Improved compound correction-electrical equivalent circuit modeling and double transform-unscented Kalman filtering for the high-accuracy closed-circuit voltage and state-of-charge co-estimation of whole-life-cycle lithium-ion batteries.
Journal Article
WANG, S., TAKYI-ANINAKWA, P., YU, C., JIN, S. and FERNANDEZ, C. 2022. Improved compound correction-electrical equivalent circuit modeling and double transform-unscented Kalman filtering for the high-accuracy closed-circuit voltage and state-of-charge co-estimation of whole-life-cycle lithium-ion batteries. Energy technology [online], 10(12), article 2200921. Available from:
For complex energy storage conditions, it is necessary to monitor the state-of-charge (SOC) and closed-circuit voltage (CCV) status accurately for the reliable power supply application of lithium-ion batteries. Herein, an improved compound correction... Read More about Improved compound correction-electrical equivalent circuit modeling and double transform-unscented Kalman filtering for the high-accuracy closed-circuit voltage and state-of-charge co-estimation of whole-life-cycle lithium-ion batteries..