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Condition based monitoring of vertical axis wind turbines using computational fluid dynamics. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PARK, K.-S., ASIM, T., MISHRA, R. and PRADHAN, S. 2012. Condition based monitoring of vertical axis wind turbines using computational fluid dynamics. Presented at 39th National conference on fluid mechanics and fluid power 2012 (NCFMFP 2012), 13-15 December 2012, Surat, India.

Scarcity of fossil fuels and a rapid escalation in the fuel prices around the world recently has lead the search for alternative energy sources. Out of the available energy sources, wind is being considered as the prime next generation energy source.... Read More about Condition based monitoring of vertical axis wind turbines using computational fluid dynamics..

Stabilising the grid through use of energy storage. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GAZEY, R., ALI, D. and AKLIL, D. 2012. Stabilising the grid through use of energy storage. Presented at 10th IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) International conference on AC and DC power transmission 2012 (ACDC 2012), 4-6 December 2012, Birmingham, UK.

A low carbon economy is now a central policy objective for the UK Government, with renewable energy as one of the key delivery mechanisms. Due to the intermittent nature of renewable energy generation, the UK's renewable energy targets will be diffic... Read More about Stabilising the grid through use of energy storage..

Adaptive dynamic control of quadrupedal robotic gaits with artificial reaction networks. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GERRARD, C.E., MCCALL, J., COGHILL, G.M. and MACLEOD, C. 2012. Adaptive dynamic control of quadrupedal robotic gaits with artificial reaction networks. In Huang, T., Zeng, Z., Li, C. and Leung, C.S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International conference on neural information processing (ICONIP 2012), 12-15 November 2012, Doha, Qatar. Lecture notes in computer science, 7663. Berlin: Springer [online], part I, pages 280-287. Available from:

The Artificial Reaction Network (ARN) is a bio-inspired connectionist paradigm based on the emerging field of Cellular Intelligence. It has properties in common with both AI and Systems Biology techniques including Artificial Neural Networks, Petri N... Read More about Adaptive dynamic control of quadrupedal robotic gaits with artificial reaction networks..

Simulation based approach to predict vertical axis wind turbine faults using computational fluid dynamics. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
PARK, K.-S., ASIM, T. and MISHRA, R. 2012. Simulation based approach to predict vertical axis wind turbine faults using computational fluid dynamics. Presented at 1st Through-life engineering services international conference 2012 (TESConf 2012), 5-6 November 2012, Cranfield, UK.

Use of on-line fault detection techniques is integral to successful operation and maintenance of a wind turbine installation. The deployment of condition monitoring systems needs to be structured and sensitive to likely faults that may occur. In this... Read More about Simulation based approach to predict vertical axis wind turbine faults using computational fluid dynamics..

Improving bag-of-visual-words model with spatial-temporal correlation for video retrieval. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
WANG, L., SONG, D. and ELYAN, E. 2012. Improving bag-of-visual-words model with spatial-temporal correlation for video retrieval. In Proceedings of the 21st Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) international conference on information and knowledge management (CIKM'12), 29 October - 2 November 2012, Maui, USA. New York: ACM [online], pages 1303-1312. Available from:

Most of the state-of-art approaches to Query-by-Example (QBE) video retrieval are based on the Bag-of-visual-Words (BovW) representation of visual content. It, however, ignores the spatial-temporal information, which is important for similarity measu... Read More about Improving bag-of-visual-words model with spatial-temporal correlation for video retrieval..

Two-part segmentation of text documents. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DEEPAK, P., VISWESWARIAH, K., WIRATUNGA, N. and SANI, S. 2012. Two-part segmentation of text documents. In Proceedings of the 21st Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International conference on information and knowledge management (CIKM'12), 29 October - 02 November 2012, Maui, USA. New York: ACM [online], pages 793-802. Available from:

We consider the problem of segmenting text documents that have a two-part structure such as a problem part and a solution part. Documents of this genre include incident reports that typically involve description of events relating to a problem follow... Read More about Two-part segmentation of text documents..

Cold-start music recommendation using a hybrid representation. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HORSBURGH, B., CRAW, S. and MASSIE, S. 2012. Cold-start music recommendation using a hybrid representation. Presented at the 3rd Annual digital economy 'all hands' conference (Digital Futures 2012), 23-25 October 2012, Aberdeen, UK.

Digital music systems are a new and exciting way to dis- cover, share, and listen to new music. Their success is so great, that digital downloads are now included alongside tra- ditional record sales in many o cial music charts [10]. In the past list... Read More about Cold-start music recommendation using a hybrid representation..

Attitude control of VTOL-UAVs. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HEIDARIAN, M. and MEMON, A.Y. 2012. Attitude control of VTOL-UAVs. In Proceedings of the 2012 UKACC international conference on control (CONTROL 2012), 3-5 September 2012, Cardiff, UK. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 363-368. Available from:

This paper presents a novel control approach to obtain asymptotic attitude stability of a quadrotor as a representative of Planar Vertical Take Off and Landing (PVTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The considered quadrotor is a symmetric VTOL-UAV... Read More about Attitude control of VTOL-UAVs..

Automated design and STEP-NC machining of impellers (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ARIVAZHAGAN, A., MEHTA, N.K. and JAIN, P.K. 2012. Automated design and STEP-NC matching of impellers. In Hinduja, S. and Li, L. (eds.) Proceedings of the 37th Manufacturing Automation and Systems Technology, Applications, Design, Organisation and Management, and Research (MATADOR) international conference 2012, 25-27 July 2012, Manchester, UK. London: Springer [online], article ID 2-6, pages 57-60. Available from:

This paper presents the four stage approach followed for automated design and STEP-NC based machining of impellers. In the first stage, the design calculations are performed to construct the 'Meridional representation' of the radial impeller. Then 3D... Read More about Automated design and STEP-NC machining of impellers.

Categorizing how students use collaborative technologies in a globally distributed project. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CAJANDER, A., DANIELS, M., CULLHED, M., CLEAR, T., MCDERMOTT, R. and LAXER, C. 2012. Categorizing how students use collaborative technologies in a globally distributed project. In Proceedings of the 2012 Frontiers in education conference (FIE 2012): soaring to new heights in engineering education, 3-6 October 2012, Seattle, USA. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE [online], article number 6462411. Available from:

Possibilities for collaboration in globally distributed projects have radically changed with the introduction of new Collaborative Technologies (CTs) in the Web 2.0 era. The use of such technologies in the context of students collaborating in a globa... Read More about Categorizing how students use collaborative technologies in a globally distributed project..

Student reflections on collaborative technology in a globally distributed student project. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MCDERMOTT, R., DANIELS, M., CAJANDER, A., CULLHED, M., CLEAR, T. and LAXER, C. 2012. Student reflections on collaborative technology in a globally distributed student project. In Proceedings of the 2012 Frontiers in education conference (FIE 2012): soaring to new heights in engineering education, 3-6 October 2012, Seattle, USA. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE [online], article number 6462410. Available from:

Collaborative Technology (CT) plays an important role in overcoming the challenges of globally distributed projects. It enables collaboration, but the specific choice of technology also imposes constraints on how projects are conducted. Over the past... Read More about Student reflections on collaborative technology in a globally distributed student project..

Diversity in interprofessional education: disciplines and topics. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JOSEPH, S., WREIDEN, W., MURPHY, L., SINGLETON, A., DIACK, L., MCFADYEN, M. and HAXTON, J. 2012. Diversity in interprofessional education: disciplines and topics. Presented at the 6th International conference on interprofessional education and collaborative practice (All Together Better Health VI): exploring new horizons: diversity and quality in interprofessional education and collaborative practice, 5-8 October 2012, Kobe, Japan.

This paper challenges the notion that interprofessional education is only about health and social care, and examines perspectives on diversity in relation to inclusivity and relevance in university education. It draws on evidence from the implementat... Read More about Diversity in interprofessional education: disciplines and topics..

Interprofessional basic life support. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MCFADYEN, M.C.E., HAXTON, J., GOODHAND, K., JOHNSON, N., MORSE, J., DIACK, L., and JOSEPH, S. 2012. Interprofessional basic life support. Presented at the 6th International conference on interprofessional education and collaborative practice (All Together Better Health VI): exploring new horizons: diversity and quality in interprofessional education and collaborative practice, 5-8 October 2012, Kobe, Japan.

This presentation focuses on the implementation of basic life support (BLS) for health and social care students. BLS is the first action taken to resuscitate a person who has become unresponsive. This interprofessional peer-teaching initiative used s... Read More about Interprofessional basic life support..

Using online communities to develop IPE in practice. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DIACK, L., JOSEPH, S., MCFADYEN, M. and HAXTON, J. 2012. Using online communities to develop IPE in practice. Presented at the 6th International conference on interprofessional education and collaborative practice (All Together Better Health VI): exploring new horizons: diversity and quality in interprofessional education and collaborative practice, 5-8 October 2012, Kobe, Japan.

Interprofessional education has been perceived as problematic to teach, because of the logistics involved in managing large groups of students. The two universities in Aberdeen (Robert Gordon University and the University of Aberdeen) decided to co-d... Read More about Using online communities to develop IPE in practice..

Interprofessional education in practice. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HAXTON, J., JOSEPH, S., DIACK, L., MCFADYEN, M., WOOD, C., MIFSUD, L., KUMARASAMY, Y., MACDONALD, D., BRANNAN, J. and BEDFORD, H. 2012. Interprofessional education in practice. Presented at the 6th International conference on interprofessional education and collaborative practice (All Together Better Health VI): exploring new horizons: diversity and quality in interprofessional education and collaborative practice, 5-8 October 2012, Kobe, Japan.

This presentation focused on the implementation of interprofessional education (IPE) in practice-based settings for health and social care students. Building from recommendations and evidence accumulated during a classroom-based IPE programme at two... Read More about Interprofessional education in practice..

Model-driven architectural risk analysis using architectural and contextualised attack patterns. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FAILY, S., LYLE, J., NAMILUKO, C., ATZENI, A. and CAMERONI, C. 2012. Model-driven architectural risk analysis using architectural and contextualised attack patterns. In Proceedings of the 1st Model-driven security workshop (MDsec 2012), co-located with the 15th International conference on model-driven engineering languages and systems (MoDELS 2012), 1-5 October 2012, Innsbruck, Austria. New York: ACM [online], article number 3. Available from:

A secure system architecture is often based on a variety of design and security model elements. Without some way of evaluating the impact of these individual design elements in the face of possible attacks, design flaws may weaken a software architec... Read More about Model-driven architectural risk analysis using architectural and contextualised attack patterns..

Temporal patterns in artificial reaction networks. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GERRARD, C., MCCALL, J., COGHILL, G.M. and MACLEOD, C. 2012. Temporal patterns in artificial reaction networks. In Villa, A.E.P., Duch, W., Érdi, P., Masulli, F. and Palm, G. (eds.) Artificial neural networks and machine learning: proceedings of the 22nd International conference on artificial neural networks (ICANN 2012), 11-14 September 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland. Lecture notes in computer science, 7552. Berlin: Springer [online], part I, pages 1-8. Available from:

The Artificial Reaction Network (ARN) is a bio-inspired connectionist paradigm based on the emerging field of Cellular Intelligence. It has properties in common with both AI and Systems Biology techniques including Artificial Neural Networks, Petri N... Read More about Temporal patterns in artificial reaction networks..

Key criteria of sustainable hospital refurbishment: a stakeholder review. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
WILSON, G. and KISHK, M. 2012. Key criteria of sustainable hospital refurbishment: a stakeholder review. In Smith, S.D. (ed.) Proceedings of the 28th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) annual conference, 3-5 September 2012, Edinburgh, UK. Reading: ARCOM [online], pages 1423-1433. Available from:

Hospital refurbishment has taken a secondary role in the last decade, in favour of new build facilities. This has allowed the Client and the Design Team to build and specify with greater flexibility and from essentially a 'blank canvas'. Correspondin... Read More about Key criteria of sustainable hospital refurbishment: a stakeholder review..

Software for interactive secure systems design: lessons learned developing and applying CAIRIS. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FAILY, S. and FLÉCHAIS, I. 2012. Software for interactive secure systems design: lessons learned developing and applying CAIRIS. In Faily, S., Fléchais, I. and Coles-Kemp, L. (eds.) Proceedings of the Designing interactive secure systems workshop (DISS 2012), part of the 26th International BCS human computer interaction conference (HCI 2012): people and computers, 11 September 2012, Birmingham, UK. Swindon: BCS [online], article number 64. Available from:

As systems become more complex, the potential for security vulnerabilities being introduced increases. If we are to provide assurances about systems we design then we need the means of analysing, managing, and generally making sense of the data that... Read More about Software for interactive secure systems design: lessons learned developing and applying CAIRIS..

Secure system? Challenge accepted: finding and resolving security failures using security premortems. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
FAILY, S., PARKIN, S. and LYLE, J. 2012. Secure system? Challenge accepted: finding and resolving security failures using security premortems. In Faily, S., Fléchais, I. and Coles-Kemp, L. (eds.) Proceedings of the Designing interactive secure systems workshop (DISS 2012), part of the 26th International BCS human computer interaction conference (HCI 2012): people and computers, 11 September 2012, Birmingham, UK. Swindon: BCS [online], article number 66. Available from:

Risk-driven approaches are dominant in secure systems design; these aim to elicit and treat vulnerabilities and the threats exploiting them. Such approaches, however, are so focused on driving risks out of system design, they fail to recognise the us... Read More about Secure system? Challenge accepted: finding and resolving security failures using security premortems..