behavioural determinants of antimicrobial prescribing in Qatar. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TALKHAN, H., STEWART, D., MCINTOSH, T., ZIGLAM, H., ABDULROUF, P.V., AL-HAIL, M., DIAB, M. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2021. Using the theoretical domains framework to investigate clinicians’ behavioural determinants of antimicrobial prescribing in Qatar. Presented at 2021 Health services research and pharmacy practice conference (HSRPP 2021): designing healthcare: stimulating interdisciplinary and co-design for quality healthcare, 8-9 April 2021, [virtual conference].

Introduction: A recent systematic review by Talkhan et al demonstrated the need for theoretically based behaviour change interventions in this area. [1] For development of such complex interventions, emphasis should be placed on using theory to syste... Read More about Using the theoretical domains framework to investigate clinicians’ behavioural determinants of antimicrobial prescribing in Qatar..

A study to scope structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice as part of the multidisciplinary care of patients with chronic kidney disease. (2021)
AL RAIISI, F. 2021. A study to scope structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice as part of the multidisciplinary care of patients with chronic kidney disease. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a complex health-related comorbidity with an enormous economic burden on any healthcare system globally. Clinical pharmacy services have potential to contribute significantly to the multidisciplinary team providing saf... Read More about A study to scope structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice as part of the multidisciplinary care of patients with chronic kidney disease..

Public perceptions and experiences of the minor ailment service in community pharmacy in Scotland. (2021)
Journal Article
BOAG, L., MACLURE, K., BOYTER, A., CUNNINGHAM, S., AKRAM, G., MCQUILLAN, H. and STEWART, D. 2021. Public perceptions and experiences of the minor ailment service in community pharmacy in Scotland. Pharmacy practice [online], 19(1), article 2152. Available from:

The Minor Ailment Service (MAS) in Scottish community pharmacy allows eligible people to gain improved access to care by providing free treatment for self-limiting conditions. To determine the perceptions and experiences of individuals using MAS and... Read More about Public perceptions and experiences of the minor ailment service in community pharmacy in Scotland..