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Professor Gary Spolander's Outputs (22)

Defining the role of the fire and rescue service in mental health support for older adults: a qualitative study. (2024)
Journal Article
FISHER, T., CHEW-GRAHAM, C.A., CORP, N., FAROOQ, S., KINGSTON, P., READ, I., SPOLANDER, G., SOUTHAM, J., STEVENS, D., WARREN, C. and KINGSTONE, T. 2024. Defining the role of the fire and rescue service in mental health support for older adults: a qualitative study. Health expectations [online], 27(5), article number e70028. Available from:

Anxiety and depression in older adults (60+ years of age) are under-diagnosed and under-treated. Older adults are less likely to seek help for these problems due to a lack of awareness, difficulty accessing health care due to availability or disabili... Read More about Defining the role of the fire and rescue service in mental health support for older adults: a qualitative study..

Entrepreneurship in the favela: negotiating precarity and mental health during COVID-19. (2024)
Journal Article
GARCIA, M.L.T., SPOLANDER, G., TOMLINS, R., LEAL, F.X., BORGES, R.E.S. and SUKUMAR, A. 2024. Entrepreneurship in the favela: negotiating precarity and mental health during COVID-19. Social work in public health [online], 39(1), pages 48-61. Available from:

This paper aims to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health and mental health of necessary entrepreneurs in Brasilian favelas, the social problems they experienced and implications for public health social work. The study used struct... Read More about Entrepreneurship in the favela: negotiating precarity and mental health during COVID-19..

The acceptability of the Fire and Rescue Service working with primary care to improve identification of mental health problems in older adults: a mixed-method qualitative study. (2023)
Journal Article
FISHER, T., CHEW-GRAHAM, C.A., CORP, N., FAROOQ, S., KINGSTON, P., READ, I., SOUTHAM, J., SPOLANDER, G., STEVENS, D., WALCHESTER, M., WARREN, C. and KINGSTONE, T. 2023. The acceptability of the Fire and Rescue Service working with primary care to improve identification of mental health problems in older adults: a mixed-method qualitative study. BJGP open [online], 7(3), article number 0059. Available from:

Mental ill-health in older adults (aged 60 years and over) is often under-diagnosed and under-treated. Older adults are less likely to access mental health services due to perceived stigma and fear of being a burden. Non-traditional providers of heal... Read More about The acceptability of the Fire and Rescue Service working with primary care to improve identification of mental health problems in older adults: a mixed-method qualitative study..

Um pé dentro e um pé fora: refletindo sobre a colaboração científica internacional. (2023)
Journal Article
ADEFILA, A., SPOLANDER, G. and MAIA, E. 2023. Um pé dentro e um pé fora: refletindo sobre a colaboração científica internacional = One foot in and one foot out: reflecting on international collaboration. Argumentum [online], 15(2), pages 125-137. Available from:

International research collaboration has been steadily increasing as higher education has become more marketised. Though there are many obvious benefits to collaborating internationally, there are also several challenges that are often not critically... Read More about Um pé dentro e um pé fora: refletindo sobre a colaboração científica internacional..

Cooperação internacional em serviço social: uma revisão de literatura. (2023)
Journal Article
GARCIA, M.L. and SPOLANDER, G. 2023. Cooperação internacional em serviço social: uma revisão de literatura. Libertas [online], 23(1), pages 49-69. Available from:

This article uses a literature review to reflect on the theme of international cooperation in social work. The research was undertaken by searching for two phrases - "international cooperation in research and social work" and "international cooperat... Read More about Cooperação internacional em serviço social: uma revisão de literatura..

Social work in Brazil in the vortex of three crises: pandemic, social and political. (2022)
Journal Article
GARCIA, M.L.T., SPOLANDER, G. and DA SILVA BARBOSA, R. 2023. Social work in Brazil in the vortex of three crises: pandemic, social and political. British journal of social work [online], 53(1), pages 656-672. Available from:

Social work in Brazil advocates a radical and critical model of social work theorisation and practice. This article explores the Brazilian theoretical and practice model, identifying the profession as being in a vortex of COVID-19, increasing state e... Read More about Social work in Brazil in the vortex of three crises: pandemic, social and political..

After the applause: understanding public management and public service ethos in the fight against COVID-19. (2022)
Journal Article
SHAND, R., PARKER, S., LIDDLE, J., SPOLANDER, G., WARWICK, L. and AINSWORTH, S. 2023. After the applause: understanding public management and public service ethos in the fight against COVID-19. Public management review [online], 25(8), pages 1475-1497). Available from:

Covid-19 has led to renewed public support for public services. Frontline workers symbolize a renewed ideal of public service ethos (PSE), though little attention has been paid to how the public managers delivering vital services interpret and mobili... Read More about After the applause: understanding public management and public service ethos in the fight against COVID-19..

Social work and social care: mapping workforce engagement, relevance, experience and interest in research. (2021)
Journal Article
WAKEFIELD, J., LAVENDER, S., NIXON, K., HORNBY, S., DOBEL-OBER, D., LAMBLEY-BURKE, R., SPOLANDER, G., BONNER, P., MALLEN, C. and CAMPBEL, P. 2022. Social work and social care: mapping workforce engagement, relevance, experience and interest in research. British journal of social work [online], 52(4), pages 2291-2311. Available from:

Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been promoted within social work/social care, with emerging evidence of benefit to practitioners and service users. Advocates argue that EBP enables practitioners to have the skills to interpret and evaluate evidence... Read More about Social work and social care: mapping workforce engagement, relevance, experience and interest in research..

Ecologized collaborative online international learning: tackling wicked sustainability problems through education for sustainable development. (2021)
Journal Article
ADEFILA, A., ARROBBIO, O., BROWN, G., ROBINSON, Z., SPOLANDER, G., SOLIEV, I., WILLERS, B., MORINI, L., PADOVAN, D. and WIMPENNY, K. 2021. Ecologized collaborative online international learning: tackling wicked sustainability problems through education for sustainable development. Journal of teacher education for sustainability [online], 23(1), pages 41-57. Available from:

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is increasingly embedded in higher education (HE) due to the current emphasis on tackling the environmental crisis. Similarly, Civic Society Organisations are expanding their mobilization and practical acti... Read More about Ecologized collaborative online international learning: tackling wicked sustainability problems through education for sustainable development..

Children: paying the price of Bolsonaro’s social policy reform in Brazil. (2021)
Journal Article
DA SILVA BARBOSA, R., SPOLANDER, G. and GARCIA, M.L.T. 2021. Children: paying the price of Bolsonaro's social policy reform in Brazil. Critical and radical social work [online], 9(3), pages 369-388. Available from:

The impact of social inequality on children has enormous implications for young people throughout their life journey by negatively impacting their health, well-being and life chances. Following the democratisation of Brazil, significant change result... Read More about Children: paying the price of Bolsonaro’s social policy reform in Brazil..

Higher education decolonisation: #Whose voices and their geographical locations? (2021)
Journal Article
ADEFILA, A., TEIXEIRA, R.V., MORINI, L., TEIXEIRA GARCIA, M.L., DELBONI, T.M.Z.G.F., SPOLANDER, G. and KHALIL-BABATUNDE, M. 2022. Higher education decolonisation: #Whose voices and their geographical locations? Globalisation, societies and education [online], 20(3), pages 262-276. Available from:

Calls continue for the decolonisation of higher education (HE). Based on internationalisation debates, a research team from Africa, Europe and Latin America reviewed published decolonisation voices. Using bibliometric analysis and a conceptual review... Read More about Higher education decolonisation: #Whose voices and their geographical locations?.

The COVID-19 pandemic, emergency aid and social work in Brazil. (2021)
Journal Article
GARCIA, M.L.T., PANDOLFI, A.F., LEAL, F.X., STOCCO, A.F., BORREGO, A.E., BORGES, R.E.S., DOS A OLIVEIRA, E.F., LANG, A.E.M., OLIVEIRA ANDRADE, C., SALAZAR, S.N., MENANDRO, L.M.T. and SPOLANDER, G. 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic, emergency aid and social work in Brazil. Qualitative social work [online], 20(1-2), pages 356-365. Available from:

This essay reflects on the implementation of federal government emergency aid in Brazil in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting elements from the work of Social Workers in the context of growing demand for the supply of material provisi... Read More about The COVID-19 pandemic, emergency aid and social work in Brazil..

Mapping social work across 10 countries: structure, intervention, identity and challenges. (2018)
Journal Article
ORNELLAS, A., SPOLANDER, G., ENGELBRECHT, L.K., SICORA, A., PERVOVA, I., MARTÍNEZ-ROMÁN M.-A., LAW, A.K., SHAJAHAN, P.K., DAS DORES GUERREIRO, M., CASANOVA, J.L., GARCIA, M.L.T., ACAR, H. MARTIN, L. and STRYDOM, M. 2019. Mapping social work across 10 countries: structure, intervention, identity and challenges. International social work [online], 62(4), pages 1183-1197. Available from:

An emerging global consciousness and rising attention given to international social work development has seen the recognition of comparative research within the profession. Understanding the functioning and organisation of social work within various... Read More about Mapping social work across 10 countries: structure, intervention, identity and challenges..

Illiteracy among caregivers: implications for children's educational and social development. (2017)
Journal Article
MAKUNGA, B., SCHENCK, C.J., ROMAN, N.V. and SPOLANDER, G. 2017. Illiteracy among caregivers: implications for children's educational and social development. Southern African journal of social work and social development [online], 29(3), article 2577. Available from:

The ability of primary caregivers to provide a healthy, nurturing and stimulating environment for their children is essential for children’s educational advancement and emotional development. However, caregivers who live in the rural areas in South A... Read More about Illiteracy among caregivers: implications for children's educational and social development..

South African child and family welfare services: changing times or business as usual? (2017)
Journal Article
STRYDOM, M., SPOLANDER, G., ENGELBRECHT, L. and MARTIN, L. 2017. South African child and family services: challenging times or business as usual. Social work/Maatskaplike werk [online], 53(2), pages 145-164. Available from:

South African welfare policy is influenced by global economic trends and has some indicators of neoliberal policy implementation. This paper discusses the indicators of neoliberalism before exploring the implications for child and family welfare serv... Read More about South African child and family welfare services: changing times or business as usual?.

Returning the 'social' to social work: recommitting to social development in an age of neoliberalism. (2016)
Journal Article
XAVIER, A.G., ORNELLAS, A., SPOLANDER, G. and BUSCEMA, C. 2016. Returning the 'social' to social work: recommitting to social development in an age of neoliberalism. Indian journal of social work [online], 77(3), pages 295-310. Available from:

In the context of globalisation, privatisation and liberalisation there is a tendency to marketise and monetise essential services. Erstwhile fundamental services that were considered to be life saving are being marketed and sold. Education soon foll... Read More about Returning the 'social' to social work: recommitting to social development in an age of neoliberalism..

The global social work definition: ontology, implications and challenges. (2016)
Journal Article
ORNELLAS, A., SPOLANDER, G. and ENGELBRECHT, L.K. 2018. The global social work definition: ontology, implications and challenges. Journal of social work [online], 18(2), pages 222-240. Available from:

The revised global definition for social work promotes the profession's commitment to social change and development, social cohesion and the empowerment and liberation of people. By reviewing the implications of this definitional shift and locating t... Read More about The global social work definition: ontology, implications and challenges..

Reflections and challenges of international social work research. (2016)
Journal Article
SPOLANDER, G., TEIXEIRA GARCIA, M.L. and PENALVA, C. 2016. Reflections and challenges of international social work research. Critical and radical social work [online], 4(2), pages 169-183. Available from:

This article seeks to critically reflect on the experience and challenges of international social work research within a 10-country consortium of social work researchers examining the impact of neoliberalism on civil society and social work, under th... Read More about Reflections and challenges of international social work research..

Journal Article
PERVOVA, I., KELASYEV, V., ORNELLAS, A., SPOLANDER, G. and ENGELBRECHT, L. 2016. ГЛОБАЛЬНОЕ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ, ЕГО ОНТОЛОГИЯ, ЗНАЧЕНИЕ И ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯ. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The journal of sociology and social anthropology) [online], XIX(1), pages 149-165. Available from:

In the article on the basis of the new global definition of social work it is proposed that there be a redefining of the Institute of Social Work functions, the reorientation of the profession towards social development, social justice and achieving... Read More about ГЛОБАЛЬНОЕ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ, ЕГО ОНТОЛОГИЯ, ЗНАЧЕНИЕ И ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯ.

Social work and macro-economic neoliberalism: beyond the social justice rhetoric. (2015)
Journal Article
SPOLANDER, G., ENGELBRECHT, L. and PULLEN-SANSFAÇON, A. 2016. Social work and macro-economic neoliberalism: beyond the social justice rhetoric. European journal of social work [online], 19(5), pages 634-649. Available from:

Macro-economic policy shapes and structures social welfare policy, services, and their implementation. As a result, the commoditisation of social welfare services and the use of markets as well as private sector management philosophies and tools have... Read More about Social work and macro-economic neoliberalism: beyond the social justice rhetoric..