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Biography Prof. Paul Kong Thoo Lin is currently Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry. After his undergraduate and PhD studies at RGU he undertook postdoctoral work at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK.

He returned to RGU in 1992 to take a lectureship position, became reader in 1999 and full Professor in 2010. Professor Paul Kong Thoo Lin is a fellow of The Higher Education Academy, FHEA (2007), fellow of The Royal Society of Chemistry, FRSC (2006) and a Chartered Chemist, CChem (2007). He previously held honorary visiting and senior visiting scientist positions at the Rowett Research Institute and is a visiting Professor at the University of Highlands & Islands.
Research Interests Design and synthesis of novel compounds/polymers with ‘intelligent’ functions that can be applied as sensors, to treat and manage diseases (neurodegeneration, cancer and parasites), to elucidate mechanism of drug action and provide effective drug delivery.
Isolation and identification of novel compounds from plants materials and the study of their biological activities that can potentially be developed to fight neurodegenerative diseases.
Teaching and Learning Delivers undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Undergraduate teaching includes Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, Spectral Interpretation and Analysis (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Mass spectroscopy and Infra Red spectroscopy)

Post Graduate teaching includes Drug Discovery & Design; DNA analysis, proteomics & metabolomics.

Supervision of final years Honours and Masters projects.
Scopus Author ID 6603416876