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Port cities: innovation sustainability

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People Involved

Professor Richard Laing

Project Description

Port Cities can be seen as multidimensional laboratories where challenges connected with urban mobility are more complex. They are at once a challenge and an opportunity, as they provide scope for planning, researching and implementing integrated mobility solutions in distinctively complex urban contexts.

Civitas PORTIS designs, demonstrates and evaluates integrated sets of sustainable mobility measures in 5 major port cities located on the North Sea (Aberdeen and Antwerp), the Mediterranean Sea (Trieste), the Black Sea (Constanta), and Baltic Sea (Klaipeda). The project also involves a major international follower port city on the East China Sea (Ningbo). This project will show that more efficient and sustainable mobility is conducive to the establishment of vital and multi-modal hubs for urban, regional, national and international movements of passengers and goods.

Working with over 30 partners and collaborators in Belgium, UK, Italy, Romania, Lithuania, China and Austria

Project Acronym CIVITAS PORTIS
Status Project Complete
Funder(s) European Commission Horizon 2020 (expired)
Value £388,368.00
Project Dates Sep 1, 2016 - Nov 30, 2020
Partner Organisations Aberdeen City Council
Stad Antwerpen (City of Antwerp)

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