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Outputs (9)

Telling the story, of telling the story ... of telling the story. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
REID, P., PIRIE, E. and IRONSIDE, R. 2024. Telling the story, of telling the story ... of telling the story. Presented at the "Telling the story, of telling the story ... of telling the story" workshop, 29 May 2024, Aberdeen, UK.

This is a workshop held within RGU by Peter Reid, Elliot Pirie and Rachael Ironside. The presenters discuss their recent publication, "Telling the story of telling the story: capturing intangible heritage storytelling on the origins of malt whisky in... Read More about Telling the story, of telling the story ... of telling the story..

Reimagining the rural hinterland: an investigation of participatory digital placemaking in rural communities. (2024)
Journal Article
IRONSIDE, R. and REID, P. 2024. Reimagining the rural hinterland: an investigation of participatory digital placemaking in rural communities. Culture unbound [online], 16(1): place making beyond cities, pages 60-85. Available from:

Rural locations often form a hinterland – geographically and culturally - for large conurbations that dominate a particular region. They are interconnected, sometimes interdependent, but also separated by the social and spatial perceptions of a place... Read More about Reimagining the rural hinterland: an investigation of participatory digital placemaking in rural communities..

Telling the story of telling the story: capturing intangible heritage storytelling on the origins of malt whisky in the Cabrach. (2023)
Journal Article
REID, P.H., PIRIE, E. and IRONSIDE, R. 2024. Telling the story of telling the story: capturing intangible heritage storytelling on the origins of malt whisky in the Cabrach. Journal of documentation [online], 80(2), pages 508-532. Available from:

This research explored the storytelling (collection, curation, and use) in the Cabrach, a remote Scottish glen. The aim of the research was to capture the methodological process of storytelling and curation of heritage knowledge through the lens of t... Read More about Telling the story of telling the story: capturing intangible heritage storytelling on the origins of malt whisky in the Cabrach..

The spik o the place: dialect and its place in the folkloric cultures and traditions in North-East Scotland. (2023)
Book Chapter
REID, P.H. 2023. The spik o the place: dialect and its place in the folkloric cultures and traditions in North-East Scotland. In Hunter, J. and Ironside, R. (eds.) Folklore, people and places: international perspectives on tourism and tradition in storied places. Abingdon: Routledge [online], chapter 4. Available from:

This chapter explores the role that the Doric dialect has in the cultural heritage and folklore traditions of North-East Scotland, as well as how visitors to the region encounter it. The chapter considers the place of dialect in folklore more genera... Read More about The spik o the place: dialect and its place in the folkloric cultures and traditions in North-East Scotland..

Bloody amazing really: voices from Scotland’s public libraries in lockdown. (2022)
Journal Article
REID, P.H. and MESJAR, L. 2023. Bloody amazing really: voices from Scotland's public libraries in lockdown. Journal of documentation [online], 79(2), pages 301-319. Available from:

The research examined Scottish Public Libraries and their response to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-21. It focused particularly around the way that they helped to support community resilience and cohesion during periods of lockdown. The study conside... Read More about Bloody amazing really: voices from Scotland’s public libraries in lockdown..

From the prefect's desk: Gerard van Swieten's library correspondence. (2022)
Journal Article
CHLEBAK, C.A. and REID, P.H. 2022. From the prefect's desk: Gerard van Swieten's library correspondence. Library and information history [online], 38(1), pages 23-41. Available from:

This article investigates library-related documents written by Gerard van Swieten (1700–72), during his tenure as Library Prefect in the Imperial Library of Vienna (1745–72). Van Swieten's time as Library Prefect is considered through a textual analy... Read More about From the prefect's desk: Gerard van Swieten's library correspondence..

Digital storytelling and participatory local heritage through the creation of an online moving image archive: a case-study of Fraserburgh on Film. (2021)
Journal Article
DAVIDSON, A. and REID, P.H. 2022. Digital storytelling and participatory local heritage through the creation of an online moving image archive: a case-study of Fraserburgh on Film. Journal of documentation [online], 78(2), pages 389-415. Available from:

Purpose: The aim of the research was to create a site which could host an archive of moving image associated with the town of Fraserburgh in Scotland, but could also include other digital artefacts to support and enhance the narratives contained with... Read More about Digital storytelling and participatory local heritage through the creation of an online moving image archive: a case-study of Fraserburgh on Film..

Talk to them like they’re people: a cross-cultural comparison of teen-centred approaches in public library services. (2021)
Journal Article
ORNSTEIN, E. and REID, P.H. 2022. Talk to them like they’re people: a cross-cultural comparison of teen-centred approaches in public library services. Journal of librarianship and information science [online], 54(3), pages 451-468. Available from:

The aim of this research is to observe and analyse cross-cultural examples of public libraries with strong teen services, to identify key elements of practice and approach that enable these libraries’ successful and impactful interactions with teenag... Read More about Talk to them like they’re people: a cross-cultural comparison of teen-centred approaches in public library services..

Libraries in lockdown: Scottish public libraries and their role in community cohesion and resilience during lockdown. (2021)
REID, P. and BLOICE, L. 2021. Libraries in lockdown: Scottish public libraries and their role in community cohesion and resilience during lockdown. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.

The research examines Scottish Public Libraries and their response to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-21 and in particular the way in which they have, through their digital offering, helped to support community resilience and cohesion. The research als... Read More about Libraries in lockdown: Scottish public libraries and their role in community cohesion and resilience during lockdown..