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All Outputs (19)

Air plasma sprayed multi-material composite coatings for enhanced light absorption and thermal emission. (2025)
Journal Article
FAISAL, N.H., RAJENDRAN, V., KANIAPAN, S., RAMALINGAM, V., PRATHURU, A., AHMED, R., KATIYAR, N.K., BANSAL, A., WHITTAKER, T., ISHERWOOD, P., WHITTOW, W., EGIZA, M. and GOEL, S. 2025. Air plasma sprayed multi-material composite coatings for enhanced light absorption and thermal emission. Surface and coatings technology [online], 498, article number 131854. Available from:

This study pioneers a transformative approach to solar thermal technology by leveraging air plasma-sprayed (APS) multi-material composite coatings. It is to achieve unprecedented light absorption and thermal emission, redefining the design paradigm f... Read More about Air plasma sprayed multi-material composite coatings for enhanced light absorption and thermal emission..

Machine learning approach to investigate high temperature corrosion of critical infrastructure materials. (2024)
Journal Article
MUTHUKRISHNAN, R., BALOGUN, Y., RAJENDRAN, V., PRATHURU, A., HOSSAIN, M. and FAISAL, N.H. 2024. Machine learning approach to investigate high temperature corrosion of critical infrastructure materials. High temperature corrosion of materials [online], 101(Suppl 1), pages 309-331. Available from:

Degradation of coatings and structural materials due to high temperature corrosion in the presence of molten salt environment is a major concern for critical infrastructure applications to meet its commercial viability. The choice of high value coati... Read More about Machine learning approach to investigate high temperature corrosion of critical infrastructure materials..

Acoustic emission wave propagation in pipeline sections and analysis of the effect of coating and sensor location. (2024)
Journal Article
RAJENDRAN, V., PRATHURU, A., FERNANDEZ, C. and FAISAL, N. [2024]. Acoustic emission wave propagation in pipeline sections and analysis of the effect of coating and sensor location. Nondestructive testing and evaluation [online], Latest Articles. Available from:

This paper presents an experimental investigation in which acoustic emission (AE) wave was generated through a pencil lead break (PLB) as a point source on two pipeline sections made of mild steel and titanium. The pipelines (bare, epoxy phenolic coa... Read More about Acoustic emission wave propagation in pipeline sections and analysis of the effect of coating and sensor location..

Thermal spray coatings for molten salt facing structural parts and enabling opportunities for thermochemical cycle electrolysis. (2024)
Journal Article
FAISAL, N.H., RAJENDRAN, V., PRATHURU, A., HOSSAIN, M., MUTHUKRISHNAN, R., BALOGUN, Y., PANCHOLI, K., HUSSAIN, T., LOKACHARI, S., HORRI, B.A. and BANKHEAD, M. 2024. Thermal spray coatings for molten salt facing structural parts and enabling opportunities for thermochemical cycle electrolysis. Engineering reports [online], 6(9), article number e12947. Available from:

Thermochemical water splitting stands out as the most efficient techniques to produce hydrogen through electrolysis at a high temperature, relying on a series of chemical reactions within a loop. However, achieving a durable thermochemical cycle sys... Read More about Thermal spray coatings for molten salt facing structural parts and enabling opportunities for thermochemical cycle electrolysis..

Indium tin oxide thin film preparation and property relationship for humidity sensing: a review. (2024)
Journal Article
RAJENDRAN, V., PRATHURU, A., FERNANDEZ, C., SUJATHA, D., PANDA, S.K. and FAISAL, N.H. 2024. Indium tin oxide thin film preparation and property relationship for humidity sensing: a review. Engineering reports [online], 6(3), article ID e12836. Available from:

This review aims to present a critical overview of indium tin oxide (ITO) thin film preparation methods, structure–property relationship and its application in humidity sensing. A range of passive and active humidity sensors with thin films (based on... Read More about Indium tin oxide thin film preparation and property relationship for humidity sensing: a review..

Machine learning model of acoustic signatures: towards digitalised thermal spray manufacturing. (2023)
Journal Article
VISWANATHAN, V., MCCLOSKEY, A., MATHUR, R., NGUYEN, D.T., FAISAL, N.H., PRATHURU, A., LLAVORI, I., MURPHY, A., TIWARI, A., MATTHEWS, A., AGRAWAL, A. and GOEL, S. 2024. Machine learning model of acoustic signatures: towards digitalised thermal spray manufacturing. Mechanical systems and signal processing [online], 208, article number 111030. Available from:

Thermal spraying, an important industrial surface manufacturing process in sectors such as aerospace, energy and biomedical, remains a skill intensive process often involving multiple trial runs impacting the yield. The core research challenge in dig... Read More about Machine learning model of acoustic signatures: towards digitalised thermal spray manufacturing..

Acoustic emission sensor-assisted process monitoring of air plasma-sprayed titanium deposition. (2023)
Journal Article
VISWANATHAN, V., PRATHURU, A., FAISAL, N.H. and GOEL, S. 2023. Acoustic emission sensor-assisted process monitoring of air plasma-sprayed titanium deposition. Journal of thermal spray technology [online], 32(8), pages 2763-2777. Available from:

Acoustic emission is a sensing technique that offers the potential benefit for its use as an in situ monitoring tool for a wide range of manufacturing processes. This work attempts to highlight the robustness of using acoustic emission (AE) data for... Read More about Acoustic emission sensor-assisted process monitoring of air plasma-sprayed titanium deposition..

Corrosion monitoring at the interface using sensors and advanced sensing materials: methods, challenges and opportunities. (2023)
Journal Article
RAJENDRAN, V., PRATHURU, A., FERNANDEZ, C. and FAISAL, N.H. 2023. Corrosion monitoring at the interface using sensors and advanced sensing materials: methods, challenges and opportunities. Corrosion engineering, science and technology [online], 58(3), pages 281-321. Available from:

Detecting and monitoring of corrosion is one of the major challenges in insulated metallic structures, or structures with one or more than one interface. This review paper aims to consolidate scattered literature on laboratory system-based corrosion... Read More about Corrosion monitoring at the interface using sensors and advanced sensing materials: methods, challenges and opportunities..

Numerical prediction of the effect of thermal plume of a standing human on the airborne aerosol flow in a room: assessment of the social distancing rule. (2022)
Journal Article
HOSSAIN, M., CHINENYE-KANU, N., FAISAL, N.H., PRATHURU, A., ASIM, T. and BANIK, S. 2023. Numerical prediction of the effect of thermal plume of a standing human on the airborne aerosol flow in a room: assessment of the social distancing rule. Aerosol science and engineering [online], 7(1), pages 96-106. Available from:

The purpose of the study is to investigate the dispersion of droplet nuclei/aerosol which are produced during coughing and continuous talking to quantify the risk of infection due to airborne disease transmission. A three-dimensional modelling of aer... Read More about Numerical prediction of the effect of thermal plume of a standing human on the airborne aerosol flow in a room: assessment of the social distancing rule..

Application of thermal spray coatings in electrolysers for hydrogen production: advances, challenges, and opportunities. (2022)
Journal Article
FAISAL, N.H., PRATHURU, A., AHMED, R. et al. 2022. Application of thermal spray coatings in electrolysers for hydrogen production: advances, challenges, and opportunities. ChemNanoMat [online], 8(12), article number e202200384. Available from:

Thermal spray coatings have the advantage of providing thick and functional coatings from a range of engineering materials. The associated coating processes provide good control of coating thickness, morphology, microstructure, pore size and porosity... Read More about Application of thermal spray coatings in electrolysers for hydrogen production: advances, challenges, and opportunities..

Application of pencil lead break (PLB) point source in the detection of interfacial defects in adhesive bonds. (2022)
Journal Article
PRATHURU, A., FAISAL, N., STEEL, J. and JIHAN, S. 2022. Application of pencil lead break (PLB) point source in the detection of interfacial defects in adhesive bonds. Journal of nondestructive evaluation [online], 41(4), article 65. Available from:

The presence of kissing bonds (zero-thickness disbond) along the interface of an adhesive bond is highly detrimental to its strength and longevity. The detection of these kind of defects has previously been attempted using several techniques such as... Read More about Application of pencil lead break (PLB) point source in the detection of interfacial defects in adhesive bonds..

Thermal spray coatings for electromagnetic wave absorption and interference shielding: a review and future challenges. (2022)
Journal Article
FASIAL, N.H., AHMED, R., SELLAMI, N. et al. 2022. Thermal spray coatings for electromagnetic wave absorption and interference shielding: a review and future challenges. Advanced engineering materials [online], 24(7), article number 2200171. Available from:

This review aims to consolidate scattered literature on thermally sprayed coatings with nonionizing electromagnetic (EM) wave absorption and shielding over specific wavelengths potentially useful in diverse applications (e.g., microwave to millimeter... Read More about Thermal spray coatings for electromagnetic wave absorption and interference shielding: a review and future challenges..

Measuring residual strain and stress in thermal spray coatings using neutron diffractometers. (2021)
Journal Article
FAISAL, N.H., AHMED, R., PRATHURU, A.K., PARADOWSKA, A. and LEE, T.L. 2022. Measuring residual strain and stress in thermal spray coatings using neutron diffractometers. Experimental mechanics [online], 62(3), pages 369-392. Available from:

Background: During thermal spray coating, residual strain is formed within the coating and substrates due to thermo-mechanical processes and microstructural phase changes. Objective: This paper provides a comprehensive guide to researchers planning t... Read More about Measuring residual strain and stress in thermal spray coatings using neutron diffractometers..

Investigating the influence of the core material on the mechanical performance of a nitinol wire wrapped helical auxetic yarn. (2021)
Journal Article
FAISAL, N.H., FOWLIE, A., CONNELL, J., MACKENZIE, S., NOBLE, R. and PRATHURU, A.K. 2022. Investigating the influence of the core material on the mechanical performance of a nitinol wire wrapped helical auxetic yarn. Journal of strain analysis for engineering design [online], 57(5), pages 377-391. Available from:

Helical Auxetic Yarns (HAYs) can be used in a variety of applications, from healthcare to blast and impact resistance. This work focuses on the effect of the use of different core materials (e.g. rubber, polyurethane, polytetrafluoroethylene/teflon,... Read More about Investigating the influence of the core material on the mechanical performance of a nitinol wire wrapped helical auxetic yarn..

Neutron diffraction residual strain measurements of molybdenum carbide-based solid oxide fuel cell anode layers with metal oxides on Hastelloy X. (2017)
Journal Article
FAISAL, N.H., AHMED, R., PRATHURU, A.K., KATIKANENI, S.P., GOOSEN, M.F.A. and ZHANG, S-Y. 2018. Neutron diffraction residual strain measurements of molybdenum carbide-based solid oxide fuel cell anode layers with metal oxides on Hastelloy X. Experimental mechanics [online], 58(4), pages 585-603. Available from:

Thermal spray deposition processes impart residual stress in layered Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) materials and hence influence the durability and efficiency of the cell. The current study which is the first of its kind, reports results on using a n... Read More about Neutron diffraction residual strain measurements of molybdenum carbide-based solid oxide fuel cell anode layers with metal oxides on Hastelloy X..

Cyclic nanoindentation and nano-impact fatigue mechanisms of functionally graded TiN/TiNi film. (2017)
Journal Article
FAISAL, N.H., PRATHURU, A.K., GOEL, S., AHMED, R., DROUBI, M.G., BEAKE, B.D. and FU, Y.Q. 2017. Cyclic nanoindentation and nano-impact fatigue mechanisms of functionally graded TiN/TiNi film. Shape memory and superelasticity [online], 3(2), pages 149-167. Available from:

The mechanisms of nanoscale fatigue of functionally graded TiN/TiNi films have been studied using multiple-loading cycle nanoindentation and nano-impact tests. The functionally graded films were sputter-deposited onto silicon substrates, in which the... Read More about Cyclic nanoindentation and nano-impact fatigue mechanisms of functionally graded TiN/TiNi film..

Acoustic emission method to study fracture (Mode-I, II) and residual strength characteristics in composite-to-metal and metal-to-metal adhesively bonded joints. (2017)
Journal Article
DROUBI, M.G., STUART, A., MOWAT, J., NOBLE, C., PRATHURU, A.K. and FAISAL, N.H. 2017. Acoustic emission method to study fracture (Mode-I, II) and residual strength characteristics in composite-to-metal and metal-to-metal adhesively bonded joints. Journal of adhesion [online], 94(5), pages 347-386. Available from:

Failure behaviour of two types of adhesively bonded joints (composite-to-metal, metal-to-metal) has been studied under failure modes (Mode I: double cantilever beam (DCB) and Mode II: three-point end notch flexures (3-ENF)) using acoustic emission (A... Read More about Acoustic emission method to study fracture (Mode-I, II) and residual strength characteristics in composite-to-metal and metal-to-metal adhesively bonded joints..

Stress analysis at the interface of metal-to-metal adhesively bonded joints subjected to 4-point bending: finite element method. (2016)
Journal Article
PRATHURU, A.K., FAISAL, N.H., JIHAN, S., STEEL, J.A. and NJUGUNA, J. 2017. Stress analysis at the interface of metal-to-metal adhesively bonded joints subjected to 4-point bending: finite element method. Journal of adhesion [online], 93(11), pages 855-878. Available from:

This paper presents a study of stress states in two-dimensional models of metal-to-metal adhesively bonded joints subjected to 4-point flexural loading using the finite element (FE) method. The FE simulations were carried out on adhesive bonded joint... Read More about Stress analysis at the interface of metal-to-metal adhesively bonded joints subjected to 4-point bending: finite element method..

An improved Vickers indentation fracture toughness model to assess the quality of thermally sprayed coatings. (2014)
Journal Article
FAISAL, N.H., AHMED, R., PRATHURU, A.K., SPENCE, S., HOSSAIN, M. and STEEL, J.A. 2014. An improved Vickers indentation fracture toughness model to assess the quality of thermally sprayed coatings. Engineering fracture mechanics [online], 128, pages 189-204. Available from:

This study presents an improved approach to the quality assessment of thermally sprayed coatings. Measurements were carried out on five different coatings. Since it is the overall extent of surface cracking during Vickers indentation that is indicati... Read More about An improved Vickers indentation fracture toughness model to assess the quality of thermally sprayed coatings..