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WEC: weighted ensemble of text classifiers. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
UPADHYAY, A., NGUYEN, T.T., MASSIE, S. and MCCALL, J. 2020. WEC: weighted ensemble of text classifiers. In Proceedings of 2020 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) congress on evolutionary computation (IEEE CEC 2020), part of the 2020 (IEEE) World congress on computational intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2020) and co-located with the 2020 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN 2020) and the 2020 IEEE International fuzzy systems conference (FUZZ-IEEE 2020), 19-24 July 2020, Glasgow, UK [virtual conference]. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article ID 9185641. Available from:

Text classification is one of the most important tasks in the field of Natural Language Processing. There are many approaches that focus on two main aspects: generating an effective representation; and selecting and refining algorithms to build the c... Read More about WEC: weighted ensemble of text classifiers..