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Current status and possible future applications of marine current energy devices in Malaysia: a review.

Kai, Lim Yee; Sarip, Shamsul; Kaidi, Hazilah Mad; Ardila-Rey, Jorge Alfredo; Samsuddin, Noorazizi Mohd; Muhtazaruddin, Mohd Nabil; Muhammad-Sukki, Firdaus; Aziz, Saardin Abdul


Lim Yee Kai

Shamsul Sarip

Hazilah Mad Kaidi

Jorge Alfredo Ardila-Rey

Noorazizi Mohd Samsuddin

Mohd Nabil Muhtazaruddin

Firdaus Muhammad-Sukki

Saardin Abdul Aziz


Malaysia has a great potential to harness energy in water due to its long coastline within the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca. Malaysia's energy mix could be improved using marine current energy devices (MCEDs) to replace fossil fuel and it is predictable energy compare to hydropower, solar photovoltaic (PV), and biomass. However, MCEDs is not been fully developed in Malaysia. The objectives of this paper are to provide a useful background for policymakers or researchers in the types of MCEDs and potential sites location of MCEDs that are applicable in Malaysia. This review also discusses the issues and challenges of MCEDs in Malaysia. Five types of MCEDs were discussed including tidal range device, tidal stream turbine, wave energy converter, ocean thermal energy conversion, and salinity gradient energy. These MCEDs are compared for their suitability of application in Malaysia. Among all MCEDs, tidal stream turbine is identified as high potential and commercially viable in Malaysia. However, ocean characteristics in Malaysia are low kinetic energy-flux density, low current speed, low tide, and shallow water; only fulfill the minimum requirement of tidal stream turbine making the tidal stream energy resources not significant enough to contribute to the nation's energy mix. Therefore, using diffuser augmented tidal stream turbines to increase the flow velocity should be studied thoroughly.


KAI, L.Y., SARIP, S., KAIDI, H.M., ARDILA-REY, J.A., SAMSUDDIN, N.M., MUHTAZARUDDIN, M.N., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F. and AZIZ, S.A. 2021. Current status and possible future applications of marine current energy devices in Malaysia: a review. IEEE access [online], 9, pages 86869-86888. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 31, 2021
Online Publication Date Jun 14, 2021
Publication Date Dec 31, 2021
Deposit Date Jan 11, 2022
Publicly Available Date Jan 11, 2022
Journal IEEE Access
Electronic ISSN 2169-3536
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 9
Pages 86869-86888
Keywords Marine current energy device; Tidal range device; Tidal stream turbine; Wave energy converter; Ocean thermal energy conversion; Salinity gradient energy
Public URL


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