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Outputs (2)

The effects of measurement error and testing frequency on the fitness-fatigue model applied to resistance training: a simulation approach. (2019)
Journal Article
STEPHENS HEMINGWAY, B.H., BURGESS, K.E., ELYAN, E. and SWINTON, P.A. 2020. The effects of measurement error and testing frequency on the fitness-fatigue model applied to resistance training: a simulation approach. International journal of sports science and coaching [online], 15(1), pages 60-71. Available from:

This study investigated the effects of measurement error and testing frequency on prediction accuracy of the standard fitness-fatigue model. A simulation-based approach was used to systematically assess measurement error and frequency inputs commonly... Read More about The effects of measurement error and testing frequency on the fitness-fatigue model applied to resistance training: a simulation approach..

Learning to self-manage by intelligent monitoring, prediction and intervention. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
WIRATUNGA, N., CORSAR, D., MARTIN, K., WIJEKOON, A., ELYAN, E., COOPER, K., IBRAHIM, Z., CELIKTUTAN, O., DOBSON, R.J., MCKENNA, S., MORRIS, J., WALLER, A., ABD-ALHAMMED, R., QAHWAJI, R. and CHAUDHURI, R. 2019. Learning to self-manage by intelligent monitoring, prediction and intervention. In Wiratunga, N., Coenen, F. and Sani, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International workshop on knowledge discovery in healthcare data (KDH 2019), co-located with the 28th International joint conference on artificial intelligence (IJCAI-19), 10-11 August 2019, Macao, China. CEUR workshop proceedings, 2429. Aachen: CEUR-WS [online], pages 60-67. Available from:

Despite the growing prevalence of multimorbidities, current digital self-management approaches still prioritise single conditions. The future of out-of-hospital care requires researchers to expand their horizons; integrated assistive technologies sho... Read More about Learning to self-manage by intelligent monitoring, prediction and intervention..