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Professor Catriona Kennedy's News (1)

Thinking about the future
Aug 26, 2021

Summary Funded by The Life Changes Trust, Lecturer Jill Will shares how a research project at Laurel’s Lodge care home in Aberdeen has had significant impact on its staff and residents around how they handle conversations about end-of-life care.

People of all ages have concerns about what happens if they become ill and are no longer able to influence the decisions which affect their lives. Care-home staff are often asked as part of Anticipatory Care Planning (ACP) to find out where people want to die, where their preferred place of care is, if they have a “do not resuscitate” order in place, and if their family is aware.

ACP is undoubtedly beneficial, but it can pose challenges for staff who need to have difficult conversations with people they've known for some time and have strong relationships with. The project aimed to support those staff in finding new methods of making those conversations more meaningful. And, we had an amazing group of collaborators to do it, including Professor Catriona Kennedy, Honorary Professor Belinda Dewar, and the team from The Life Changes Trust.
People Jill Will
Catriona Kennedy
Org Units Legacy School of Nursing Midwifery & Paramedic Practice