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Electrochemical oxidation of acetyl salicylic acid and its voltammetric sensing in real samples at a sensitive edge plane pyrolytic graphite electrode modified with graphene.

Kruanetr, Senee; Pollard, Pat; Fernandez, Carlos; Prabhu, Radhakrishna


Senee Kruanetr

Pat Pollard


We present in this manuscript for the first time the electrochemical oxidation of acetyl salicylic acid and its voltammetric sensing in real samples at a sensitive edge plane pyrolitic graphite electrode (EPPGE) modified with graphene. The electrochemical response of the sensor was improved compared to edge plane pyrolytic graphite electrode and displayed an excellent analytical performance for the detection of acetyl salicylic acid .These characteristics were attributed to the high acetyl salicylic acid loading capacity on the electrode surface and the outstanding electric conductivity of graphene. A linear response was obtained over a range of acetyl salicylic acid concentrations from 10 nM to 100nM into a pH 4 buffer solution (N defined as the sample size N = 7) with a detection limit of 3 nM based on (3-s/slope). The methodology is shown to be useful for quantifying low levels of acetyl salicylic acid in a buffer solution. The protocol is also shown to be applicable for the sensing of acetyl salicylic acid in human oral fluid samples. A linear response was obtained from 30nM to 150 nM into a human oral fluid solution (N = 7) with a detection limit of 17.3nM. Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) using EPPG modify with graphene has been employed in the proposed method for the determination of ASA in drug preparations and human oral fluid.


KRUANETR, S., POLLARD, P., FERNANDEZ, C. and PRABHU, R. 2014. Electrochemical oxidation of acetyl salicylic acid and its voltammetric sensing in real samples at a sensitive edge plane pyrolytic graphite electrode modified with graphene. International journal of electrochemical science [online], 9(10), pages 5699-5711. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 17, 2014
Online Publication Date Jul 16, 2014
Publication Date Oct 31, 2014
Deposit Date Sep 15, 2016
Publicly Available Date Sep 15, 2016
Journal International journal of electrochemical science
Electronic ISSN 1452-3981
Publisher Electrochemical Science Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 9
Issue 10
Pages 5699-5711
Keywords Acetyl salicylic acid; Electrochemical sensor; Modified edge plane; Pyrolytic graphite electrode; Graphene
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Sep 15, 2016


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