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Speaking as citizens: women's political correspondence to Scottish newspapers 1918-1928. (2019)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2019. Speaking as citizens: women's political correspondence to Scottish newspapers 1918-1928. In Cavanagh, A. and Steel, J. (eds.) Letters to the editor: comparative and historical perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan [online], pages 25-47. Available from:

Between 1918, when some women achieved the Parliamentary vote, and 1928, when all women over 21 achieved franchise equality with men, the correspondence columns of Scottish newspapers were used as a place – a 'public sphere' – within which women coul... Read More about Speaking as citizens: women's political correspondence to Scottish newspapers 1918-1928..

Schoolbooks and textbook publishing. (2019)
Book Chapter
PEDERSEN, S. 2019. Schoolbooks and textbook publishing. In Nash, A., Squires, C. and Willison, I. (eds.) The twentieth century and beyond. The Cambridge history of the book in Britain, 7. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pages 341-364. Available from:

In this chapter the author looks at the history of schoolbooks and textbook publishing. The nineteenth century saw a rise in the school book market in Britain due to the rise of formal schooling and public examinations. Although the 1870 Education an... Read More about Schoolbooks and textbook publishing..

The Aberdeen Women's Suffrage campaign. [Website] (2019)
Digital Artefact
PEDERSEN, S. 2019. The Aberdeen Women's Suffrage Campaign [online]. Available from:

This is the official project website for the Aberdeen Women's Suffrage campaign. The aim of the website is to map locations in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire of suffragist and suffragette activity.

Support for current and aspiring women leaders: an exploration of UK higher education institutions' responses. (2019)
DIACK, L., PEDERSEN, S., MACLENNAN, S., FALCONER, M., GILLIBRAND, E., MCFADYEN, M. and WATSON, A. 2019. Support for current and aspiring women leaders: an exploration of UK higher education institutions' responses. London: Advance-HE [online]. Available from:

This research was funded by Advance HE’s Small Development Fund to explore higher education institutions' (HEIs') mechanisms for the support and advancement of current and aspiring women leaders. Over recent years there has been an increase in the nu... Read More about Support for current and aspiring women leaders: an exploration of UK higher education institutions' responses..

Citizen journalism: an analysis of news representation in the coverage of (2019)
Journal Article
RAI, N., PEDERSEN, S. and SMITH, F. 2019. Citizen journalism: an analysis of news representation in the coverage of Journal of communication: media watch [online], 10(2), pages 294-308. Available from:

This article analyses the discussion of nationality and ethnicity on a Bhutanese citizen journalism site which is particularly used by members of the Lhotshampa ethnic group. Many of the citizen journalists are based outside Bhutan, either in refugee... Read More about Citizen journalism: an analysis of news representation in the coverage of

Scottish style: the construction of Scottish identity amongst fashion and style influencers on Instagram. (2019)
MARCELLA-HOOD, M. 2019. Scottish style: the construction of Scottish identity amongst fashion and style influencers on Instagram. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Research into Scottish fashion is a developing field; existing studies have tended to focus on the production of iconic textiles such as tartan, tweed and cashmere. The aim of this thesis was to explore the construction of national identity and place... Read More about Scottish style: the construction of Scottish identity amongst fashion and style influencers on Instagram..