Building personalised XAI experiences through iSee: a case-based reasoning-driven platform.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CARO-MARTÍNEZ, M., LIRET, A., DÍAZ-AGUDO, B., RECIO-GARCÍA, J.A., DARIAS, J., WIRATUNGA, N., WIJEKOON, A., MARTIN, K., NKISI-ORJI, I., CORSAR, D., PALIHAWADANA, C., PIRIE, C., BRIDGE, D., PRADEEP, P. and FLEISCH, B. 2024. Building personalised XAI experiences through iSee: a case-based reasoning-driven platform. In Longo, L., Liu, W. and Montavon, G. (eds.) xAI-2024: LB/D/DC: joint proceedings of the xAI 2024 late-breaking work, demos and doctoral consortium, co-located with the 2nd World conference on eXplainable artificial intelligence (xAI 2024), 17-19 July 2024, Valletta, Malta. Aachen: CEUR-WS [online], 3793, pages 313-320. Available from:
Nowadays, eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is well-known as an important field in Computer Science due to the necessity of understanding the increasing complexity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems or algorithms. This is the reason why... Read More about Building personalised XAI experiences through iSee: a case-based reasoning-driven platform..