Fellow of the British Computer Society
Professor Nirmalie Wiratunga's Recognition (5)
Description Attendr is an innovative low-cost student attendance monitoring solution which seamlessly integrates student attendance with an analytics and automation platform without the need for any additional hardware beyond personal mobile phones. Attendr took home the Most Innovative Idea Award for demonstrating a significantly innovative and unique idea which would have the maximum impact on industry. URL https://www.attendr.app/
Adjunct Professor
2020 - 2022
Description Mentor and role model - IDUN project at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
https://www.ntnu.edu/idun/idun-mentorsAffiliated Organisations NTNU Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU Norwegian University of Science & Technology) URL https://www.ntnu.edu/idun
ICCBR 2020 - Invited talk
Description Learning to Compare with Few Data for Personalised Human Activity Recognition Projects A decision support system for self management of low back pain
Best Paper Award
Description N. Wiratunga, I. Koychev & S. Massie. Feature selection and generalisation for text
retrieval. In Proceedings 7th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, pp 423–437, 2004. Springer. Best Paper Award.