The vaulting system of the Palatine Chapel: the Aachen Cathedral world heritage site documentation project.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ATTENNI, M., BARNI, R., BIANCHINI, C., GRIFFO, M., INGLESE, C., LEY, Y., PRITCHARD, D. and VILLA, G. 2023. The vaulting system of the Palatine Chapel: the Aachen Cathedral world heritage site documentation project. International archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences [online], volume XLVIII-M-2-2023: proceedings of the 29th CIPA (Comité International de la Photogrammétrie Architecturale) symposium 2023 (CIAP2023): document, understanding, preserving cultural heritage; humanities and digital technologies for shaping the future, 25-30 June 2023, Florence, Italy, pages 119-128. Available from:
As part of a comprehensive survey and modelling project involving the Aachen Cathedral, this paper focuses on its oldest part, the Palatine Chapel, a domed octagonal hall supported by eight piers and enveloped by a sixteen-sided outer wall. Working o... Read More about The vaulting system of the Palatine Chapel: the Aachen Cathedral world heritage site documentation project..