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Pedagogic methods in teaching for developing entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets. [Workshop]

Moule, Chris; Bremner, Pauline; Air, Carol


Chris Moule

Carol Air


The workshop aims to: 1) Outline the three levels of the RGU Innovation Award, highlighting the pedagogic aspects of design thinking; 2) Engage delegates in a technique that they can use with students to develop an innovative mindset (this technique is used in the level 2 workshop for the Innovation Award); 3) Obtain feedback from delegate as to what they will do moving forward in their own practices (via miro board). The workshop will begin with an introduction to the RGU Innovation Award. There are three levels. Level 1 involves exploring innovations of the future through subject-focused workshops. This level seeks to enhance the following competencies: creativity, curiosity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. Students achieve this as an accredited module within various degree programmes at RGU, including the successful submission of a 100-word statement on future thinking. Level 2 involves putting innovation into action through participating in an interdisciplinary challenge event. This level is achieved through the Innovation Challenge Workshop, where students are invited to attend an interactive, transdinsplinary event that focuses on an innovation theme, which may be set by an employer based on real issues faced by their organisation. Teams pitch ideas to the host for the chance to win prizes and gain feedback. It is during this session that design thinking pedagogy is used to really open the students' mindsets make them enthused about working on a problem and ideating towards a solution. Level 3 involves leading innovative ideas through completing individual tasks to plan and reflect on a concept. This level is a self-directed, reflective piece of work that develops analysis, accountability and adaptation in the future context. All levels take into account the meta-skills, World Economic Forum Competencies and Entrecomp competencies. The workshop will be structured as follows: Time 10-20 mins = persona description; Time 20-25 mins = persona feedback from 3-only teams; Time 25-30 minutes = "Crazy eights" description; Time 30-40 mins = "Crazy eights" task; Time 40-50 minutes = feedback on "Crazy eights" and summing up.


MOULE, C., BREMNER, P. and AIR, C. 2023. Pedagogic methods in teaching for developing entrepreneurial and innovative mindsets. [Workshop]. Presented at the 2023 International higher education teaching and learning annual conference (HETL 2023): re-imagining education: collaboration and compassion, 12-14 June 2023, Aberdeen, UK, Workshop 15.

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name 2023 International higher education teaching and learning annual conference (HETL 2023): re-imagining education: collaboration and compassion
Start Date Jun 12, 2023
End Date Jun 14, 2023
Deposit Date Jun 26, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jun 26, 2023
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Entrepreneurship; Undergraduate students; Student awards
Public URL
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SDG 4 - Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all


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