Dense metallic membranes for high-density hydrogen production from different feedstocks for PEM fuel cells power generation.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SHEHU, H., ORAKWE, I., ABUNOMAH, O., OGUNLUDE, P., RAMALAN, M., WILLIAMWEST, T., IGBAGARA, W., OGOUN, E., HASHIM, I., AISUENI, F. and GOBINA, E. 2022. Dense metallic membranes for high-density hydrogen production from different feedstocks for PEM fuel cells power generation. In Dincer, I., Ratlamwala, T.A.H. and Kamal, K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International conference on hydrogen production (ICH2P 2022): hydrogen for a green future, 11-14 December 2022, [virtual event]. Hosted on ICH2P [online], pages 203-205. Available from:
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), through Technical Committee 105 Fuel Cell Technologies, prepares international standards regarding fuel cell technologies for all fuel types and various associated applications, such as: stationary... Read More about Dense metallic membranes for high-density hydrogen production from different feedstocks for PEM fuel cells power generation..