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Professor Peter Strachan's Outputs (7)

A critical evaluation of the effectiveness of local content policy (LCP) and transparency practices in LCP implementation in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. (2017)
OGUAGHA, U.O. 2017. A critical evaluation of the effectiveness of local content policy (LCP) and transparency practices in LCP implementation in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

One of the aims of the Local Content Policy (LCP) is the economic development of Nigeria through the utilisation of local personnel and resources in the activities of the Nigerian oil and gas industry. Many studies have investigated the LCP, but limi... Read More about A critical evaluation of the effectiveness of local content policy (LCP) and transparency practices in LCP implementation in the Nigerian oil and gas industry..

Sub-national government and pathways to sustainable energy. (2017)
Journal Article
COWELL, R., ELLIS, G., SHERRY-BRENNAN, F., STRACHAN, P.A. and TOKE, D. 2017. Sub-national government and pathways to sustainable energy. Environment and planning C: politics and space [online], 35(7), pages 1139-1155. Available from:

In an effort to understand how to promote more sustainable forms of energy provision, researchers have begun addressing the scale of political and governance processes, yet the effects of sub-national government remain neglected. At the same time, an... Read More about Sub-national government and pathways to sustainable energy..

A critical assessment of corporate community engagement (CCE) in the Niger Delta. (2017)
AJIDE, O.E. 2017. A critical assessment of corporate community engagement (CCE) in the Niger Delta. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

This thesis makes a new contribution to the field of corporate social responsibility in the area of corporate community engagement (CCE) and public relations in the area of organization-public relationships (OPRs). The thesis focuses on the Nigerian... Read More about A critical assessment of corporate community engagement (CCE) in the Niger Delta..

Sustainability, corporate community engagement and enterprise development: lessons from a case study in Emu-Ebendo Niger-Delta, Nigeria. (2017)
Journal Article
AJIDE, O.E., STRACHAN, P.A., RUSSELL, A. and JONES, D.R. 2017. Sustainability, corporate community engagement and enterprise development: lessons from a case study in Emu-Ebendo Niger-Delta, Nigeria. Problemy ekorozwoju: problems of sustainable development [online], 12(2), pages 59-67. Available from:

Corporate community engagement remains an under researched area in sustainability debates. Presenting a case study, based on in-depth interviews and site visits, of how one indigenous company Energia Ltd has formed a strong partnership or bond with t... Read More about Sustainability, corporate community engagement and enterprise development: lessons from a case study in Emu-Ebendo Niger-Delta, Nigeria..

Energy and sustainability transitions: the case of community renewables for off-grid rural electrification in Nigeria with emphasis on Shape community project. (2017)
BUTU, A.I. 2017. Energy and sustainability transitions: the case of community renewables for off-grid rural electrification in Nigeria with emphasis on Shape community project. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

The transition from one energy system to another has been analysed by many researchers especially in the context of developed countries. Community renewable energy transition in rural areas is largely under-researched, particularly in developing coun... Read More about Energy and sustainability transitions: the case of community renewables for off-grid rural electrification in Nigeria with emphasis on Shape community project..

A critical evaluation of the prospects for a transition towards ocean based renewable energy development in Nigeria. (2017)
OSU, V.R. 2017. A critical evaluation of the prospects for a transition towards ocean based renewable energy development in Nigeria. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

The move towards addressing two pertinent energy challenges that is access to electricity and climate change has seen the transition towards sustainable forms of energy including Ocean Based Renewable Energy (OBRE). However, much work remains to be d... Read More about A critical evaluation of the prospects for a transition towards ocean based renewable energy development in Nigeria..

An exploratory study of localisation drivers and barriers of oil and gas service firms: a case study approach. (2017)
MCDONALD, J. 2017. An exploratory study of localisation drivers and barriers of oil and gas service firms: a case study approach. Robert Gordon University, DBA thesis.

The purpose of this thesis is to explore and understand the localisation phenomenon from a geographical, cultural, technical and governmental theme to help explain why the level of local content in the oil and gas engineering and technical services p... Read More about An exploratory study of localisation drivers and barriers of oil and gas service firms: a case study approach..