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Values-based interprofessional education: how interprofessional education and values- based practice interrelate and are vehicles for the benefit of patients and health and social care professionals. (2020)
Journal Article
MERRIMAN, C., CHALMERS, L., EWENS, A., FULFORD, B. (KWF)., GRAY, R., HANDA, A. and WESTCOTT, L. 2020. Values-based interprofessional education: how interprofessional education and values-based practice interrelate and are vehicles for the benefit of patients and health and social care professionals. Journal of interprofessional care [online], 34(4), pages 569-571. Available from:

The 2016 All Together Better Health VIII Oxford conference brought together interprofessional education (IPE) and values-based practice (VBP) communities. As there is a paucity of research and publications in the area, following the event a working p... Read More about Values-based interprofessional education: how interprofessional education and values- based practice interrelate and are vehicles for the benefit of patients and health and social care professionals..