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Outputs (22)

Talking about prisons: making sense of difficult heritage at Peterhead Prison Museum. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
IRONSIDE, R. and ROITERSHTEIN, A. 2024. Talking about prisons: making sense of difficult heritage at Peterhead Prison Museum. Presented at the Roots revived conference: memory, legacy, heritage and tourism, 17 October 2024, Edinburgh, UK.

Prison museums have become an increasingly popular tourist attraction. Presenting visitors with stories and exhibits pertaining to countries' penal history, they engage with difficult and often dissonant heritage. Peterhead Prison Museum ceased opera... Read More about Talking about prisons: making sense of difficult heritage at Peterhead Prison Museum..

Exploring knowledge and perceptions of level learning outcomes and meta-skills in a creative business school context. (2024)
Journal Article
BREMNER, P.A.M., PIRIE, E., MARCELLA-HOOD, M. and SINGLETON, A. 2024. Exploring knowledge and perceptions of level learning outcomes and meta-skills in a creative business school context. GILE journal of skills development [online], 4(2), pages 3-18.

Much has been written about the necessity for graduates to be aware of their skill set and transferability for the workplace. Degree programmes in Scotland have long relied on guidance from the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) on the taxonomy or wordin... Read More about Exploring knowledge and perceptions of level learning outcomes and meta-skills in a creative business school context..

Supernatural cities: placing urban identities, memory and cultural crises. (2024)
Journal Article
IRONSIDE, R. and EDWARDS-BOON, A. (eds.) 2024. Supernatural cities: placing urban identities, memory and cultural crises. Revenant [online], 11. Available from:

This special issue builds upon a body of scholarship already developed from the Supernatural Cities project led by Karl Bell at the University of Portsmouth and his edited collection of essays, Supernatural Cities: Enchantment, Anxiety and Spectralit... Read More about Supernatural cities: placing urban identities, memory and cultural crises..

Nia DaCosta, Candyman, Universal Pictures, 2021. (2024)
Journal Article
SMITH, D.S. 2024. Nia DaCosta, Candyman, Universal Pictures, 2021. Revenant [online], 11: supernatural cities: placing urban identities, memory and cultural crises, pages 335-338. Available from:

A review of the 2021 film Candyman that explores it in relation to location, memories and identities.

Together in the encoding-assemblage: a new materialist framework for examining knowledge production in journalism. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. 2024. Together in the encoding-assemblage: a new materialist framework for examining knowledge production in journalism. To be presented at the 10th European Communication Research and Education Association European communication conference (ECREA ECC 2024): communication and social (dis)order, 24-27 September 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Journalism's broken monopoly over the production of knowledge (Carlson, 2017; Ekström and Westlund, 2019) has led to an erosion of public trust in professional journalism and a general "epistemic crisis" of the present (Steensen, 2019). Pioneer journ... Read More about Together in the encoding-assemblage: a new materialist framework for examining knowledge production in journalism..

Interdisciplinary workshop: creative approaches to the energy crisis. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
RODRIGUEZ-REMEDI, A. 2024. Interdisciplinary workshop: creative approaches to the energy crisis. Presented at the Interdisciplinary research and innovation symposium, 4 September 2024, Aberdeen, UK.

This poster was authored by Alejandra Rodriguez-Remedi (University of Aberdeen), and includes depictions of creative works contributed by various artists, including Maja Zećo and Callum Kellie (both Robert Gordon University). The poster was presented... Read More about Interdisciplinary workshop: creative approaches to the energy crisis..

Virtual afterlife: dark tourism in the hereafter. (2024)
Book Chapter
IRONSIDE, R. and LEITH, C. 2024. Virtual afterlife: dark tourism in the hereafter. In Stone, P.R. and Wright, D.W.M. (eds.). The future of dark tourism: enlightening new horizons. The future of tourism, 8. Bristol: Channel View Publications Ltd [online], Chapter 2, 27-37. Available from:

"…you are now travelling to the Virtual Afterlife…". It is Sunday afternoon in the year 2040. Charlotte reaches for her virtual headset and waits to connect with her friend, Becca. Today they have chosen to connect virtually in a small café in the ce... Read More about Virtual afterlife: dark tourism in the hereafter..

Who's the "pioneer"? A critical examination of "pioneer journalism" from an indigenous perspective. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. and HALABI, N. 2024. Who's the "pioneer"? A critical examination of "pioneer journalism" from an indigenous perspective. Presented at the 2024 International Association for Media and Communication Research conference (IAMCR 2024): weaving people together: communicative projects of decolonising, engaging and listening, 30 June - 4 July 2024, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Journalism scholarship has been preoccupied with discourses of futures thinking and reimagining what journalism could be (Zelizer, Boczkowski, and Anderson, 2022), leading to the emergence of new conceptual frameworks such as "pioneer journalism", wh... Read More about Who's the "pioneer"? A critical examination of "pioneer journalism" from an indigenous perspective..

What non-mainstream journalism can(not) do: the "affect economy" of four journalism startups in Malaysia, Pakistan, Romania and the UK. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. 2024. What non-mainstream journalism can(not) do: the "affect economy" of four journalism startups in Malaysia, Pakistan, Romania and the UK. Presented at the 2024 Auckland University of Technology Research Centre for Journalism, Media and Democracy conference (JMAD Conference 2024): political economy of journalism, an International Association for Media and Communication Research pre-conference, 27 June 2024, Auckland, New Zealand.

Recognising that journalism operates within various constraints, scholars have theorised the relationship between journalism and its environment through a hierarchical model of influences (Shoemaker and Reese, 1996). Recently, there has been a recons... Read More about What non-mainstream journalism can(not) do: the "affect economy" of four journalism startups in Malaysia, Pakistan, Romania and the UK..

Weaving knowledge together: the micropolitics of "encounters" in community journalism. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. 2024. Weaving knowledge together: the micropolitics of "encounters" in community journalism. Presented at the 2024 International Association for Media and Communication Research / International Communication Association bridge conference: the ascent of community and activist media: theorising the turn to counter-power media and communication, 25 June 2024, Gold Coast, Australia.

Community journalism has been hailed as one of several solutions to journalism's deepening crisis, motivating scholarly interest in how community-focused journalists produce knowledge in their networks (Callison and Young, 2019; Fenton et al., 2010;... Read More about Weaving knowledge together: the micropolitics of "encounters" in community journalism..

Between futures thinking and a settler-colonialist past: a critical examination of "pioneer journalism" from the perspective of indigenous journalists and their epistemic practices. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. and HALABI, N. 2024. Between futures thinking and a settler-colonialist past: a critical examination of "pioneer journalism" from the perspective of indigenous journalists and their epistemic practices. Presented at the 74th Annual International Communication Association conference (ICA 2024): communication and global human rights, 20-24 June 2024, Gold Coast, Australia.

Journalism, historically considered a pillar of public knowledge, deliberation and democracy, has been shedding its epistemic authority as increasingly fragmented audiences migrate to "alternative" sources of information. Consequently, within the eve... Read More about Between futures thinking and a settler-colonialist past: a critical examination of "pioneer journalism" from the perspective of indigenous journalists and their epistemic practices..

Telling the story, of telling the story ... of telling the story. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
REID, P., PIRIE, E. and IRONSIDE, R. 2024. Telling the story, of telling the story ... of telling the story. Presented at the "Telling the story, of telling the story ... of telling the story" workshop, 29 May 2024, Aberdeen, UK.

This is a workshop held within RGU by Peter Reid, Elliot Pirie and Rachael Ironside. The presenters discuss their recent publication, "Telling the story of telling the story: capturing intangible heritage storytelling on the origins of malt whisky in... Read More about Telling the story, of telling the story ... of telling the story..

Mirrored futures: film presentation / mirroring futures. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
KELLIE, C. 2024. Mirrored futures: film presentation / mirroring futures. Presented at the 6th Biennial conference of the Petrocultures Research Group (PETROCULTURES 2024: Los Angeles), 15-18 May 2024, Los Angeles, USA.

"Mirrored Futures" is a continuation and expansion of a visual ethnographic film titled "Mirrored Transitions". Produced from archive and found footage, the film was presented at the Byre Theatre in St Andrews. The continuation will explore themes of... Read More about Mirrored futures: film presentation / mirroring futures..

Localizing human rights in a globalizing world: the challenge for Africa. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARTZOUKOU, K.D., OKOGBULE, N.S. and RODRIGUEZ-BLANCO, V. 2024. Localizing human rights in a globalizing world: the challenge for Africa. Presented at the 5th Cross-cultural conversation of the Interdisciplinary Forum for the Study of Jurisprudence and Value Inquiry in the Non-Western World (JVI), 8 May 2024, Aberdeen, UK.

This seminar was the fifth meeting or cross-cultural conversation (CCC) organised by the Interdisciplinary Forum for the Study of Jurisprudence and Value Inquiry in the Non-Western World (JVI), convened by Olufemi Ilesanmi. This particular event, mod... Read More about Localizing human rights in a globalizing world: the challenge for Africa..

Uncovering the darkside of entrepreneurship in Nigeria, through a gendered lens. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ONOSHAKPOR, C., IRENE, B., CHUKWUMA-NWUBA, E.O., SINDANI, T., DEWITT, S. and FELIX-FAURE, C. 2024. Uncovering the darkside of entrepreneurship in Nigeria, through a gendered lens. Presented at the 38th British Academy of Management conference 2024 (BAM2024): achieving transformation for greater good; societal, organisational and personal barriers and enablers, 2-6 September 2024, Nottingham, UK. London: British Academy of Management [online], paper 891. To be made available from:

Mainstream entrepreneurship literature highlights mainly the positive aspects of entrepreneurship, which sometimes may be misleading as there are arguably positives and negatives with everything in life. This presents false hope for those interested... Read More about Uncovering the darkside of entrepreneurship in Nigeria, through a gendered lens..

Weaving the future of journalism? Re-examining journalistic epistemology through an indigenous lens. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. and HALABI, N. 2024. Weaving the future of journalism? Re-examining journalistic epistemology through an indigenous lens. Presented at the 4th European Communication Research and Education Association journalism studies conference (ECREA Journalism 2024): diversity, equality and inclusion in and through journalism, 11-12 April 2024, Sheffield, UK.

Journalism, historically considered a pillar of public knowledge, deliberation and democracy, has been shedding its epistemic authority as increasingly fragmented audiences migrate to "alternative" sources of information. Consequently, within the eve... Read More about Weaving the future of journalism? Re-examining journalistic epistemology through an indigenous lens..

Meaning-ful encounters: theorising knowledge production in community-centred pioneer journalism. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. 2024. Meaning-ful encounters: theorising knowledge production in community-centred pioneer journalism. Presented at the 4th European Communication Research and Education Association journalism studies conference (ECREA Journalism 2024): diversity, equality and inclusion in and through journalism, 11-12 April 2024, Sheffield, UK.

Journalism's eroding epistemic authority and the diminishing public trust in journalism as a knowledge-producing institution have become increasingly critical topics of scholarly debate in the field of Journalism Studies since the advent of the netwo... Read More about Meaning-ful encounters: theorising knowledge production in community-centred pioneer journalism..

Transdisciplinary and arts-centred approaches to stewardship and sustainability of urban nature. (2024)
Journal Article
CAMPBELL, L.K., FREMANTLE, C., MADDOX, D., SVENDSEN, E., HINES, S., MATTINGLY, M., LÓPEZ-JENSEN, M., LINDT, N., PAQUEO, L. and JOHNSON, M. 2024. Transdisciplinary and arts-centred approaches to stewardship and sustainability of urban nature. Landscape research [online], Latest Articles. Available from:

This paper explores case studies of how artists working with scientists and land managers affiliated with the Urban Field Station Collaborative Arts Program (UFS Arts) are fostering new relations of care with urban nature and thereby informing landsc... Read More about Transdisciplinary and arts-centred approaches to stewardship and sustainability of urban nature..

Advancing AI with green practices and adaptable solutions for the future. [Article summary] (2024)
Digital Artefact
STARKEY, A. and EZENKWU, C.P. 2024. Advancing AI with green practices and adaptable solutions for the future. [Article summary]. Posted on The Academic [online], 28 March 2024. Available from:

Despite AI's achievements, how can its limitations be addressed to reduce computational costs, enhance transparency and pioneer eco-friendly practices?

Reimagining the rural hinterland: an investigation of participatory digital placemaking in rural communities. (2024)
Journal Article
IRONSIDE, R. and REID, P. 2024. Reimagining the rural hinterland: an investigation of participatory digital placemaking in rural communities. Culture unbound [online], 16(1): place making beyond cities, pages 60-85. Available from:

Rural locations often form a hinterland – geographically and culturally - for large conurbations that dominate a particular region. They are interconnected, sometimes interdependent, but also separated by the social and spatial perceptions of a place... Read More about Reimagining the rural hinterland: an investigation of participatory digital placemaking in rural communities..