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All Outputs (53)

Keeping an eye on the ball: ECJ to consider broadcast football licensing regime. (2008)
Journal Article
LAUTERBACH, T. 2008. Keeping an eye on the ball: ECJ to consider broadcast football licensing regime. Scottish law gazette, 76(5/6), pages 96-98.

British pub landlords have long bemoaned the steep licence fees for Premiership football broadcasts charged by BSkyB. After a number of battles before Magistrates' Courts and the High Court in England, two major cases have now been referred to the Eu... Read More about Keeping an eye on the ball: ECJ to consider broadcast football licensing regime..

Spuilzie today. (2008)
Journal Article
ANDERSON, C. 2008. Spuilzie today. Scots law times [online], 2008(38), pages 257-260. Available from:

Assesses the legal doctrine of spuilzie, focusing on the Outer House ruling in Calor Gas Ltd v Express Fuels (Scotland) Ltd on whether a gas distributor had breached a dealership agreement with a gas supplier in failing to give proper notice when ter... Read More about Spuilzie today..

The use of the Internet by political parties and candidates in the 2007 Scottish Parliament election. (2008)
Journal Article
MARCELLA, R., BAXTER, G. and CHEAH, S. 2008. The use of the Internet by political parties and candidates in the 2007 Scottish Parliament election. Libri [online], 58(4), pages 294-305. Available from:

This paper reports the results of a study which investigated the use of the Internet by political parties and individual candidates as part of their campaigns for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2007. This was a comparative, follow-up study to... Read More about The use of the Internet by political parties and candidates in the 2007 Scottish Parliament election..

Re-writing the Danish American dream? (2008)
Journal Article
SMITH, R. and NEERGAARD, H. 2008. Re-writing the Danish American dream? An enquiry into Danish enterprise culture and Danish attitudes toward entrepreneurship. Bridge: journal of the Danish American Heritage Society, 31(1), pages 41-64.

This research story which to us reads like a fairytale is the second-part of an exploration into Danish Enterprise Culture. It tells an oft forgotten tale, a Danish Success Story which we hope will one day be held even dearer by self-deprecating Dane... Read More about Re-writing the Danish American dream?.

Electronic theses and dissertations: promoting 'hidden' research. (2008)
Journal Article
COPELAND, S. 2008. Electronic theses and dissertations: promoting 'hidden' research. Policy futures in education [online], 6(1), pages 87-96. Available from:

Since the mid 1990s an increasing number of higher education institutions and organisations have been encouraging the production and submission of theses and dissertations in electronic format. Where access to electronic theses and dissertations is a... Read More about Electronic theses and dissertations: promoting 'hidden' research..

Organisational culture, national culture and performance in international joint ventures based in Israel. (2008)
Journal Article
AVNY, G. and ANDERSON, A.R. 2008. Organisational culture, national culture and performance in international joint ventures based in Israel. International journal of business and globalisation [online], 2(2), pages 133-145. Available from:

International Joint Ventures (IJV) capitalise on localised skills, knowledge and capabilities. Moreover, the internationalisation of markets offers scope to innovate, develop and market new products benefiting from international collaborations. Nonet... Read More about Organisational culture, national culture and performance in international joint ventures based in Israel..

A new generation of biocides for control of crustacea in fish farms. (2008)
Journal Article
ROBERTSON, P.K.J., BLACK, K.D., ADAMS, M., WILLIS, K., BUCHAN, F., ORR, H., LAWTON, L. and McCULLAGH, C. 2009. A new generation of biocides for control of crustacea in fish farms. Journal of photochemistry and photobiology B: biology [online], 95(1), pages 58-63. Available from:

Farming of salmon has become a significant industry in many countries over the past two decades. A major challenge facing this sector is infestation of the salmon by sea lice. The main way of treating salmon for such infestations is the use of medici... Read More about A new generation of biocides for control of crustacea in fish farms..

Incremental growth in modular neural networks. (2008)
Journal Article
MACLEOD, C., MAXWELL, G. and MUTHURAMAN, S. 2009. Incremental growth in modular neural networks. Engineering applications of artificial intelligence [online], 22(4-5), pages 660-666. Available from:

This paper outlines an algorithm for incrementally growing Artificial Neural Networks. The algorithm allows the network to expand by adding new sub-networks or modules to an existing structure; the modules are trained using an Evolutionary Algorithm.... Read More about Incremental growth in modular neural networks..

Bottom-up design of strategic options as finite automata. (2008)
Journal Article
OLIVEIRA, F.S. 2010. Bottom-up design of strategic options as finite automata. Computational management science [online], 7(4), pages 355-375. Available from:

In this paper we look at the problem of strategic decision making. We start by presenting a new formalisation of strategic options as finite automata. Then, we show that these finite automata can be used to develop complex models of interacting optio... Read More about Bottom-up design of strategic options as finite automata..

Tendon structural and mechanical properties do not differ between genders in a healthy community-dwelling elderly population. (2008)
Journal Article
BURGESS, K.E., PEARSON, S.J., BREEN, L. and ONAMBÉLÉ, G.N.L. 2009. Tendon structural and mechanical properties do not differ between genders in a healthy community-dwelling elderly population. Journal of orthopaedic research [online], 27(6), pages 820-825. Available from:

Elderly women are reportedly at higher risk of falling than their male counterparts. Postural balance is highly associated with fall risk and is also correlated with tendon structural and mechanical properties. Gender differences in tendon properties... Read More about Tendon structural and mechanical properties do not differ between genders in a healthy community-dwelling elderly population..

Engaging patients, clinicians and health funders in weight management: the Counterweight Programme. (2008)
Journal Article
MCQUIGG, M., BROWN, J.E., BROOM, J.I., LAWS, R.A., RECKLESS, J.P.D., NOBLE, P.A., KUMAR, S., MCCOMBIE, E.L., LEAN, M.E.J., LYONS, G.F., MONGIA, S., FROST, G.S., QUINN, M.F., BARTH, J.H., HAYNES, S.M., FINER, N., HASLAM, D.W., ROSS, H.M., HOLE, D.J. and RADZIWONIK, S. 2008. Engaging patients, clinicians and health funders in weight management: the Counterweight Programme. Family practice [online], 25(Supplement 1), pages i79-i86. Available from:

Background. The Counterweight Programme provides an evidence based and effective approach for weight management in routine primary care. Uptake of the programme has been variable for practices and patients. Aim. To explore key barriers and facilitato... Read More about Engaging patients, clinicians and health funders in weight management: the Counterweight Programme..

Now read this: male and female bloggers' recommendations for further reading. (2008)
Journal Article
PEDERSEN, S. 2008. Now read this: male and female bloggers' recommendations for further reading. Participations: journal of audience and reception studies [online], 5(2). Available from:

This paper investigates and contrasts male and female bloggers use of one specific part of a blog “ its blogroll. Most blogs carry a blogroll. It is a list of the bloggers favourite blogs or recommended reads. This research, part of a larger project,... Read More about Now read this: male and female bloggers' recommendations for further reading..

Research practices in entrepreneurship: problems of definition, description and meaning. (2008)
Journal Article
ANDERSON, A.R. and STARNAWSKA, M. 2008. Research practices in entrepreneurship: problems of definition, description and meaning. International journal of entrepreneurship and innovation [online], 9(4), pages 221-230. Available from:

The dominant paradigm of entrepreneurship research practices, positivism, has brought about a fundamental paradox: researchers often try to analyse a phenomenon that cannot properly be defined. As a result, much entrepreneurship research is fragmenta... Read More about Research practices in entrepreneurship: problems of definition, description and meaning..

Sales force automation systems: an analyis of factors underpinning the sophistication of deployed systems in the UK financial services industry. (2008)
Journal Article
WRIGHT, G., FLETCHER, K., DONALDSON, B. and LEE, J.-H. 2008. Sales force automation systems: an analyis of factors underpinning the sophistication of deployed systems in the UK financial services industry. Industrial marketing management [online], 37(8), pages 992-1004. Available from:

This study investigates organizational and strategic context variables that are linked to the sophistication of sales force automation systems in UK financial services firms. We find that increasing sophistication in SFA deployment, evaluated as a co... Read More about Sales force automation systems: an analyis of factors underpinning the sophistication of deployed systems in the UK financial services industry..

Intercultural mergers and acquisitions as 'legitimacy crises' of models of capitalism: a UK-German case study. (2008)
Journal Article
HALSALL, R. 2008. Intercultural mergers and acquisitions as 'legitimacy crises' of models of capitalism: a UK-German case study. Organization [online], 15(6), pages 787-809. Available from:

This article examines media discourse surrounding two UK-German intercultural business controversies: the takeover of the German company Mannesmann by the British company Vodafone in 1999, and the disposal of its British subsidiary Rover by its Germa... Read More about Intercultural mergers and acquisitions as 'legitimacy crises' of models of capitalism: a UK-German case study..

Clinical governance and research ethics as barriers to UK low-risk population-based health research? (2008)
Journal Article
VAN TEIJLINGEN, E.R., DOUGLAS, F. and TORRANCE, N. 2008. Clinical governance and research ethics as barriers to UK low-risk population-based health research? BMC public health [online], 8, article 396. Available from:

Background: Since the Helsinki Declaration was introduced in 1964 as a code of practice for clinical research, it has generally been agreed that research governance is also needed in the field of public health and health promotion research. Recently,... Read More about Clinical governance and research ethics as barriers to UK low-risk population-based health research?.

Laminar flamelet model prediction of NOx formation in a turbulent bluff-body combustor. (2008)
Journal Article
RAVIKANTI, M., HOSSAIN, M. and MALALASEKERA, W. 2009. Laminar flamelet model prediction of NOx formation in a turbulent bluff-body combustor. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, part A: journal of power and energy [online], 223(1), pages 41-54. Available from:

A bluff-body combustor, with recirculation zone and simple boundary conditions, is ideal as a compromise for an industrial combustor for validating combustion models. This combustor, however, has proved to be very challenging to the combustion modell... Read More about Laminar flamelet model prediction of NOx formation in a turbulent bluff-body combustor..

Locating 'power' in wind power planning processes: the (not so) influential role of local objectors. (2008)
Journal Article
AITKEN, M., MCDONALD, S. and STRACHAN, P. 2008. Locating 'power' in wind power planning processes: the (not so) influential role of local objectors. Journal of environmental planning and management [online], 51(6), pages 777-799. Available from:

There have been conflicting accounts of the role and influence of local opposition within planning application outcomes for wind power developments. There is an expanding literature that considers public responses to proposed renewable energy develop... Read More about Locating 'power' in wind power planning processes: the (not so) influential role of local objectors..

Electronic journal provision and use in China: an initial study. (2008)
Journal Article
JOHNSON, I., WANG, H. and NIE, F. 2008. Electronic journal provision and use in China: an initial study. Serials [online], 21(3), pages 210-221. Available from:

The growth of electronic journals (e-journals) in Western Europe and North America has been widely reported. The rapid development of e-journal publishing in China is less well known. This paper provides a brief introduction to the development of e-j... Read More about Electronic journal provision and use in China: an initial study..

Marketing sustainability: use of information sources and degrees of voluntary simplicity. (2008)
Journal Article
OATES, C., MCDONALD, S., ALEVIZOU, P., HWANG, K., YOUNG, W. and MCMORLAND, L-A. 2008. Marketing sustainability: use of information sources and degrees of voluntary simplicity. Journal of marketing communications [online], 14(5), pages 351-365. Available from:

The concept of voluntary simplicity (VS) is taken as a starting point to investigate consumers' use of information sources when making purchases of sustainable technological products and services. Differences in information seeking and sources consul... Read More about Marketing sustainability: use of information sources and degrees of voluntary simplicity..