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The impact of COVID-19 on the CS student learning experience: how the pandemic has shaped the educational landscape.

Siegel, Angela A.; Zarb, Mark; Anderson, Emma; Crane, Brent; Gao, Alice; Latulipe, Celine; Lovellette, Ellie; McNeill, Fiona; Meharg, Debbie


Angela A. Siegel

Emma Anderson

Brent Crane

Alice Gao

Celine Latulipe

Ellie Lovellette

Fiona McNeill

Debbie Meharg


Students have experienced incredible shifts in their learning environments, brought about by the response of universities to the ever-changing public health mandates driven by waves and stages of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Initially, these shifts in learning (mode of course delivery, course availability, etc.) were considered emergency responses. However, as the pandemic pressed on, students have had to repeatedly adapt to the continuously evolving educational landscape. This working group builds upon foundations and structure created by a 2021 ITiCSE Working Group exploring the effects of COVID-19 on teaching and learning from a faculty perspective. That working group identified the incorporation of some pandemic-induced changes into future teaching practices. This working group examines the existing literature and insights gained from responses to a multi-national survey to explore the new student experience emerging from the continuously evolving teaching practices catalyzed by the global pandemic. Traditionally, computing is a subject full of experiential learning opportunities, rich with in-person labs and exercises. We investigate how the changes within the COVID-Affected academic landscape have altered that student experience. The current group of computing students will have had experiences under both typical (i.e. pre-pandemic) and COVID-Affected teaching practices. It is, therefore, timely that we understand how each has impacted how they perceive their learning environment and educational experience. In turn, identifying those practices that have most benefited the student learning experience will help computing faculty improve their educational methods going forward.


SIEGEL, A.A., ZARB, M., ANDERSON, E., CRANE, B., GAO, A., LATULIPE, C., LOVELLETTE, E., MCNEILL, F. and MEHARG, D. 2022. The impact of COVID-19 on the CS student learning experience: how the pandemic has shaped the educational landscape. In ITiCSE-WGR'22: proceedings of the 2022 Working group reports (WGR), co-located with the 27th Innovation and technology in computer science education annual conference (ITiCSE-WGR '22), 11-13 July 2022, Dublin, Ireland. New York: ACM [online], pages 165-190. Available from:

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 27th ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Innovation and technology in computer science education 2022 conference (ITiCSE '22)
Start Date Jul 11, 2022
End Date Jul 13, 2022
Acceptance Date Mar 7, 2022
Online Publication Date Dec 27, 2022
Publication Date Dec 29, 2022
Deposit Date Jan 27, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jan 27, 2023
Publisher Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 165-190
Book Title ITiCSE-WGR'22: proceedings of the 2022 Working group reports on innovation and technology in computer science education
ISBN 9781450392006
Keywords COVID-19; Coronavirus; Computing education; Online education; Student perspective
Public URL


SIEGEL 2022 The impact of COVID-19 (AAM) (2.5 Mb)

Copyright Statement
© 2022 Association for Computing Machinery.

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