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Technologies of polytechnic education in global benchmark higher education institutions. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
KURUSHINA, V.A., KURUSHINA, E.V. and ZEMENKOVA, M.Y. 2018. Technologies of polytechnic education in global benchmark higher education institutions. IOP conference series: materials science and engineering [online], 357: proceedings of the International conference on transport and storage of hydrocarbons, 10-12 January 2018, Tyumen, Russia, article number 012028. Available from:

Russian polytechnic education is going through a sequence of transformations that started with the introduction of bachelor and master degrees into higher education instead of the previous "specialists". The next stage of reformation in Russian polyt... Read More about Technologies of polytechnic education in global benchmark higher education institutions..

Calibration and comparison of VIV wake oscillator models for low mass ratio structures. (2018)
Journal Article
KURUSHINA, V., PAVLOVSKAIA, E., POSTNIKOV, A. and WIERCIGROCH, M. 2018. Calibration and comparison of VIV wake oscillator models for low mass ratio structures. International journal of mechanical sciences [online], 142-143, pages 547-560. Available from:

In this work, Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) of a rigid cylinder on elastic supports is reviewed and modelled. We consider a cylinder moving both cross-flow and in-line, subjected to fluid forces calculated as proposed in [1]. A suite of wake oscilla... Read More about Calibration and comparison of VIV wake oscillator models for low mass ratio structures..

Fluid nonlinearities effect on wake oscillator model performance. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
KURUSHINA, V. and PAVLOVSKAIA, E. 2018. Fluid nonlinearities effect on wake oscillator model performance. In Manoach, E., Stoykov, S. and Wiercigroch, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2017 International conference on engineering vibration (ICoEV 2017), 4-7 September 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria. MATEC web of conferences, 148. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences [online], paper number 04002. Available from:

Vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) need to be accounted for in the design of marine structures such as risers and umbilicals. If a resonance state of the slender structure develops due to its interaction with the surrounding fluid flow, the consequences... Read More about Fluid nonlinearities effect on wake oscillator model performance..