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Outputs (160)

Pluralist public sphere or elitist closed circle? Elite-driven agendas and contributor 'chemistry' as determinants of pundit choice on a flagship BBC politics show. (2021)
Book Chapter
MORRISON, J. 2022. Pluralist public sphere or elitist closed circle? Elite-driven agendas and contributor 'chemistry' as determinants of pundit choice on a flagship BBC politics show. In Morrison, J., Birks, J. and Berry, M. (eds.) The Routledge companion to political journalism. Abingdon: Routledge [online], Chapter 36, pages 383-393. Available from:

Since BBC1’s Politics Live discussion show launched in 2018, it has been characterised by an accessible and chatty, if sometimes highly involved, discursive style more native to podcasts than conventional daytime television. The programme attempted t... Read More about Pluralist public sphere or elitist closed circle? Elite-driven agendas and contributor 'chemistry' as determinants of pundit choice on a flagship BBC politics show..

The Routledge companion to political journalism. (2021)
MORRISON, J., BIRKS, J. and BERRY, M. (eds.) 2022. The Routledge companion to political journalism. Abingdon: Routledge [online]. Available from:

This international edited collection brings together the latest research in political journalism, examining the ideological, commercial and technological forces that are transforming the field and its evolving relationship with news audiences. Compri... Read More about The Routledge companion to political journalism..

Scotland and period poverty: a case study of activists' media and political agenda-setting. (2021)
Book Chapter
MCKAY, F. 2022. Scotland and period poverty: a case study of activists' media and political agenda-setting. In Morrison, J., Birks, J. and Berry, M. (eds.) The Routledge companion to political journalism. Abingdon: Routledge [online], Chapter 38, pages 404-413. Available from:

Grassroots-led global social movements have become increasingly prominent on mainstream media and political agendas. In Scotland, several of these have resulted in significant policy change, including the period poverty movement, which addresses ineq... Read More about Scotland and period poverty: a case study of activists' media and political agenda-setting..

Shifting stories: provenance and production in Scotland's fashion and textile SMEs. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CROSS, K. 2021. Shifting stories: provenance and production in Scotland's fashion and textile SMEs. Presented at the 2021 Responsible fashion event (Responsible Fashion 2021): can fashion save the world? 14 October 2021, [virtual event].

Scottish textile jobs support the prosperity of many rural communities (Textiles Scotland 2016), for example the Harris Tweed hand-weavers in the Outer Hebrides. Scotland's traditional tweeds and tartans, cashmere and woollens continue to survive tod... Read More about Shifting stories: provenance and production in Scotland's fashion and textile SMEs..

Recurrent neural network and reinforcement learning model for COVID-19 prediction. (2021)
Journal Article
KUMAR, R.L., KHAN, F., DIN, S., BAND, S.S., MOSAVI, A. and IBEKE, E. 2021. Recurrent neural network and reinforcement learning model for COVID-19 prediction. Frontiers in public health [online], 9, article 744100. Available from:

Detection and prediction of the novel Coronavirus present new challenges for the medical research community due to its widespread across the globe. Methods driven by Artificial Intelligence can help predict specific parameters, hazards, and outcomes... Read More about Recurrent neural network and reinforcement learning model for COVID-19 prediction..

Harris Tweed: a glocal case study. (2021)
Journal Article
CROSS, K., STEED, J. and JIANG, Y. 2021. Harris Tweed: a global case study. Fashion, style and popular culture [online], 8(4), pages 475-494. Available from:

Fast and effectively disposable fashion has seen clothing reduced to transient items, worn for a short period of time then discarded. This has pushed down prices, moving textile and clothing production to low-cost labour countries and decimating the... Read More about Harris Tweed: a glocal case study..

A study of university law students’ self-perceived digital competences. (2021)
Journal Article
MARTZOUKOU, K., KOSTAGIOLAS, P., LAVRANOS, C., LAUTERBACH, T. and FULTON, C. 2022. A study of university law students' self-perceived digital competences. Journal of librarianship and information science [online], 54(4), pages 751-769. Available from:

The concept of digital competences incorporates the effective use of constantly-changing digital tools and media for learning and performing digital tasks, digital behaviours (such as online communication, teamwork, ethical sharing of information), a... Read More about A study of university law students’ self-perceived digital competences..

Women's use and abuse of the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic on Mumsnet. (2021)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. and BURNETT, S. 2022. Women's use and abuse of the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic on Mumsnet. Digital journalism [online], 10(6): the Coronavirus pandemic and the transformation of (digital) journalism, pages 1098-1114. Available from:

This article analyses news sources used by women to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK parenting website Mumsnet. By using a non-political online ‘third space’ aimed at women, Mumsnetters are able to avoid the aggression women face when they att... Read More about Women's use and abuse of the news media during the COVID-19 pandemic on Mumsnet..

Cultural Adaptations: lessons learned evaluation report. (2021)
FREMANTLE, C. and MABON, L. 2021. Cultural Adaptations: lessons learned evaluation report. Creative Carbon Scotland. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University [online]. Available from:

Evaluation Report for Cultural Adaptations, a Creative Europe funded project focused by climate adaptation led by Creative Carbon Scotland and involving sustainability/adaptation professionals in the cities of Glasgow, Ghent (Belgium), Dublin (Irelan... Read More about Cultural Adaptations: lessons learned evaluation report..

Exploring the socio-cultural impact of Scottish island airports. (2021)
Journal Article
BAXTER, G., BLOICE, L. and GRAY, D. 2021. Exploring the socio-cultural impact of Scottish island airports. Scottish affairs [online], 30(3), pages 311-336. Available from:

This paper explores the social importance of small, local airports to Scottish island communities, and the roles that they might play in maintaining cultural identity and a sense of place. It draws upon studies conducted in three communities: Benbecu... Read More about Exploring the socio-cultural impact of Scottish island airports..

Digital storytelling and participatory local heritage through the creation of an online moving image archive: a case-study of Fraserburgh on Film. (2021)
Journal Article
DAVIDSON, A. and REID, P.H. 2022. Digital storytelling and participatory local heritage through the creation of an online moving image archive: a case-study of Fraserburgh on Film. Journal of documentation [online], 78(2), pages 389-415. Available from:

Purpose: The aim of the research was to create a site which could host an archive of moving image associated with the town of Fraserburgh in Scotland, but could also include other digital artefacts to support and enhance the narratives contained with... Read More about Digital storytelling and participatory local heritage through the creation of an online moving image archive: a case-study of Fraserburgh on Film..

#TogetherApart: mediatization, (inter)subjectivity and sociality at a time of pandemic. (2021)
Journal Article
ANDERSON, B. and KUMAR PUTTA, S. 2021. #TogetherApart: mediatization, (inter)subjectivity and sociality at a time of pandemic. Networking knowledge: journal of the MeCCSA postgraduate network [online], 14(1): #TogetherApart, pages 1-8. Available from:

This special issue features 12 contributions by early career scholars and artists dealing with the role of mediatization in the COVID-19 pandemic conjuncture. Themes such as mediated intimacy and sociality, pandemic ideology, politicians' curated aut... Read More about #TogetherApart: mediatization, (inter)subjectivity and sociality at a time of pandemic..

Comfort in clothing: a Baumanian critique of how clothing contributes to the well-being of women in the United Kingdom. (2021)
CROSS, K.A. 2021. Comfort in clothing: a Baumanian critique of how clothing contributes to the well-being of women in the United Kingdom. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

This Comfort in Clothing study explores how fashion, clothing and dress practices contribute to the psychosocial well-being of women in the UK. Fashion is a global industry, fuelled in recent times by the growth of the athleisurewear sector, reflecti... Read More about Comfort in clothing: a Baumanian critique of how clothing contributes to the well-being of women in the United Kingdom..

'Scrounger-bashing' as national pastime: the prevalence and ferocity of anti-welfare ideology on niche-interest online forums. (2021)
Journal Article
MORRISON, J. 2021. 'Scrounger-bashing' as national pastime: the prevalence and ferocity of anti-welfare ideology on niche-interest online forums. Social semiotics [online], 31(3): political ideology in everyday social media use, pages 383-401. Available from:

Recent research has noted the persistence of a long continuum of “anti-welfare” discourses that are increasingly embedded in the UK news media, political communication, and popular culture (e.g. Golding and Middleton 1982. Images of Welfare: Press an... Read More about 'Scrounger-bashing' as national pastime: the prevalence and ferocity of anti-welfare ideology on niche-interest online forums..

Talk to them like they’re people: a cross-cultural comparison of teen-centred approaches in public library services. (2021)
Journal Article
ORNSTEIN, E. and REID, P.H. 2022. Talk to them like they’re people: a cross-cultural comparison of teen-centred approaches in public library services. Journal of librarianship and information science [online], 54(3), pages 451-468. Available from:

The aim of this research is to observe and analyse cross-cultural examples of public libraries with strong teen services, to identify key elements of practice and approach that enable these libraries’ successful and impactful interactions with teenag... Read More about Talk to them like they’re people: a cross-cultural comparison of teen-centred approaches in public library services..

Collaborative online international learning (COIL) and COVID-19: employer and student perspectives. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CRAWFORD, I. 2021. Collaborative online international learning (COIL) and COVID-19: employer and student perspectives. Presented at 2021 (Robert Gordon University) RGU's annual learning and teaching conference (LTC 2021): creativity from crisis: emerging stronger, 8-9 June 2021, [virtual conference].

As a result of revolutionary change in remote and online working practices, triggered by the pandemic in 2020, the need for universities to prepare students for the international, virtual, workplace has never been greater. To remain competitive in a... Read More about Collaborative online international learning (COIL) and COVID-19: employer and student perspectives..

Supporting victims of domestic violence during COVID-19: the impact of the pandemic on service providers in North-East Scotland and Orkney. [Webinar] (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PEDERSEN, S., MUELLER-HIRTH, N. and MILLER, L. 2021. Supporting victims of domestic violence during COVID-19: the impact of the pandemic on service providers in North-East Scotland and Orkney. [Webinar]. Presented at the Supporting victims of domestic violence during COVID-19 webinar, 7 June 2021, [virtual event]. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a significant rise in gender-based violence and increased risks of harm for domestic-abuse survivors, due to restrictions on movement and an increase in social isolation. Gender-based violence is a major public health,... Read More about Supporting victims of domestic violence during COVID-19: the impact of the pandemic on service providers in North-East Scotland and Orkney. [Webinar].

Meaningful encounters: theorizing relationality in pioneer journalism. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANDERSON, B. 2021. Meaningful encounters: theorizing relationality in pioneer journalism. Presented at the 71st International Communication Association annual conference (ICA 2021): engaging the essential work of care: communication, connectedness and social justice, 27-31 May 2021, [virtual event].

This study aims to find out how meaning in pioneer journalism is co-produced and what are the implications for the way pioneer journalists relate to their audiences. An initial sample of 22 pioneer journalism organisations was selected, which led to... Read More about Meaningful encounters: theorizing relationality in pioneer journalism..

The self and the supernatural. (2021)
IRONSIDE, R. 2021. The self and the supernatural. In vom Lehn, D., Ruiz-Junco, N. and Gibson, W. (eds.). The Routledge international handbook of interactionism. Abindon: Routledge [online], chapter 10. Available from:

Supernatural experiences continue to be a feature in our everyday lives. Indeed, research suggests that over two fifths of the population in Britain have reported a supernatural experience and one-quarter of Americans claim to have felt or sensed a p... Read More about The self and the supernatural..