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A novel gradient-guided post-processing method for adaptive image steganography.

Xie, Guoliang; Ren, Jinchang; Marshall, Stephen; Zhao, Huimin; Li, Rui


Guoliang Xie

Stephen Marshall

Huimin Zhao

Rui Li


Designing an effective cost function has always been the key in image steganography after the development of the near-optimal encoders. To learn the cost maps automatically, the Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) are often trained from the given cover images. However, this needs to train two Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in theory and is thus very time-consuming. In this paper, without modifying the original stego image and the associated cost function of the steganography, and no need to train a GAN, we proposed a novel post-processing method for adaptive image steganography. The post-processing method aims at the embedding cost, hence it is called Post-cost-optimization in this paper. Given a cover image, its gradient map is learned from a pre-trained CNN, which is further smoothed by a low-pass filter. The elements of the cost map derived from the original steganography are projected to 0,1 for separating embeddable and non-embeddable areas. For embeddable areas, the elements will be further screened by the gradient map, according to the magnitudes of the gradients, to produce a new cost map. Finally, the new cost map is used to generate new stego images. Comprehensive experiments have validated the efficacy of the proposed method, which has outperformed several state-of-the-art approaches, whilst the computational cost is also significantly reduced.


XIE, G., REN, J., MARSHALL, S., ZHAO, H. and LI, R. 2023. A novel gradient-guided post-processing method for adaptive image steganography. Signal processing [online], 203, article 108813. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 16, 2022
Online Publication Date Oct 23, 2022
Publication Date Feb 28, 2023
Deposit Date Oct 21, 2022
Publicly Available Date Oct 24, 2023
Journal Signal processing
Print ISSN 0165-1684
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 203
Article Number 108813
Keywords Neural networks; Image steganography; Image steganalysis; Gradients
Public URL


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