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Professor Peter Strachan's Recognition (76)

Member - Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Peer Review College

PhD External Examiner - Imperial College London, England

PhD External Examiner - University of Cardiff, Wales

Expert Opinion Provided on the United States Jacobson, Clack and Proceedings of the National Academic of Science (PNAS) Legal Case
2020 - 2020

Invited Guest Speaker Contribution - MISTRAL Summer School, Horizon 2020, University of St Gallen, Switzerland

Journal Special Issue Editor - Accelerating Renewable Energy Transition Post Major World Events, Energies
2020 - 2021

Description Guest Editors

Professor Peter Strachan Robert Gordon University, Scotland
Professor Brian Vad Mathiesen Aalborg University, Denmark
Professor Christian Breyer LUT University, Finland

Special Issue Information


The world economy is currently facing the most extreme economic shock since the Second World War. Against this dire macroeconomic situation, the aim of the current Special Issue is to examine how to build back better and to accelerate renewable energy transition in order to withstand the next big shocks coming our way: climate and ecological breakdown.

The global lockdown has meant severe changes in our life and particularly our transport patterns but has only given us a small reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions. Millions of people have also lost their jobs.

With a focus on green growth, the circular economy, energy efficiency and clean renewable energy post major word events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, this Special Issue seeks to stimulate critical debate on business leadership and government policy innovations in renewables and fossil fuels energy transition.

As a response to the climate crisis, government and business leadership, technological innovation, innovations in the market, and financial instruments are needed to spur green economic recovery in the transition to 100% renewable energy and net zero greenhouse gas emitting societies.

These are the core themes in the emerging debate on how to build back better and accelerate the renewable energy transition toward a fully sustainable energy system.

When addressing these themes, the editors of this Special Issue particularly welcome theoretically derived, international comparative papers from an interdisciplinary perspective.

PhD External Examiner - University of Cardiff, Wales

Annual Lecture - Energy and the Climate Emergency, CIMA Aberdeen Branch, Aberdeen, Scotland

Expert Closing Panel Member Contribution - Powering Offshore Oil And Gas With Marine Renewables Conference, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland

Keynote Lecture - Energy and Climate Change Review 2018, Energy Institute and Strathclyde University Centre for Energy Policy, Glasgow, Scotland

Project Team Member - Feasibility Study: 50-Year Legacy of Shell in the North East of Scotland, Shell
2018 - 2018

Expert Closing Panel Member Contribution - Future of Energy Conference, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland

Book - Managing Green Teams: Environmental Change in Organisations and Networks (Reprinted), Routledge
2017 - 2017

PhD External Examiner - Nottingham Trent University, England

Expert Contributor to the All Parliamentary Group on Unconventional Oil and Gas at the Houses of Parliament, Westminster, London, England
2016 - 2016

PhD External Examiner - University of Stavanger, Norway