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Outputs (29)

Indies in Scotland: exploring the role of independent bookshops in Scotland's towns and villages. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LAING, A. 2022. Indies in Scotland: exploring the role of independent bookshops in Scotland's towns and villages. Presented at Culture vs commerce, 17 May 2022, [virtual event].

This talk was presented at the Culture vs Commerce roundtable session, part of the Literature and the Market DFG funded project held virtually at the University of Münster. This project builds on previous work and explores consumer behaviour and brow... Read More about Indies in Scotland: exploring the role of independent bookshops in Scotland's towns and villages..

Covid-19 fake news sentiment analysis. (2022)
Journal Article
IWENDI, C., MOHAN, S., KHAN, S., IBEKE, E., AHMADIAN, A. and CIANO, T. 2022. COVID-19 fake news sentiment analysis. Computers and electrical engineering [online], 101, article 107967. Available from:

’Fake news’ refers to the misinformation presented about issues or events, such as COVID-19. Meanwhile, social media giants claimed to take COVID-19 related misinformation seriously, however, they have been ineffectual. This research uses the Informa... Read More about Covid-19 fake news sentiment analysis..

From the prefect's desk: Gerard van Swieten's library correspondence. (2022)
Journal Article
CHLEBAK, C.A. and REID, P.H. 2022. From the prefect's desk: Gerard van Swieten's library correspondence. Library and information history [online], 38(1), pages 23-41. Available from:

This article investigates library-related documents written by Gerard van Swieten (1700–72), during his tenure as Library Prefect in the Imperial Library of Vienna (1745–72). Van Swieten's time as Library Prefect is considered through a textual analy... Read More about From the prefect's desk: Gerard van Swieten's library correspondence..

Thinking with the Harrisons: what does now demand? [Presentation] (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, A. and FREMANTLE, C. 2022. Thinking with the Harrisons: what does now demand? Presented at Listening to the web of life, 17-18 March 2022, San Diego, USA. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

How can we learn to think ecologically when our technological, social, aesthetic and political systems are built on the primacy of human rationality? Helen Mayer Harrison (1927-2018) and Newton Harrison's (b. 1932) practice as artists borrows from th... Read More about Thinking with the Harrisons: what does now demand? [Presentation].

The uncanny place: a critical appraisal of popular paranormal TV shows. (2022)
Journal Article
SMITH, F. and IRONSIDE, R. 2022. The uncanny place: a critical appraisal of popular paranormal TV shows. Journal of popular television [online], 10(1), pages 95-198. Available from:

This article examines the construction of the uncanny place in reality paranormal television. Two introductory sequences from the British programme Most Haunted (2002-present) are analysed that investigate 'ordinary homes' to consider the way that pl... Read More about The uncanny place: a critical appraisal of popular paranormal TV shows..

They've got an absolute army of women behind them: the formation of a women's cooperative constellation in contemporary Scotland. (2022)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2022. They've got an absolute army of women behind them: the formation of a women's cooperative constellation in contemporary Scotland. Scottish affairs [online], 31(1), pages 1-20. Available from:

This study argues that a new women's cooperative constellation has been established in Scotland around the issue of the Scottish Government's proposed reforms of the Gender Recognition Act. This constellation includes women politicians, researchers,... Read More about They've got an absolute army of women behind them: the formation of a women's cooperative constellation in contemporary Scotland..

The bureaucratization of death: the First World War, families, and the state. (2022)
Journal Article
FOSTER, A.-M. 2022. The bureaucratization of death: the First World War, families, and the state. Twentieth century British history [online], 33(4), pages 475-497. Available from:

After the First World War the British state tried to show the families of the dead their thanks, and memorialize the dead, through the two-minute silence and the creation of the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. However, before families of deceased servic... Read More about The bureaucratization of death: the First World War, families, and the state..

The Scottish Innovative Student Award (SISA): preparing students to tackle wicked problems. (2022)
Book Chapter
DAVIDSON, A., BREMNER, P. and PERKINS, J. 2022. The Scottish Innovative Student Award (SISA): preparing students to tackle wicked problems. In Norton, S. and Penaluna, A. (eds.) 3 Es for wicked problems: employability, enterprise and entrepreneurship: solving wicked problems. York: Advance HE [online], pages 41-47. Available from:

This case study presents the Scottish Innovative Student Award (SISA), which aims to recognise students' high-level skills development within existing academic modules, as well as providing an opportunity for students to confront problems in new ways... Read More about The Scottish Innovative Student Award (SISA): preparing students to tackle wicked problems..

It's what the suffragettes would have wanted: the construction of the suffragists and suffragettes on Mumsnet. (2022)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2023. It's what the suffragettes would have wanted: the construction of the suffragists and suffragettes on Mumsnet. Feminist media studies [online], 23(4), pages 1543-1558. Available from:

The image of the historical campaign for votes for women is continually reinvigorated and reinvested with meaning by later feminists. An investigation into the ways in which the campaign is framed on the UK online parenting forum Mumsnet demonstrates... Read More about It's what the suffragettes would have wanted: the construction of the suffragists and suffragettes on Mumsnet..