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A.R.T. Forum NSR - Forum for reflection and recommendations for Automated Road Transport in the North Sea Region

People Involved

Professor Richard Laing

Dr Kate Han

Project Description

RGU are in the process of developing an autonomous vehicle ‘implementation roadmap’ for transport policy makers (at local and regional level) in Scotland. This will set out the various steps involved in putting autonomous vehicles on the road, detailing the relevant legislative, regulatory, health and safety, governance, funding, procurement, engagement and construction steps involved along with realistic delivery timescales. The work will also identify key local and national barriers which might impede delivery.

As part of the Automated Road Transport (ART) forum, RGU will work with other partners to consider how the delivery roadmap will need to be refined and elaborated for use by transport decision makers working in different geographic contexts -urban areas, suburban areas, rural and island areas and for long-distance transport

A project lead by Freie Hansestandt Bremen, and in collaboration with partners in Yorkshire, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany and Belgium

Project Acronym ARTForumNSR
Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Interreg IVB North Sea Region
Value £225,831.00
Project Dates Mar 1, 2019 - Aug 31, 2022

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