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All Outputs (2035)

Dense metallic membranes for high-density hydrogen production from different feedstocks for PEM fuel cells power generation. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SHEHU, H., ORAKWE, I., ABUNOMAH, O., OGUNLUDE, P., RAMALAN, M., WILLIAMWEST, T., IGBAGARA, W., OGOUN, E., HASHIM, I., AISUENI, F. and GOBINA, E. 2022. Dense metallic membranes for high-density hydrogen production from different feedstocks for PEM fuel cells power generation. In Dincer, I., Ratlamwala, T.A.H. and Kamal, K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International conference on hydrogen production (ICH2P 2022): hydrogen for a green future, 11-14 December 2022, [virtual event]. Hosted on ICH2P [online], pages 203-205. Available from:

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), through Technical Committee 105 Fuel Cell Technologies, prepares international standards regarding fuel cell technologies for all fuel types and various associated applications, such as: stationary... Read More about Dense metallic membranes for high-density hydrogen production from different feedstocks for PEM fuel cells power generation..

Resource efficient federated deep learning for IoT security monitoring. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ZAKARIYYA, I., KALUTARAGE, H. and AL-KADRI, M.O. 2022. Resource efficient federated deep learning for IoT security monitoring. In Li, W., Furnell, S. and Meng, W. (eds.) Attacks and defenses for the Internet-of-Things: revised selected papers from the 5th International workshop on Attacks and defenses for Internet-of-Things 2022 (ADIoT 2022), in conjunction with 27th European symposium on research in computer security 2022 (ESORICS 2022) 29-30 Septempber 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark. Lecture notes in computer science (LNCS), 13745. Cham: Springer [online], pages 122-142. Available from:

Federated Learning (FL) uses a distributed Machine Learning (ML) concept to build a global model using multiple local models trained on distributed edge devices. A disadvantage of the FL paradigm is the requirement of many communication rounds before... Read More about Resource efficient federated deep learning for IoT security monitoring..

GEMv2: multilingual NLG benchmarking in a single line of code. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GEHRMANN, S., BHATTACHARJEE, A., MAHENDIRAN, A., WANG, A., PAPANGELIS, A., MADAAN, A., MCMILLAN-MAJOR, A., SHVETS, A., UPADHYAY, A. and BOHNET, B. 2022. GEMv2: multilingual NLG benchmarking in a single line of code. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on empirical methods in natural language processing: system demonstrations, 7-11 December 2022, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics [online], pages 266-281. Available from:

Evaluations in machine learning rarely use the latest metrics, datasets, or human evaluation in favor of remaining compatible with prior work. The compatibility, often facilitated through leaderboards, thus leads to outdated but standardized evaluati... Read More about GEMv2: multilingual NLG benchmarking in a single line of code..

Reconfigured metallic membrane technology for maintaining hydrogen concentration below 4% in fuel debris canisters. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SHEHU, H., ORAKWE, I., ABUNOMAH, O., OGUNLUDE, P., RAMALAN, M., WILLIAMWEST, T., IGBAGARA, W., OGOUN, E., HASHIM, I., AISUENI, F. and GOBINA, E. 2022. Reconfigured metallic membrane technology for maintaning hydrogen concentration below 4% in fuel debris canisters. In Dincer, I., Ratlamwala, T.A.H. and Kamal, K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International conference on hydrogen production (ICH2P 2022): hydrogen for a green future, 11-14 December 2022, [virtual event]. Hosted on ICH2P [online], pages 237-239. Available from:

The use of hydrogen in the energy sector has been in the headlines in recent times, due to its promising future as a replacement for fossil fuels; it can be produced sustainably from a wide variety of feedstocks, including traditional hydrocarbons de... Read More about Reconfigured metallic membrane technology for maintaining hydrogen concentration below 4% in fuel debris canisters..

Scalable metamaterial thermally sprayed catalyst coatings for nuclear reactor high temperature solid oxide steam electrolysis. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HOSSAIN, M., FAISAL, N., PRATHURU, A., KURUSHINA, V., CAI, Q., HORRI, B. and SOMAN, A. 2022. Scalable metamaterial thermally sprayed catalyst coatings for nuclear reactor high temperature solid oxide steam electrolysis. Presented at the 4th International conference on energy and power 2022 (ICEP2022), 11-13 December 2022, Dhaka, Bangledesh: [virtual conference].

The UK government in their 2021 Hydrogen Strategy recognises that the low carbon hydrogen plays a critical role in achieving transition to net zero and sets a target of 5GW of low carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030 for use across the economy... Read More about Scalable metamaterial thermally sprayed catalyst coatings for nuclear reactor high temperature solid oxide steam electrolysis..

Characteristics of gas transport through inorganic ceramic membranes as porous media using air and nitrogen. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
IGBAGARA, W., HASHM, I.A., AISUENI, F., OGUNLUDE, P., RAMALAN, M., OGOUN, E., ASIM, T. and GOBINA, E. 2022. Characteristics of gas transport through inorganic ceramic membranes as porous media using air and nitrogen. In Proceedings of the 2nd International congress on scientific advances 2022 (ICONSAD'22), 21-24 December 2022, [virtual conference]. Turkey: ICONSAD [online], pages 417-425. Available from:

Permeation experiments have been conducted using porous ceramic membranes having different pore sizes of 200nm and 6000nm respectively. Air and N2 gases were used as the characterizing fluids and experiments were carried out at temperatures of 20 C,... Read More about Characteristics of gas transport through inorganic ceramic membranes as porous media using air and nitrogen..

Gas diffusion, transport characteristics and modelling in porous membrane systems with application for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
AISUENI, F., RAMALAN, M., ABUNUMAH, O., OGUNLUDE, P., ORAKWE, I., OGOUN, E., GIWA, A., SHEHU, H. and GOBINA, E. 2022. Gas diffusion, transport characteristics and modelling in porous membrane systems with application for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. In Proceedings of the 2nd International congress on scientific advances 2022 (ICONSAD'22), 21-24 December 2022, [virtual conference]. Turkey: ICONSAD [online], pages 144-157. Available from:

Fuel cells convert chemical energy in electrical energy and heat by consuming typically hydrogen and oxygen and producing water as the main by-product. This is achieved by reducing hydrogen at the anode (left hand side) and oxidising oxygen at the ca... Read More about Gas diffusion, transport characteristics and modelling in porous membrane systems with application for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells..

Knudsen number sensitivity to pressure drop in a nanoscale membrane. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
RAMALAN, M.M., PRABHU, R., HASHM, I., OGUNLUDE, P., AISUENI, F., ABUNOMAH, O. and GOBINA, E. 2022. Knudsen number sensitivity to pressure drop in a nanoscale membrane. In Proceedings of the 2nd International congress on scientific advances 2022 (ICONSAD'22), 21-24 December 2022, [virtual conference]. Turkey: ICONSAD [online], pages 276-281. Available from:

According to the kinetic theory of gases, gas molecules are in constant random motion and frequently collide with one another and with the walls of their container. They continuously experience changes in velocity and direction. Between collisions, m... Read More about Knudsen number sensitivity to pressure drop in a nanoscale membrane..

Factual disagreements in construction delay disputes: identification, evaluation and testing of the justifications for difference in opinion. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ATANASOV, V.A., GREENWOOD, D.J., SANCHEZ, D.E. and HATCHER, C.J. 2022. Factual disagreements in construction delay disputes: identification, evaluation and testing of the justifications for difference in opinion. IOP conference series: earth and environmental science [online], 1101(5): planning, partnership, and law; selected papers from 2022 World building congress (WBC2022): building our future; informing practice to enhance the lives of current and future generations, 27-30 June 2022, Melbourne, Australia, article 052001. Available from:

Construction delay claims are a leading cause for disputes in the sector. There are two primary aspects to such disagreements: legal and factual. The focus of this paper is the latter. It identifies, evaluates and ranks the factors that impact the an... Read More about Factual disagreements in construction delay disputes: identification, evaluation and testing of the justifications for difference in opinion..

Ensemble learning based on classifier prediction confidence and comprehensive learning particle swarm optimisation for medical image segmentation. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DANG, T., NGUYEN, T.T., MCCALL, J. and LIEW, A.W.-C. 2022. Ensemble learning based on classifier prediction confidence and comprehensive learning particle swarm optimisation for medical image segmentation. In Ishibuchi, H., Kwoh, C.-K., Tan, A.-H., Srinivasan, D., Miao, C., Trivedi, A. and Crockett, K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI 2022), 4-7 December 2022, Singapore. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 269-276. Available from:

Segmentation, a process of partitioning an image into multiple segments to locate objects and boundaries, is considered one of the most essential medical imaging process. In recent years, Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have achieved many notable successe... Read More about Ensemble learning based on classifier prediction confidence and comprehensive learning particle swarm optimisation for medical image segmentation..

Job assignment problem and traveling salesman problem: a linked optimisation problem. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
OGUNSEMI, A., MCCALL, J., KERN, M., LACROIX, B., CORSAR, D. and OWUSU, G. 2022. Job assignment problem and traveling salesman problem: a linked optimisation problem. In Bramer, M. and Stahl, F (eds.) Artificial intelligence XXXIX: proceedings of the 42nd SGAI (Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence) Artificial intelligence international conference 2022 (AI 2022), 13-15 December 2022, Cambridge, UK. Lecture notes in computer science (LNCS), 13652. Cham: Springer [online], pages 19-33. Available from:

Linked decision-making in service management systems has attracted strong adoption of optimisation algorithms. However, most of these algorithms do not incorporate the complexity associated with interacting decision-making systems. This paper, theref... Read More about Job assignment problem and traveling salesman problem: a linked optimisation problem..

A robust exploration strategy in reinforcement learning based on temporal difference error. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HAJAR, M.S., KALUTARAGE, H. and AL-KADRI, M.O. 2022. A robust exploration strategy in reinforcement learning based on temporal difference error. In Aziz, H., Corrêa, D. and French, T. (eds.) AI 2022: advances in artificial intelligence; proceedings of the 35th Australasian joint conference 2022 (AI 2022), 5-8 December 2022, Perth, Australia. Lecture notes in computer science (LNCS), 13728. Cham: Springer [online], pages 789-799. Available from:

Exploration is a critical component in reinforcement learning algorithms. Exploration exploitation trade-off is still a fundamental dilemma in reinforcement learning. The learning agent needs to learn how to deal with a stochastic environment in orde... Read More about A robust exploration strategy in reinforcement learning based on temporal difference error..

Piloting the learning by development action model pedagogy in UK HEIs. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
LINTILÄ, T. and ZARB, M. 2022. Piloting the learning by development action model pedagogy in UK HEIs. In Proceedings of the 2022 Frontiers in education conference (FIE 2022): grand challenges in engineering education, 8-11 October 2022, Uppsala, Sweden. Piscataway: IEEE [online]. Available from:

This Research to Practice full paper presents pilot implementations of the Learning by Developing (LbD) at a higher educational institution in the UK as part of a project-based module. The study analyses the students' experiences of LbD and the perce... Read More about Piloting the learning by development action model pedagogy in UK HEIs..

Clinical dialogue transcription error correction using Seq2Seq models. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
NANAYAKKARA, G., WIRATURNGA, N., CORSAR, D., MARTIN, K. and WIJEKOON, A. 2022. Clinical dialogue transcription error correction using Seq2Seq models. In Shaban-Nejad, A., Michalowski, M. and Bianco, S. (eds.) Multimodal AI in healthcare: a paradigm shift in health intelligence; selected papers from the 6th International workshop on health intelligence (W3PHIAI-22), co-located with the 34th AAAI (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) Innovative applications of artificial intelligence (IAAI-22), 28 February - 1 March 2022, [virtual event]. Studies in computational intelligence, 1060. Cham: Springer [online], pages 41-57. Available from:

Good communication is critical to good healthcare. Clinical dialogue is a conversation between health practitioners and their patients, with the explicit goal of obtaining and sharing medical information. This information contributes to medical decis... Read More about Clinical dialogue transcription error correction using Seq2Seq models..

A different way of being. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TABIB, M., HUMPHREY, T., FORBES-MCKAY, K., HOLLINS-MARTIN, C. and MCVICAR, S. 2022. A different way of being. Presented at the 2022 Scotland maternity and midwifery festival, 29 November 2022, Edinburgh, UK.

This presentation gives an overview of the findings from the author's PhD project, which aimed to explore the impact of an antenatal relaxation class on maternal psychological wellbeing and childbirth.

An evaluation of the morphological, microstructural and mechanical behaviour of the glass fibre/HDPE thermoplastic composite pipe. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
OKOLIE, O., NJUGUNA, J. and FAISAL, N. 2022. An evaluation of the morphological, microstructural and mechanical behaviour of the glass fibre/HDPE thermoplastic composite pipe. Presented at 2022 Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering 2022, 21 November 2022, Edinburgh, UK.

Composite pipes are increasingly being used as an alternative solution to conventional metal-based pipes. This development is in response to significant corrosion failures with the metallic pipes and enables better decision making especially for the... Read More about An evaluation of the morphological, microstructural and mechanical behaviour of the glass fibre/HDPE thermoplastic composite pipe..

Enhancing the appearance of building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) through the application of traditional symbols: a case study. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
AWUKU, S.A., BENNADJI, A. MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F. and SELLAMI, N. 2022. Enhancing the appearance of building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) through the application of traditional symbols: a case study. AIP conference proceedings: proceedings of 3rd International conference on energy and power 2021 (ICEP 2021), 18-20 November 2021, Chiang Mai, Thailand [online], 2681, article 020050. Available from:

Over the past years, advanced renewable technologies such as Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) has transformed to become more efficient, reliable, less costly and attractive. A migration to Net-Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) and push for Green B... Read More about Enhancing the appearance of building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) through the application of traditional symbols: a case study..

Topology for preserving feature correlation in tabular synthetic data. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ARIFEEN, M. and PETROVSKI, A. 2022. Topology for preserving feature correlation in tabular synthetic data. In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) International conference on security of information and networks 2022 (SINCONF 2022), 11-13 November 2022, Sousse, Tunisia. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 61-66. Available from:

Tabular synthetic data generating models based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) show significant contributions to enhancing the performance of deep learning models by providing a sufficient amount of training data. However, the existing GAN-ba... Read More about Topology for preserving feature correlation in tabular synthetic data..

Why we say people don't like change. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MORRISON, Z. 2022. Why we say people don't like change. Presented at the 2022 TEDxAberdeen: movement, 12 November 2022, Aberdeen, UK. Hosted on YouTube [online]. Available from:

How can we push past the myth that people don't like change and engage in more meaningful conversations to help us progress collectively? Zoe Morrison draws on her professional and personal experience of both planned and unexpected change to examine... Read More about Why we say people don't like change..

Digital condition monitoring for wider blue economy. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HASAN, M.J., YAN, Y. and REN, J. 2022. Digital condition monitoring for wider blue economy. Presented at the 12th Annual science meeting of the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS ASM 2022), 8-10 November 2022, Glasgow, UK.

In the process of decommissioning energy systems, condition monitoring is crucial. It can make the health status of offshore oil and gas installations, pipelines, wind farms etc. transparent to policymakers and stakeholders, and aid them in creating... Read More about Digital condition monitoring for wider blue economy..